General Star Trek Fan Fiction
My favorite links...


My favorite links...
The U.S.S. Kaisug
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Fan Fiction Page
Star Trek Voyager: Neo-Galaxia
My Star Trek Fan Art

You may notice that I love Star Trek Voyager.  I find it quite fascinating.  I'm also starting to watch The Next Generation as well, but, I still love Voyager more...
I have a lot of interests in the various categories of movies and television shows.  I love comedy, romance, action, drama, (sometimes --- i'm quite choosy when it comes to this category), and Sci-Fi.  I watch these shows depending upon my mood of that time of day.
However, I prefer to watch science-fiction these days because I find it quite mind stimulating.  My favorite sci-fi shows are ST: Voyager, ST: The Next Generation, C.S.I., and, The X-Files.
In this site I wish to include the links to just a few of my favorite favorite links to Star Trek Tech resource sites (for aspiring Star Trek Fan Fiction writers like me) as well as other sites.
Please email me if you want me to include your favorite Star Trek or sci-fi site here:

Link to another website that I like --->The X-files:

Here's a couple of fan fiction links for J/C fans and General Voyager fans out there:
Here's a couple of links for ST: Voyager downloadable and online goodies: (cool 3-D Bitmap images and wallpapers, etc.) (great pictures, etc.)
Here's a couple of links for Star Trek Fan Fiction Resources sites:  (cast bios continually updated) (ship schematics for all types of trek ships)
Here's a couple of links for Star Trek stardate conversion sites ~~~ for hassle-free stardate conversions for your fan fics: (stardate conversion site #2)
Here's a couple of forums site which have become a couple of my favorites in time...:
Here's a couple of sites which feature Voyager personality tests --- who could you be???:
Here's a couple of sites if you wish to just download pictures of the cast or just get to know them better:
!~~~ NOTE: These links to other sites are continually update in a regular basis~~~!

Bravo Fleet RPG Site Index (Ships - Beta Wing - Task Group 4 - USS Gemini)

Star Trek Forums Site


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