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E-mail me


before any of you e-mail me, asking me pointless (or important) questions, please check here to see if they're already covered. Thanks.

Q: May I take (insert random filename here)?

A: Actually, yes. If it involves graphics, go ahead and take them as long as they're not fanart, or custom- made logos. Take any multimedia that eventually appears on this site- although when I finally get the translated manga up I'd prefer it if you ASK first about that one. As for the bios, etc. if you're going to copy them word-for word, ask me. if not, then go right ahead.

Q: May I link to your site?

Duh. Of course. Why wouldn't I want that?

Q: My site is really cool! Link to it!

A: Wait a moment here! Let me see your site first, and then I will decide if it should be on my links page, 'k? Just e-mail the site name, URL, and brief description to me, and if I like it, it'll go up... sometime. I'm not very good at updating my lins sectionk. *Gulp*

Q: Hey, you haven't answered my e-mail!

A: Wait, wait, wait a minute! Unlike SOME people out there, I actually have this Thing called a "Life," and I have another website to manage, too. Anyway, I try to answer as much e-mail as I can, and if it takes time, then it takes time. The only e-mails that I never answer are ridiculous flames.


A: ...

Q: Hey, I found a mistake in (Insert name of bio here)! Can I fix it for you?

A: SURE! I'm only human, ya know, and I'd love all the help that I can get! just e-mail me the corrections needed, and I'll be sure to get on it... when I update, that is. *Gulp*

Q: When will Cartoon Network start showing new DBZ episodes again?

A: Sorry, wrong site.

Q: Is Kinnikuman in english yet? Is it on TV? Is it in the US? Where can I get it? How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

A: I will answer these questions in order. 1: Look here. 2: Not since 1991. 3: No. 4: Nowhere yet. 5: A woodchuck could chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood. *Phew* Does that answer your questions?

Q: Wow! You really know Japanese well! Can you teach me?

A: No, I do NOT know Japanese! I only know a couple of token words, pronunciation rules, and bits and pieces of the grammatical structure! Go bug somebody else! And besides, teaching you would take too much time, anyway:-P

Q: Hey, you stole my pics, you **** ***** ***!

A: Stole? Who? Sorry, but the only pics that I took without permission came from sites that were totally in Japanese- and you can't ask permission from people who you can't communicate with, now, can you?

Q: When are you gonna update? I NEED MY KINNIKUMAN!

A: I update when I get new stuff in. If I don't have new stuff, then no update. for this reason, I ask YOU to help me aquire the said new stuff. This way, I can update more,a nd isn't that what you want?

Q: Hey, man, this webpage ROCKS!!! Could you make one for me?

A: If I made a webpage for every person who asked, then I would have no time to make this one. If you have a simple question, just ask me a question via e-mail, ICQ, or AIM. I'll be glad to answer. You can find all about me HERE

Q: Man, that background SUCKS!! What is it, anyway?

The background on my site has produced mixed reactions from people, but here's the skinny of what it is. the NK symbol should be read right to left, as a KN symbol- the symbol of the Kinniku royal house. Every member of that house has it somewhere on their body, as a birthmark. Kinnikuman's is on his rump. The symbol was developed as a mock of the "JP" or "PJ" symbol for a company that produced pencils. An example of the KN symbol can be seen Here.

Q: Hey, I followed that last thing you said, and you STILL haven't answered my e-mail, talked to me over AIM, or anything! What does it take to get your attention?

A: Just a little creativity, that's all;-)