Now Playing: The Whims
Topic: Addition
WHIMS (Norton, MA)
Truckin' 1971 (no label XPL 1021)
Someone suggested that this long-running school group from the all-female Wheaton College might deserve a place in the Acid Archives, and after checking out what is probably their best LP, I agree. While not a lost Search Party or such, it is a solid dose of charming femme folkrock with a genuine 'rock' feel, not white-scrubbed pop or academic folk. The songs are mixed ensemble and solo performances, and the lead singers have quite attractive voices. What puts this above their other albums is the selection of covers, which includes things like "Good Day Sunshine" (Beatles) and the title track (Grateful Dead), the latter which sounds quite odd coming from a girl group. Less surprising are the CSNY, Peter Paul & Mary and Mamas & Papas numbers, while a possible highpoint is a lengthy, spooky interpretation of "John Barleycorn". There is one group original. Well worth hearing and a must for femme vox collectors. Released via the same custom label as D R Hooker! [PL]
Posted by Patrick at Lysergia
at 21:17 MEST
Updated: 21 May 2012 17:43 MEST