Some of the horses listed here we've had since they were weanlings or yearlings. Others, we've started their training and still others are used for lessons, 4-H or trail rides. Whatever their purpose here and at whatever time in their ability we will always represent our horses honestly and sincerely. We have known all of these horses for quite some time and we are always happy to answer whatever questions you may have to the best of our knowledge and ability. We are very proud of the horses we have in our care and would want them to be happy with their new owners and vice versa.
In addition, all of our riding horses are purchased with (and highly recommended) three free lessons on your new horse. Not only does this allow you and your new horse to become very well aquainted before moving, but you can learn exactly how your horse was trained, how to gain and keep respect from your new horse, and how to be a pro-active rider and partner with your new horse.
Additional lessons and other guarantees are available for whatever circumstances you desire.
And, as always, we will NEVER use mood altering or behavior modifying drugs in ANY of our horses! GUARANTEED!
AQHA Doc O'Lena x Crockett Gay Bar Mare
Foaled April, 2001
Confident Trail Mount, 4-H and Penning
Click here for info and pics of "Mel"
2003 APHA "Black Shadows Bet"
Quiet and Easy - Family Friendly
Click here for pics and more info on "Joanie"
All horses are listed with a "cash" price. Trades are considered and payments are an option but both are on an individual, negotiated basis.
As stated in the Michigan Equine Liability Act, horseback riding is by nature an activity with which there is inherent risk associated. K.J.'s Farms and it's associates in no way either written or implied, can guarantee that ANY horse can be 100% safe/sound for ANY rider. All horses are sold as-is once they leave our care and can no longer be held as our responsibility.