Spyder's Cyber Grotto


Blessings to all who enter my CyberGrotto. As you will have noted on the Inside Family page, I am a worshipper of the Goddess, and I venerate Her in Her many guises.


The dearest to my heart is that of Nuestra SeƱora de Guadalupe. The Our Lady of Guadalupe Web Site is an excellent resource for those who want to learn about the Patroness of the Americas. (This is also where I got these wonderful candles.) Here are two of my favorite images of La Virgen.
Tepeyac image La Virgen with roses, from Lady of Guadalupe site
Since Our Lady of the Assumption is the Patroness of the Acadian people, it is fitting that I include an image of Her. An excellent site for information about Mary is Immaculate Mediatrix Online where I got the image of Her Sacred Heart. I got a wonderful book about La Virgen from this site. Our Lady of the Assumption The Sacred Heart of Mary


Another good site is The Mary Page done by the University of Dayton, a Marian University. Here are other Mary images from the Guadalupe site. Assuption of Marycandle candleCrowning Mary
I also venerate other images of Goddess besides Mary. Here are some images of the Chinese mother of all, Kwan Yin or Quan Yin.The first is from A.D.A.M Inc. The second image (the statue) comes from Sacred Source/JBL Statues.
Kwan Yin 2 Chinese Kuan Yin, from JBL Designs
Here are some Goddess images from the Hindu tradition. First is Lakshmi or Laxshmi, also the Mother of All. Next is Sarasvati, Goddess of Science and Music. These images were found at http://www.lakshmi.com.
Lakshmi Sarasvati
Lastly is the favourite Deity of our Robin. Called Shiva Ardhanarshvara, this is a Deity who is half female and half male, neither and both, symbolic of the divine union of feminine and masculine energies. Cool, huh?
Shiva Ardhanarshvara

I hope you have had a peaceful time visiting my CyberGrotto, and if there are any Goddess images or links you'd like to share, please email me!

Guess what? I've won a prize!

Spyder's Celtic Knotwork Click on the button to check out the Celtic Knotwork I've done. (It's near the bottom of the Art page.)


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