Holy Sheet

Glove Guards

Glove Guards

Welcome to the portion of the site which is dedicated to glove guards.  We as a company have onserved that in Manitoba there is a need for glove guards better than what is available.  We have decided to meet that need by making and marketing glove guards for snowboarders who deserve better than what is on the market.  By improving the strap we have ensured that the glove guard will remain effectively where it is meant to protecting the glove


Have you ever used brand new gloves on a hill on which you needed to use a tow rope?  At the end of the day your gloves barely resemble their original selves, they are torn and ripped.  The purpose of our glove guards is to ensure this no longer happens.  By putting a leather pad in between the rope and our gloves we ensure that the glove survives and looks just as good as it did at the start of the day.