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Donna Stone Buchanan, Past President, Master of Ceremonies. |
Invocation: F. Burt Vardeman, Kiwanian |
Wesley K. Wicker, President and Karen Sullivan, Immediate Past President. |
Kiwanis Club of Atlanta 2006 - 2007 Officers |
Phil Smith, VP, Nancy Bedford, Sec., Duke Duquemin, Pres. Elect, Kathryn Kite, & Wes Wicker. |
Karen Sullivan, Wwesley Wicker, Donna Buchanan, Phillip Smith and Gordon Duquemin. |
Photo Album Slide Show:
To see the Kiwanis Club of Atlanta Luncheon - Installation of 2006-2007 Officers and Directors, click here and select slide
show in menu. Also, insert the Password: wicker
"Installation of 2006-2007 Officers and Directors'
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