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[ DragonSLayer [ 1981 ] - Jacopus Blasted.mp3 ]

Purchase Mark Hamiltons' Neothink Manuscripts (!!!) - (Misc. Para.)
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New Info Here!!

(Here's a Quick Fix For You if You Want to
understand how to make Internet Explorer Sites,
or make Legacy Sites like
Lamone's WebTV Storage Site
and Purchase Mark Hamiltons' Neothink Manuscripts (!!!),
work in Microsoft Edge on your computer.

Internet Explorer compatibility

Make legacy sites work in Microsoft Edge

(Are you facing issues in opening legacy sites?   With Internet Explorer mode, you can open legacy sites in Microsoft Edge.   Select Add under Internet Explorer mode pages to add any legacy site to list of sites that will open automatically in Internet Explorer mode.)

            Sorry, but they Retired Internet Explorer which I hate now.
  So now, you have to use IE Mode in Microsoft Edge now.   You don't have any choice.   Regular Internet Explorer won't even open-up anymore.   It just automatically opens up the Site in Microsoft Edge.   Then you have to adjust the settings so that everything is displayed properly on the Site and is working properly.

                      Internet Explorer was able to do things that the other browsers couldn't do.   That's why I liked it so much.   It's most compatible with the type of Websites that I create and the Multimedia on my Websites that I like to use.   Internet Explorer was also Good for making, creating and editing Websites as well.   They seemed to do a good job of transferring all those Good attributes to Microsoft Edge in Internet Explorer Mode, so I am happy with that.   You have to tweak the settings though to make sure that your getting the same visual experiences as you were getting with Internet Explorer.

                      If you set the Settings just right then basically you're getting the same effects and compatibility.   Hopefully they will never remove "Internet Explorer Mode" from Microsoft Edge.   If they do it's going to be a disaster for a lot of people.   Not to mention it will be a sad Day because the other browsers just can't do what Internet Explorer was able to do.   I don't know why they couldn't of just stick-with-it and keep it under support and revisions and upgrades.   I wish they wouldn't of "Retired It".   I Guess that they were saying that there were Security Issues.   Hopefully these can be fixed with it now being in Microsoft Edge.

I'm going to explain step-by-step what you need to do in the Settings, so you can do that.   Here it is as explained:

First, click on the three horizontal dots in the top right hand corner of the browser Microsoft Edge.  
Next, scroll down till you see Settings with a gear wheel icon and click on that.  
Next, it's going to open up a settings page that looks like this.  
Next, click on "appearance" in the settings area.  
Next, under Customize appearance on the right hand side, scroll down till you get to, "Internet Explorer mode button. Switch the button to "on". The button should turn blue.  
Next, click on "Cookies and site permissions" in the settings area. Under "all permissions" on the right-hand side enable "JavaScript". If it says "allowed", then you know your good to go.   ,  
Next, scroll down till you get to "Pop-ups and redirects" in the same area. If it says "allowed", then you know your good to go.  
Next, click on "Default Browser" in the settings area. On the right hand side scroll down till you get to "Let Internet Explorer open sites in Microsoft Edge". Make sure it on "Always (Recommended). Next in the same area scroll down till you get to "Allow sites to be reloaded in Internet Explorer mode (IE mode)". Make sure it's on "Allow".   ,    
Once you've done all that then your pretty much good-to-go. You should be seeing either one of these two icons then when your using Microsoft Edge in the upper right-hand side of the browser .   ,        
If you see the first "icon", then that means you're not in Internet Explorer Mode and my websites won't work or display properly. When you click on the first "icon" it will then switch you to Internet Explorer Mode. Also a box will Pop-up that gives you different options to choose from. It looks like this:  
Make sure your two options are set as is, with Compatibility mode off because my Sites don't work good in that type of view.
If you click on the second "icon", it will take you out-of Internet Explorer Mode, which I wouldn't recommend if you're on my Sites anyway. You can "toggle" between the two. If you happen to open a "Link" on my site and the page doesn't load properly then take it out of Internet Explorer Mode and then it should display. Most of the time though you'll need this "icon" displaying though for my Websites to display properly. That's Internet Explorer Mode.  

Internet Explorer mode in Microsoft Edge will be supported through at least 2029 in Microsoft Edge.

The future of Internet Explorer on Windows 10 is in Microsoft Edge _ Windows Experience Blog

The Internet Explorer 11 desktop application will be retired on June 15, 2022.   Internet Explorer 11 will no longer be accessible after February 14, 2023.   If any site you visit needs Internet Explorer 11, you can reload it with Internet Explorer mode in Microsoft Edge.

Welcome and "Click!" Below to get up to Speed with what's been going "On" with Internet Explorer (!!!).

Click Links Below!

You have to exit out of Internet Explorer Mode in order for these Website Links to work. Then go back into Internet Explorer Mode when you get back to this original Site, Thanks...

This website works better in Microsoft Edge

The future of Internet Explorer

Make the switch to Microsoft Edge

Microsoft Edge across devices

This entire Website Data-base is best viewed and operated on: Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge in Internet Explorer Mode , unless otherwise noted! Please do not "cut-on" compatibility mode . Just leave it off. My websites don't work good in compatibility mode, Thanks...

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Purchase Mark Hamiltons' Neothink Manuscripts (!!!)

Please take note:   In order for this embedded Video to work, you must have Adobe Flash Installed
on the Internet Explorer Browser.   Please take note:   This Website works best with Internet Explorer Browsers. Thank You. L.V.J.

  Hello again, This Video is now back in-affect and working again. Balance has been restored. Thank You for your perseverance, patients and fortitude during this very trying time. The wait is now over and we can move on and get on with things. Thanks again. L.V.J.

lamone_jacobs's page! lamone_jacobs's page!

                                                        PracticePoster - Browser Preview

Please take note:   This Video below is not working right now again, sorry about that, but will be working soon!   It's just that I keep not being able to afford to keep the video up, and my videos thereby keep getting deleted with Article Video Robot.   It's going to cost me some money in order to get this Video remade even better and working again, so hopefully it will be eventually.   Luckily I saved a copy, and the video is above.   You guys were probably wondering why it's not working again....   Please take note:   This Website works best with Internet Explorer Browsers. Thank You. L.V.J.

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Purchase Mark Hamiltons Neothink Manuscripts [2013]

Thumbnail:       Web Site Created: 12-13-2013


[ Little_House_on_the_Prairie_Theme_Song.mp3 ]
[ Little_House_On_The_Prairie_Ending_Theme_Song.mp3 ]
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