Kite's Mr. Shroom
for Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne

How to Play
Difficulty Differences
Drug Info

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Welcome to the official web site for Kite's Mr. Shroom custom game for Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. You can find the following information under the following sections:

How to Play - fully detailed instructions on how to play Mr. Shroom
Difficulties - explanation of the differences in each difficulty
Spells - descriptions of the different spells present in Mr. Shroom
F.A.Q. - a set of frequently asked questions by players
Hints - Read through all the hints displayed during the game.
Drug Info - Actual, important, serious facts on drugs.

Now that you know where everything is located on the site, let's get on to how this game came to be. The idea of the game is based off of Dope Wars or Drug Wars. A game where you can visit different cities and have to avoid cops and gangs while selling and buying drugs. Each city has a changing price for each drug. I tried to incorporate all these features into a compact, easy-to-learn, fun-to-play custom game for Warcraft III. While the features aren't exactly like Drug Wars, they are pretty close.


You are a drug dealer that is new to the streets and cities of Lordaeron. You come into contact with a drug lord named Mr. Shroom. He offers you the chance to sell drugs for him and you will get rewarded.

You decide it can't be too hard to sell drugs. Most kids out on the streets are looking for some. You accept the offer.

Mr. Shroom doesn't run on just any schedule, he requires you to follow his. He requires you to meet a quota in a certain period of time.

You purchase some of his drugs and tell him "Dude, it'll happen."

After walking down Euphoric Mountain and stepping outside the gate, you find yourself in the outskirts of three cities whose citizens are desperately addicted to drugs. You look down the paths and decide to take the one towards the middle city.

You take some time to familiarize yourself with the different streets and behaviors of those in city. After a while you see a shady teen leaning up against a building smoking a cigarette. "Oh, what the hell," you say to yourself and walk up to the teen.

"Yo dawg, wha's goin' down with dis city yo?"

The kid takes a drag on his cig and then replies "Drugs, that's what" in an impatient tone.

"Wha about 'em?"

"Everyone does 'em and the last of our dealers was just caught and throne in prison. News spread, but why would other dealers come here where they are likely to get caught when they can sell 'aight where they at," He said. "We're going through withdrawal in the dryness."

"So basically you be tellin' me everyone is desperate for any sort of drug?" you ask.

"Fuck yea, I'd pay anything to get just a 'lil" he replies tapping ash from his cigarette on to the ground.

You think about the conversation that just took place and then decide this should be a good place to start. "Well, it just happens I got some shrooms and angel dust on me."

"Wha'd you say?" he asked as he dropped his cigarette to the ground and rubbed it out with his shoe.

"I have some shrooms and angel dust on me," you repeat.

"Quit fuckin' around, no one around here has any of that shit," he replies as he lights another cigarette.

"Well I guess I've just become a hero in this town, because I got access to anything you want."

He stares at you and after a few seconds asks "What exactly do you have access to?"

"Anything. You give me the cash and I can hook you up."

"And you said you have some on you now?"

"Yah, dawg, what you need?"

"The hardest shit you got, tha PCP ya said ya had on ya."

After some negotiating you sell angel dust to him for almost twice what you paid for it. "This is going to be so easy" you think to yourself.

Putting the cash in your jacket, you continue your way through the streets. A siren comes to ear at a distance. "People here must get in all sorts of trouble with or without their drugs" But as you walk, the siren gets louder and louder. You wheel about and see a cop drive around the corner.

:megaphone: "You! Stop!" you pause not sure whether to run or not "Get on your knees with your hands on your head." Another cop pulls around the other corner.

As the second cop begins to get out of his car, you make a dash into a nearby store and out the back into an alleyway. The cop almost trips over the curb as he dashes in after you, knocking an old woman buying a shirt. You sprint for your life down the alley and duck into the ghetto and scramble up a fire escape staircase. You pause, supressing your gasps for air, listening for the cop. You can see the other cop pulling into the end of the street as the other runs right past your alley. You let your breath out as you hear him tell the cop in the car that he's lost you."

You wait a half hour before venturing back down off the stairs. Feeling hungry and a little nervous, you decide some food would be the best thing. Going to the first restaurant, you order some coffee and a burger. As you sit, the channel 4 news @ 12 comes on the tv. You watch a few bulletins before you hear the reporter mention the return of the drug threat to Lordaeron. Your heart jumps in your throat as you see a picture of you making your sell earlier that was taken by a hidden street camera. The next thing you see is a picture of you just before you ran as the reporter reads off your description. Forget the bill, you're outta there, you slip out of your seat and out the door. Knowing a cab driver couldn't have heard the news that fast, you catch a taxi and get a ride back to outside Euphoric Mountain.

As you walk in the door of Mr. Shroom's place, you hear him say "I see the newbie has gotten caught already.."

"Yea, but I sold half of what I bought from you."

"Looks like your pathetic ass is going to need some help. Luckily I've called in a few other dealers to help you out," he mumbled with a cigar in his mouth, "They'll help you meet your quota. I don't like when people don't get me my money."

You walk into another room where all the other dealers are waiting. You feel like such a kid looking at them. The talking stops and all their gazes shift towards you...

Suggested Players: 1 - 8
Map Size: Tiny
Tileset: Lordaeron Summer
Version: beta v.26

Map Description:
You are a drug dealer for Mr. Shroom. Buy drugs from him and sell them to citizens out on the streets. Be wary of police and narcs as they will attempt to prevent your sales. Meet your quota before time runs out!

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