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About Me

                                                                       - Photo of me taken at 1984,when I was 2 or 3 years old. -

         I'm a 20-year-old junior student currently doing my major in Social and Political Sciences in Sabanci University,Istanbul,Turkey.My interests include learning foreign languages,reading books(I might be defined as a real-life-bookworm in that matter:),writing(though I'm not yet completely self-confident in the area),listening to music,travelling,going to movies,performing arts(Theater Club in my univ.),designing web pages,collecting Pooh-ey stuff and all kinds of toys,petting kittens and puppies,swimming(not in a pool but in the sea:),spending time with my bro...and most important of all,discovering a new  color tone of the rainbow that is called life every now and then,of course!
          I'm a typical Sagittarius, the "Princess" of my father, "Kitten" of my mom, "Cutie" of M.L.P, "Silk" of Gramma, "M.Lisa" of my big aunt, "Bunny" of Caissa and "Fairee" of my friends:)
         My goals in the future are travelling the whole world,meeting as many people as I can,learning as much as I can,and sharing what I've lived and learned with all of the people who share the same planet with me.
         I think that's more or less enough to draw a rough portrait of me.Thank you for visiting my site again and I'd really appreciate if you sign my guestbook during your visit.Hugs and loves to all...
