Dugan's Research on Ziang, the In Ovo, and Britt's Pub
When Dugan awoke after his short nap, he hopped online to do a little digging. Scanning the online Star Tribune, he looks for anything that might be of interest to occultists (maybe Ziang was looking into something that someone didn't want him to see). No luck. Why not just check Ziang out himself? Information on Mr. Ziang was more difficult to come by than Dugan had imagined, even Ziang's phone number was unlisted. Cross referencing some material from a few cases here and there Dugan figured out that Mr. Ziang had 'disappeared' about 5 months ago and was, at that time, living under the alias of Tom Foss.

The occultist newsgroups! Duh! Zipping through newsgroups never interested Dugan much, but it was always a useful source of information that no other living human cared about. In only momnets Dugan discovered a thread in one of the occult groups chatting about summoning creatures from the In Ovo. Some moron didn't snip down the whole chain (and praised be morons) and Dugan noticed Tom Foss' name in a bit quite a way back.

Tom/George's advice was :
>"You don't know what you are getting into here. Oviates are
>most dark and fould that can turn on you. There are no rules
>them. Don't be sucked in by all that nonsense about pacts and
>They don't want your soul, they want your reality."

>The posting was dated a little over 5 months from today. "Oviates?" Dugan thinks. "Doubt that means people with ovaries, although it might explain the "most dark and foul" thing..."

Dugan will tried to find out about these oviates, and In Ovo, (whatever that is). He also cross-referenced oviates and In Ovo with whatever case history the Coalition has on Ziang.

Duggan’s frustration is beginning to build as he crosses more and more information that makes mention of, but has no explination of the In Ovo and Oviates. It reminds him of using Microsoft Help, but much more interesting, to say the least.

He gathers that Oviates are some form of beast or demon and the In Ovo is the place where some magiks are drawn from. He draws up an x-ref with Ziang and the Coalition and runs into more roadblocks. Cases that should exist don’t or are ‘misplaced’, ‘corrupt data’, or simply classified.

Dugan also decided tosee if he could dig up the addresses and phone numbers of some occult related book or paraphenalia stores in Minneanapolis : success.

The gatheringh of occult shops in the Twin Cities area was, by comparison, much easier. Discarding some of the obvious poser shops, Dugan decides on three : The Hungry Mind (Grand in St. Paul), The Gabriel Academy (in downtown Mpls), and Azrael’s Imporium (only a phone number).

Dugan ran a check on Britt's Pub,digging about, trying to get a feel for the place.

Britts pub, located in lovely downtown Minneapolis, has been a thriving Irish pub since the turn of the century. It caters to all walks of life, but the clientel trend seems to be upper middle class and college students.

The owners, John and Lisa Faulk, give Dugan many tidbits of dirt and entertaining and potentially embarrasing ideas for later, but nothing thatrelates to this case. It also appears that the Tim Malloys are playing at ten pm this evening.
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