
A lot of these places have stories so good, they're what inspired me to start writing. Check 'em out!

* = indicates a site that hosts One Week (yay, fame!)

A BackStreet Library
one of the biggest fanfic collections on the Web

Backstreet Stories
the webmaster (webmistress?), Torie, is an excellent writer! may I recommend Elevator Music?

Backstreet Storybook
although this site isn't really updating anymore (except for the webmistress's two unfinished stories), it has some really good stuff.

Total Fantasy
this is one site every fanfic-lover has got to try!

Fallen Angel
a very good story about Brian and how he rescues a girl from her past.

The Secret Garden Of Dreams
another great site with dozens of stories!

The Backstreet Boys' Fanfic Archive
what can I say? I love places with a really big selection. be sure to check out Best Friends under the owner's stories, it was one of the first stories I ever read, and one of the best.

The Babes of Orlando Fiction
mostly Nick stories, and they're pretty good.

Dark Blue Roses
this author's nominated for so much stuff at the Backstreet Boys Fan Fiction Awards, it'll make your head swim. she's a really good writer with a style that's a bit different from the average story.

this story rules, plain and simple. it's about Nick and his friend Kerra and basically...will they or won't they?

Krok's Backstreet Stories
not a huge selection, but the story A Brian Story is really sweet.

The BLW Fan Fiction Archive
all Brian stories, all the time. my kind of place!

Oh My God, It's Back Again...
this girl's stories really crack me up sometimes! if you're into Brian stories, check Friends Forever and its sequel, Friends Forever: The Sequel.

Backstreet Ways
even though I'm not really into AJ stories, the ones here rock!

Backstreet Secrets
stuff with a pretty serious touch...I'll warn you right now, if you're looking for one of those light, fluffy stories, keep looking.

Backstreet Addiction's Fan Fiction *
this site has some really good stories, including the Backstreet Boys Fan Fiction Award-nominated (Best Brian Story, Best Nick Story) House Rules and its equally cool sequel, Human Nature, as well as a really good Brian story called Show Me Love. and of course, my own story One Week, which is mentioned by the webmistress as a recommended story...I know, I'm bursting with pride!

Into The Millennium *
this site has a little bit of everything, including a not-too-shabby fanfic section.

Backstreet Boys Fan Fiction Awards
Come here to vote for the best stories out there!

If you want me to host your fanfic site, email me at
