Trying to Conceive: FAQS and Information

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OPK's (Ovulation Predictor Kits)
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Increasing Cervial Mucus
Sperm Friendly Lubricant
Baby Asprin and TTC
Femara (Letrozole)
What's an RE
Progesterone levels & Taking after Ovulation
Implantation Spotting
IUI Info
HCG Levels in Early Pregnancy
Pregnancy Test Info
HSG Test
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Repeat Miscarriage:( Three or more Consecutive)
In the past, recurring miscarriage was thought to be caused by just one of two problems:
Structural abnormalities within the mother's body, such as a blockage or deviation in the uterus, or weakness in the cervix
Chromosomal abnormalities within either partner's body.
Although both structural and chromosomal abnormalities still account for a good number of recurring miscarriages, we now know there are also a significant number of other reasons why pregnancy loss occurs. These can also include:
Hormone imbalance, Endometriosis, Stres, Diabetes, Infection.

If you suffer from the menstrual related disorder called endometriosis, studies show you are three times more likely to lose your pregnancy. Risks increase because endometrial lesions can block the fallopian tubes making egg passage difficult or impossible. When a fertilized egg remains inside your tube too long, it can simply die, or it can take root in the tube itself and start to grow. (Tubal or ectopic pregnancy)
Finally, macrophage (immune cells that attack foreign bodies) are also found in greater abundance in the pelvis of endometriosis patients. Some studies show these cells may kill or maim sperm as they wswim toward an egg, or destroy the embryo as it attempts to implant in the uterus. Treatment for endometriosis can usually reduce the related risks of pregnancy loss.

Smoking & Miscarriage,
Research shows that the rate of pregnancy loss is at least twenty times higher in women who smoke, or who are exposed to secondhand smoke. If you smoke at the time of conception, your baby's placenta can attach too low in your womb. This causes inadequate blood flow to your baby and contributes to miscarriage, premature birth, and fetal death. On the positve side, avaiding cigarettes as well as secondhand smoke, and significantly decrease your risk of pregnancy loss.

British researchers have shown that LH, the hormone responsible for ovulation, may also be an important link to miscarriage. The women with an elevated serum SH level before getting pregnant had a miscarriage rate of 65 percent, as compared with 12 percent for those who had a normal LH reading.