
Tonex * O2 (Verity, 2002)
The TIMBALAND and PRINCEly influences are a given (on "Dancin'In The Son" for instance). And there are
even hints of BEYONCE/DC3 influences on the cut, "Pass Me By".
This collection of tunes is so tight that BILLBOARD Magazine had to give it a spot on its top 200 R&B albums
list ... If there was ever a Christian equivalent to STEVIE WONDER's classic, "Songs In The Key Of Life" album,
this is it --for the variety in musical styles as well as original compositions and inspiring lyrics ... But then again, his
last project ("Pronounce Toe-Nay") did that too, didn't it?
For fans of: Kelli Williams/ PRINCE/ BABYFACE/PAJAM
Picks: That's When/ Tumblin'/ Help/ Dancin' In The Son

DJ Maestro 1 * Funke' Sermons: Vol.1/ Funke Sermons
2: The New Beginning/ Gospel Slow Jamz 3 ---email: DJ_Maestro1@ hotmail.com--
Where D.J. Maestro differs from the
music of other Dance music artists is tha the makes the sampled minister on his tracks shine moreso than the thumpin' beat
of the music. Which is ironic, considering that Maestro uses familiar tracks by popular Mainstream artists as his musical
backdrop. Ministers like Rev. Paul Jones, Bishop & Lady Norfleet, Donnie McClurkin, Juanita Bynum and TD Jakes exhort
over slammin' instrumentals of cuts by BRANDY, BUSTA RHYMES, INDIA ARIE and others. With the slow jam series, he simply
mixes some of the best Gospel slow jams and sets a delightful mood. Basically, these are great starter kits for anyone trying
to start a Gospel music collection. This is a brother with the Gospel music fans' heart in mind. Check out his site and be
a blessing to his ministry that stretches to India and Paris.
For fans of: Raving Loonaticks/ Scott Blackwell/ Scripture
DJ Maestro 1's website

Raving Loonaticks * Hypnocrite (Myx Records, 2000) Produced by Stefan Nelson, Slyder, A.J.Mora, Maximillion, Greg Young
"This album is known to contain life changin messages mixed with floor shaking beats."
If you missed the first project in 1993, then you're in for a treat. With a new cast of characters, this release
delivers just as hard, if not harder.
Not just another techno group, The Loons wrap exciting Club music --with elements of Funk and Jazz-- around pre-recorded
sermons by renown ministers like Larry Hilliard and E.V. Hill. For this reason alone, you should purchase a copy. If you can't
find a copy, contact the folks at www.myxrecords.com

Tammy Trent * Tammy Trent (R.E.X. Music, 1995) Produced by Steve Dady/ Tedd T
Debut of a bubbly, soulful performer. Besides the umpteenth remake of the classic, "You've Got A Friend"
and a superior cover of Angelo & Veronica's "Emotional, there's even a guest appearance from artist and friend, Pam
Thum. All together, Trent offers Jazzy Dance music that will warm your heart and your stereo.
For fans of: SHEENA EASTON