General Star Trek Fan Fiction
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Fan Fiction Page
Star Trek Voyager: Neo-Galaxia
My Star Trek Fan Art

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This site features the my personal written fan fiction as well as the research and favorite resource sites I've been into just to familiarize myself with TREK and TREK technology, so that you won't feel incompetent or stupid... 
I was a trek newbie a few months ago, so I know how it feels... ^_^  Learning about trek is a continuous cycle, so ASSIMILATE as much information as you can...
I will soon include Voyager's cast biographies, my personal episode reviews, trek resource links, and a few pages of my favorite screen shot images of the show...

In my opinion, the Voyager series ended to soon.  I don't know about the rest of you, however, that's my point of view.  So I'm just creating these fan fictions to entertain myself as well as other countless Voy fans out there like yourself.  If you like, I can feature your own fan fiction to this site, just
In conclusion, please feel free to critic my work.  Your feed back means a lot to me...


The U.S.S. Voyager is a starship of a great Trek legacy...
May it always remind us that life is a continuing adventure until we meet our creator...
"Live long and Prosper..."