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My Stories webpage

This was a Creation by Kate

These stories are strictly for amusement only and I am not making any profit from them.  The stories are mine but are linked on Anushka's Datcha.  Want to see her website go to www.annakuryakina.com and I would like to thank personally File Forty and Raven's site who also carry my stories on their website.  If you go to my Favorite links page you will find there websites listed and I DO suggest you check them out.  If you like my small collection you will find many more stories to read and love!



V The TV Series

Death Be Not Proud

The Man From Uncle Fiction

The Rage Affair

The Auction Affair

Not for Sale Affair

The All I want for Christmas Affair

Blue Christmas Affair: Two Parts TBA Crossover

Bound by Blood Affair:The Immortal/Uncle Crossover

Going Fishing Affair: 3 Parts

The Ice Affair

The Legacy Affair

Lost at the Mall Affair

The Lottery Affair

The Merman Affair

The Odd Couple Affair

The Out of the Past Affair: File Forty

The Sad Day Affair

Sapphire Affair

The Secrets Unleashed Affair

The Strange Things Happen In this World Affair

The Strip Tease Affair

The Time is Running out Affair

Vegas Affair: Sequel to Sapphire Affair

The Wargames Affair

The Westin Affair: Six Parts MFU/Invisible Man Crossover

To The End of Forever: AU Futuristic Novella

No Copyrights Infringments intended, I simply enjoy these fandoms and inspired me to write shorts stories on them. I am in no way making any profit by this, so please don't sue me I really am a broke person the only thing I own is a cat.