Poemes & quotes

.*.bad boy.*.
I don't know what it is about that bad boy style
all I know is it drives me wild
every time I see you I can't help but smile
all the cute and thugish thing u do
make me wanna stay with u awhile
so you better hurry up and take u pick
cuz u just might be missing out on one bad lil' chick!

***Total JERK***
You pissed me off
You made me mad
You made me cry
You made me sad
You lied to me
You made me hurt
You made me see
You are a total JERK!

sorrie I havn't been there
sorrie I wasn't the one
sorrie I was always on the run
I*m sorrie that I always cried
in the night wishing that you didn't hate me
it tares me a part that
I*m sorrie I didn't ask u sooner for the keys to your heart !

*The one i saw*
The one i saw be4 my eyez
came upon me at no suprise
i look at him and his smile
while i rested and thought it was all worth while
the memories come back and stay
a bit No1 could ever really imagine it
I think about the times we had
The good times and the bad ones
that made me happy and sad

writen with a pen sealed with a kiss if u love me please answer me this are we lovers or are we not u told me once but i forgot tell me now and tell me true because baby i realy love u and if u die before i do ill go to heaven and wait for u and give the angels back there wings and risk the loss of everything juss to have a  best friend and a lover juss like u !! i dedicate this poeme to one of mah realy good friend and my babyboy!!(K)(K) luv ya sweety

yes i know what love is
I new it when i got to know u
U took my hart Then of course you shatterd it like glass
So baby never tell me i dont know what it is like to love

** A heart is not a plaything **
** A heart is not a toy **
** But if u want yours broken **
** Just give it to a boy **
** Boys they like to play with things **
** To see what makes them run **
** But when it comes to kissing **
** They will do it just for fun **
** They never give thier hearts away **
** They play us girls for fools**
** They wait till we give our hearts **
** And then they play it cool **
** You will wonder where he is at night **
** You will wonder if hes true **
** One minute you will be happy **
** One minute you will be blue **
** So to fall in love with a boy **
** That takes alot of nerve **
** You see my friend you need a man **
** To get what you deserve **

I loved you once
I loved you twice
But you just weren't very nice
So i moved on with some fear
And all i got was just a tear
But you taught me one thing i'll always enhance
That sometime's life only gives you one chance
So take that courage when it does
Take it and don't be like i was
Cause now i want you back
But I really don't see that!

I sit here and wonder if your really into me
Or if you just like what you see
Im not a stupid gurl
So don't play me for a fool
If you think im just along for the ride
Im not into that game
Im really beginning to like what i see in you
Im hoping maybe you like me too

Written with a pen, sealed with a kiss,
If you are my friend, please answer me this:
Are we friends, or are we not?
You told me once, but I forgot.
So tell me now, and tell me true,
So I can say "I'm here for you."
Of all the friends I've ever met,
You're the one I won't forget.
And if I die before you do,
I'll go to Heaven and wait for you,
I'll give the angels back their wings
And risk the loss of everything.
There isn't a thing I wouldn't do,
To have a friend just like you!

Try not to cry
Icicles fill my eyes
Other guys
They won't get a try

Everyone says you only fall in love once but thats not true, everytime I hear your voice I fall in love all over again
When I first saw you I was afarid to talk to you*When i first talked to you I was afraid to like you*When i first liked you i was afarid to love you*Now that I love you I m afraid to lose you
a peach is a peach a plum is a plum a kiss isnt a kiss without some tongue
A MiLLi0n WoRDs Would Not Bring You Back, I Kn0w, BecauseI've Tried. Neither Would A Million TeaRs. I Know, BeCause I've Cried
*§omewhere There'§ §omeone Who Dream§ Of Your §mile, And Find§ In Your Pre§ence That Life I§ Worth While, §o When You Are Lonely, Remember It'§ True: §omebody, §omewhere Is Thinking Of You*
The first time I saw you, I knew it was true~That I'd love you forever and that's what I'll do~You don't know what you do to me~You don't have a clue~You don't know what it's like to be me lookin @ you!!


*~*gaby*~* | *~* cute dolliezz*~* | *~*if ur one of the ppl i hate get the f*ck out of this site*~* | cute lil thingers | vin diesel | ~*~B2K~*~ | About Me | ~*~greek page~*~ | Contact Me | Poemes & quotes | favorite memories | *~*pics of mah friends*~* | !!! | *~*pics of hot actors*~* | *~*The end~*~

°i Do BeLeiVe DaT GoD aBoVe° °CrEaTeD Me FoR Ya To LuV° °He PiKeD Ya OuT MoNg Da ReSt° °CuZ He KnOs iD LuV Ya Da BeSt°   
You will wonder where he is at night,   You will wonder if he's true.   One moment you will be happy,   One moment you will be blue.
Boys never give their hearts away   They play us girls for fools,   They wait until we give our hearts   And then they play it cool.
To Say That You Can Love One Person All Your Life, Is Like Saying That One Candle Will Continue To Burn For As Long As You Live

*Once Upon a Time* *Something Happened To me* *It was the Sweetest Thing* *That ever could be* *It was a Fantasy* *A dream Come True* *It was the Day i Met You*

If U LoVe Me Like U Say U Do...
*Prove 2 Me That Ur LOvE Is True...
*Say U LoVe Me N Hold My Hand...
*Tell Me That U'll always B My Man

Never give up if u still wanna try*
*Never wipe your tears if u still wanna cry*
*Never settle for the answer if u still wanna know*
*Never say u don't like him if u can't let him go*

I CrY fOr YoU aT nIgHt,
I nO uR Mr. RiGhT,
I sEaRcH fOr YoU iN dReAmS,
AnD I dOn'T kNow WhAt YoU tHiNk BoUt Me,
BuT iM bEtTeR tHaN i SeEm!