Now Playing: Trees "Garden Of Jane Delawney"
This subject recently came up elsewhere and reminded me of something that was scheduled for inclusion in the Psychedelia book, but dropped in the final editing. It addresses a familiar problem that anyone home-growing mushrooms will face; which is the wildly uneven ratios of psilocybin and psilocyn in different 'flushes' (harvests). Not only that, but even within one flush there will be large differences in how potent the individual shroom specimens are.
This inserts an unwanted element of hazard into the sacred mushroom culture. You simply cannot be sure what the right dosage is, and once you've made the decision and chewed the little devils down, there is little in the way of turning back. However, there is a way to handle this dilemma which is particularly fitting for those handling larger volumes of psilocybian matter. As follows...
To work around the dosage problem that is inevitably there with mushrooms, do as follows; first cut and grind the entire stash into a pile of tiny, crumb-size pieces, and mix and turn the pile over thoroughly. Using appropriate household tools, you then stuff these ‘mushroom crumbs’ into clear plastic capsules, preferrably 00 size. Make sure that each capsule is jam-packed with shroom. You now have a number of psilocybin capsules of (statistically) identical strength. To determine what that strength is, you eat one of the capsules, i e: you take a trip. Prepare yourself carefully for the experience, as always. Take note of the effects during the trip, i e; how stoned am I? After coming down, you should be able to judge whether you need 1, 2 or 3 capsules to get the high you desire, and the dosage will be the same each time. The larger batches you use, the more advantage you will have of this method. The capsules are also convenient for long-time storage in the freezer.