With unlimited thanks to Jetmode and Shinkuu!

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Fic Soundtracks

Music is a lovely thing, probably because it's so diverse. Depending on your preference, you can either choose to have Jewel croon softly at you or else have Axl Rose scream in your ear 'till you pass out. No two songs are alike. Not really, anyway.

Then we have soundtracks which go along with certain movies. Those are always fun. Now, to get to the point of this page, I'll just tell you that I fancy making soundtracks for my popular fanfics (Oh no, I'm getting egotistical! ;P) -- Zero Tolerance and, of course, Bass is Not a Fish. I've got some good ideas for what songs should be featured on the albums...but I'd also like the public's help in determining some songs that they feel fit one of the stories quite nicely.

AT THE MOMENT, I AM NOT ACCEPTING ANY MORE SONGS, so don't bother submitting 'em. ;) Don't worry, this will be revoked very soon...I just want to get some of the mp3's up first. Keep watching for the reopening! For now, you can access what we've got, or you can read the rules to prepare for the dramatic event:

Submit to me, mwa ha!

First, think of a song that you think would fit into a certain situation or match a certain character in BNF or ZT. When I say 'situation' I mean something significant that has happened in the plot -- for example, maybe the Gryphon's construction (and/or destruction) in Zero Tolerance.

Next, mail me with the title of the song, the band or artist it's by, the situation you think it fits into (and don't forget to include WHICH fanfic you're talking about when you tell me this! ;p), and if it's at all possible, please give me the lyrics to the song as well!

Don't do what Donny Don't does

Hm, yes, I have some rules to follow regarding your submissions:

--By all means, you may submit more than one song for either track...but don't submit the same song for both tracks!

--In the same vein, I don't really want to have an artist more than once per track. If two people submit two different Goo Goo Dolls songs for the BNF soundtrack, I'll work with those two people to try fit one of the songs on the ZT soundtrack instead. That way, we can all be a happy family.

--I encourage you to contribute your pants off, but remember that I have the final word on what goes in and what doesn't. So there. If I happen to reject your song, I'll have a valid reason for it, so please don't cry. :)

--The song should be by an actual artist or band. No homemade stuff. ;) Also, I don't want a song that is sung by a character in a broadway play or movie.

--If by some chance two people contribute the same song for two different situations, there will be a vote on which situation matches the song better.

--Please do remember to tell me what situation you think your song matches. It's important. :)

--Be a merciful soul and limit the rap and country.

--The songs can have cursing, but I don't want songs with absolutely filthy lyrics!

Hmmmm...I think that about covers it for the rules.

What to expect

I'm not exactly sure about how many songs I want per track. I guess it'll depend on the diversity and amount of submissions. I'll add the track titles as they come in (I hope), that way we won't have too many of the same song submitted.

For each song submitted, I hope to have the lyrics, the fanfic situation that the song fits into, the name(s) of the artist, the name of the contributer, and maybe an mp3 (it might take me a while to aquire all of these).

Click on one of the 'CD Covers' below to see that fanfic's current listing of songs. Needless to say, the covers and the names of the tracks are temporary until we're completely finished and have all our final choices listed. Lord knows when that'll be. :)

Ready to rock and roll? (Phhht, such cheese.) Then, to quote Bon Jovi, "AWRIGHT...LET'S GOOOO!"

A Happy and Fun Zero Tolerance Soundtrack

The Zero Tolerance Soundtrack

Music to Fish By

The Bass is Not a Fish Soundtrack

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