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15 April 2014
Kirk Felix
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For My Friends 1972 (Coward RI 3555)  [gatefold]

Odd acoustic folk LP from a peace-loving troubadour who played coffee houses when not serving overseas as a sergeant in the US Marine Corps (!). Apparently Felix was aware of how strange this seemed, as he poses with a peace sign on one photo and named his label 'Coward', which he clearly wasn't. In any event, the music is mostly conventional '60s Village sounds in a Fred Neil-Gordon Lightfoot vagabond folk tradition, and despite the '72 date it doesn't reflect much of the more expressive and freer moods that the s-sw style brought. At times he gets moody a la early Tim Buckley and these spots are the most interesting on the album. There's Gordon Lightfoot and Joni Mitchell covers alongside a string of originals. He has a nice harmonious voice and the album is consistent in style and quality, but only folk collectors need to concern themselves with Felix' LP, which has several things in common with another LP from the same area, Jon Batson. [PL]

Posted by Patrick at Lysergia at 23:35 MEST
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