Pooh's Home

Welcome to my Pooh site! You can find information about Pooh and his friends,my favorite pics, some cool stuff(wallpapers,sounds,stories,coloring pages,links and more) and a guestbook in the site.Hope you enjoy your visit,and come back again to say hi to this lovely,cutie bear and his friends again:) This site is dedicated to my cute li'l bro, Burak, who's the best brother of all.


About Me   |   The Real Story   |   The Gang   |   Pics   |   Coloring Pages   |   Wallpapers   |   Stories   |   Activities   |   Cool sounds   |   Pooh Links   |   Adopted Pets   |   Guestbook   |   My Awards   |   Contact Me!   |   Credits & Thanks                    


Last Updated On: 14 July 2002

Activities page added!
Homepage updated!


Thanks to all friends of Pooh!

This site was created and is owned by Esra,and though related to the original works of A.A.Milne or Disney,it has by no means any claim to use them for any reason other than graphical ones.Site contents were obtained from Internet sources,of which information can be found in the Credits & Thanks section.You are free to use the pics or sounds you want,as long as you state my site's name and link back to here on the page you use them.

*Best viewed with an Internet Explorer Browser (1024 x 768)*  
