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Internet usage is highest among the more educated and affluent who primarily use the web for business reasons and for research and reference. More than 20 million adults use the Internet and the World Wide Web today. Demand already is stretching capacity. This figure is expected to double by next year.

With more and more businesses and professionals "browsing the web," our advice is: Beat the competition by advertising your products and services on this vast high tech communications medium. The primary vehicle for doing this is the "Web Site" or "Home Page."

We provide graphics for internet applications. We can help with any questions for the home or office with regard for the use of all these new technologies. All inquiries will receive prompt replies.

Angeon Computer Entertainment Graphics
Houston, Texas
TEL: 713-695-7419
E-mail: ZeiferAlmazy@aol.com

This website and all graphics presented therein are copyright 1999 Angeon Computer Entertainment Corporation© and Angeon Graphics Corporation©.

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