China in Kuifje
Auteur: Marcel van Nieuwenborgh en Claire Chang
Jaar van uitgave: 1993 (1995)
Uitgeverij: Davidsfonds, Leuven
Druk: 3e herziene
ISBN: 90-6152-821-6
Motto: 'Hergé presents a picture of Shanghai in the late 1930's in Le Lotus Bleu. Secret agents and conspirators, crooks
and adventures, dope fiends and assassins, all figure in his marvellous comic strip. Hergé had viewed Shanghai in the 1930's
when, it seemed, Japan was on the road to begemony in China. He depicts in bright colours not only the scenery and architecture
of the city but also the social types found there: British officials, taipans, Sikh policeman, oriental flunkeys, Japanies
spies, Chinese crooks and Chinese patriots, the Insulted and the Injured - the variegated strata of a vast seaport city teetering
on its dangerous edge... Like Atlantis, it is now all legend.'
H.J. Lethbridge,
in de heruitgave van Vicky Baums Shanghai '37