Home is where...
This is the Title of the story series I am creating. The Stories take place in a world called
Thanos, in a country called Kanno. Kanno is a realitively peaceful place, but inside of Kanno is a Kingdom
called Nuire (pronounced new-ire), ruled by an evil lord.
Far away from Nuire is six small towns: Kyo Village, to the southwest.
Len-da Village, north of Kyo. Further North is Lio-na Village. East of Lio-na is Twil Village,
a little southeast of that is Vol-la. Southwest of that is Da-sea, a sea port. North of these villages is a forest.
Lu-ure Forest, and within the forest is La-mir Gate. The gate is a pathway to another world.
La-mir. A world of peace and harmony. (more to come...)