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Sweet November in US Theaters Feb 16th!

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December 29th, 2000 (8:30 am PDT): Here a couple of VCR Alerts:
                                                > According to an e-mail I got from 'Charlotte', Keanu will be on 'Entertainment Tonight' tonight (Dec 29th). My guess is an interview for 'The Gift', but I can't say for sure. For local time, check TV Guide. Brazilians, you can tune in on MGM Channel, 11 pm (Brasilia);
                                                > A VCR Alert for HBO Brasil. I just saw they are - finally - announcing 'The Matrix' for January 1st, 2001. It all starts with a half an hour special about the movie at 8 pm (Brasilia) and then the movie itself (8: 30 pm). For info on the movie (in Portuguese) check this page:
                                                > Now, to the really good stuff for all of you: the official website for 'The Gift' is on air. Some really nice stuff. You can download a Keanu scene from the movie (Quicktime) and lots of other bits. I am - now - downloading a trailer called 'The Cast', which is on the multimedia page. To get to it, click on the last card on the page. To Keanu, click on 'Known'. I tell you it's a heavy page to load, if your PC is older, or slowwwww, like mine. But it's worth it. =)
                                                > Dark Horizons has a review for 'The Gift', but since it's written Major Spoilers, I decided to post the link, only.

December 28th, 2000 (10:00 am PDT): Part two of our 2000 Special Update. =)
                                                First, let me thank all of you who sent me cards and e-mails wishing me good things. Many Tks!!!! :o)

                                                > I have received some new Keanu pics, taken on the premiére of 'The Gift', which you can check on 'The Gift' Pics Page. The Subject of the e-mail was: "Scarfy look." :o)
                                                > Also on 'The Gift' Pics Page, you will find some movie stills. They are with the "New!"alert blinking.
                                                > I've added a review of 'The Gift' on 'The Gift' Reviews Page, from Ain't it Cool News;
                                                > Here are the results for the last poll. You can check the new - and sassy - poll. (another window will pop up, so you won't get all mixed up)

Keanu has got two movies in US Theaters, soon opening worldwide. Which one you plan to see - based on trailer, review... - or saw?
Choices Votes Percentage
"The Watcher"
"The Replacements"
Both of Them
None of Them
I'll Wait for "The Gift"


December26th, 2000 (2:00 pm PDT): First of all, let me apologise. I've been away, working. Now, finally, after all that holiday rush for gifts and cards and x-mas dinner, I have finally some free time.
                                                I am going to try to sum up with the most important articles what's been going on with Keanu, but I guess it would be impossible for me to have a complete scoop, since I myself have been kind of away (argh!). Here it goes:
                                                > 'The Gift' is on US Theaters and you can check your local listing, because it's on selected cities. You can visit the official website ( and subscribe to a kind of mailing list, where - they say - there are going to be lots of good stuff coming in the future.
                                                > 'Sweet November' is to be released on February 16th, 2001, according to the official website (, where you can take a look at the story of the movie and (YAY!) download the trailer in Quicktime, Windows Media Player or Real Player. For the Quicktime users, there are three versions of the trailer, which you choose according to the capacity of you PC.
                                                > Keanu, in early December, participated on the LA Christmas Tree Lighting. You can take a look at the pics here.
                                                > Also in K's life, here are some tabloid pics of him and Amanda de Cadenet. Remeber her? She was linked with him in 1996, when, according to tabloids - so, you can't really trust it - there were engaged.  And, if you remember, early this year, I reported that on a tabloid - National Enquirer, if I am not wrong - the Keanu had proposed to Amanda again. No official word on this matter.
                                                > Clicking here, you will find the pics taken - tabloid pics - of Keanu and his sister Kim, in Capri and here on a restaurant on Los Angeles. Tks to Beatrice!
                                                > And if you check this link, you will find some pics from Keanu snipped from magazines all over the world. Tks to Beatrice, who has gathered them and sent to me. If you have any new ones, you know you are most welcome to share them with us! WARNING! SLOW LOADING PAGE!

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