Statistics of Co. I

Home Camp of The Seventh Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry

Enrollment Statistics of Company I

The information gathered here is from the Regimental listings on public record and other misc. sources that I have found. Some records are simply incomplete and therefore we don't have the necessary data to complete all the categories. It does, however, give us a reasonable idea of the proportionality between them.



Number of Men


Total Enrollment 3 157 160
Enrollment in Three Years Service 3 123 126
Enrollment in Three Months Service - 34 34
Recruited into Regiment - 9 9
Mustered Out with Regiment* 1 31 32
Killed in Action 1 7 8
Wounded in Action 1 40 41
Died from Wounds   4 4
Taken Prisoner 1 10 11
Died in Confederate Prisons - - -
Died from Disease - 8 8
Died from Accident - 1 1
Discharged for Disability - 29 29
Discharged by Order of War Dept. - 5 5
Missing in Action - 2 2
Deserted - - -
Resigned from Regiment 1 - 1
Transferred to the 5th O. V. I. - 5 5
Transferred to the 29th O. V. I. - - -
Transferred to Other Units - 5 5
Reentered the Service after Discharge - 3 3

* Men who served the entire three year service in the Company.

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