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Systematics: harmonizing fact and value
Wednesday, 25 April 2007

Many religions seem to imply absolutist ideas about 'God', Good and Evil, Heaven and Hell, Salvation, and so on.

A little proper thinking , however, reveals that such absolutist notions are untenable. Related to this is the fact that many followers of religions seem to think that their sacred writings (Bible, Qoran, etc.)  are absolute truth. One simply has to compare religions with each other to see that many contradictory statements can be found in these diverse religions. That realization should be enough to dismiss any absolutist claim from the side of religion and its followers. There may be a bit of relative truth in religions, but that's all there will be, imo.  Now, experience of inner worlds, that's something different (although still relative to context, level of development, and perhaps to the society of which one is a part). Study my free e-book on my site m_euser.tripod.com
and you will start to understand what I am talking about. Maybe there is One Truth, but there are many truths, as Gautama Buddha tells us. In other words, humans are limited in perception and understanding and can never claim to understand the whole Truth. Maybe little parts of it, called 'truth', relative to one's understanding, that's all what's possible.

Absolute good and evil don't exist, as far as esoterism teaches us. What is appropriate in one sphere of life can be utterly out of place in another situation or context. Relative evil does exist: it's like the clash of wills, especially acts and thoughts not in harmony with the situation. 

All this has something to do with post-modern ideas, but not with the extreme forms of these as a total relativity of values means to deny the existence of levels of morality, etc., which has been proven to exist (Kohlberg). Also, total (absolute!) relativity annihilates post-modernism itself as is immediately obvious, because other philosophies would be as valuable as post-modern philosophy which surely is not what the extreme relativists have in mind. Total relativity simply is lousy thinking.

You know, there are gradations in everything: love, hate, evil, good, selfishness and selflessness, etc. All rather obvious, but necessary to bring to the forum for reminding people who lack nuance in mind and thought.


In this regard we need also remember that it is only relatively recent, since the beginning of the 20th century that Einstein's relativity-theory changed the notions of absolute time and space held in science at that time.
Imagine the confusion at that time. No absolute time? What is time anyway? Without going into too abstruse discussions we could speculate a bit about "the creation of time" brought about by photons interacting with matter. Events, as they are called in physics, change the world, bit by bit.
Is motion the outer cause of time-experience? Acceleration? Perhaps.
Is recurrence a manifestation of 'time'? Or the reverse? Cycles are very important in nature. Think of maintenance/renewal (a form of recurrence, it seems). Is recurrence a manifestation of a timeless pattern?
Quite possible. You see, 'time' may be different on the molecular/atomic/subatomic level than on the mental level. Psychological experience involves diverse patterns and  faculties (sensori-motor,memory, history/context, interpretation, etc.). It  is all worth a deeper investigation than philosophers and scientists have been attempting up to today.
If you can contribute anything substantial, why not post a comment?

 <a href="http://technorati.com/tag/Bennett+systematics+energies+tetrad" rel="tag">Bennett, systematics, triad, tetrad, energies</a>


Posted by m_euser at 10:10 PM MEST
Updated: Friday, 1 June 2007 5:39 PM MEST
Tuesday, 20 March 2007
Comments on The Secret

Last week I watched an episode of Oprah where she talked with the producer and in some way affiliated authors of a DVD called "The Secret".

 The basic idea behind this "secret" is often called "the law of attraction". Loosely stated this law boils down to "you manifest those events/situations in your life where your mind is attuned to".

Now that is part of what I have been talking about in my theosophical writings (see articles on this site). In that sense I have promulgated that idea (for free) for over a decade.  

In my writings I have added some comments about this "law" which I want to  elaborate here (and perhaps in a follow-up) .

You know, one should take into account several factors that play a role in one's life besides this law of attraction. Think of the following: 


  • influence of the environment, milieu, etc.
  • health, age, temperament
  • past and future karma of self and others
  • cyclic factors, "Zeitgeist"

 This list will be enough for the moment.

I think it will be abundantly clear that one's environment exerts a powerful influence on  oneself. If you don't understand that, then have a look at ghetto's, slums and other concentrations of misery in this world. Then ask yourself what influences you send into the environment!

 Young children have often little choice but to undergo the negative influence of other kids and adults. Hundreds of millions of children in India alone have been abused in one form or another. The same story applies to the rest of the world. So, this "order peace of mind, wealth, health, etc. from the universe" idea  that is often preached in newage circles, seems a little cheap to me. Did the victims of war ("collateral damage") in Worldwar II, Vietnam, Iraq, Darfur, etc., etc., order these events? How cruel to think in such a way! What about ill health? Just "order good health from the universe" and expect it to arrive within a couple of days/weeks/months? What a simplistic vision of the world!

 No,  one has to be a bit more realistic than that. As  studies in physics and biology show, there are almost invariably "lag-factors" in play, e.g. one's body needs time to adjust to a new environment, diet, exercises (not only physical but mental ones too!). Thinking about that, one's mind also needs time to adjust to new insights, new information. The lag involved differs for different people and different situations. An open society with responsive people will simply allow a freer flow of creative energy (see Bennett about energy types and qualities). That kind of energy is needed to change situations for the better! The higher type of creative energy is impersonal, and may follow ways that the personality may never expect in the first place. "Ordering a $5,000 income a month from the universe" may turn out a little different than expected. You may have to work a little harder than you are prepared to in order to earn that amount..

Where's the ethic in all this "ordering business?". It looks very much a self-centered, consumerist affair to me. Not very spiritual at all. Think about that. 

 One cannot expect that someone with bad health just "magically" can turn  into a vibrant healthy person.Common sense shows that that is next to impossible. 

Having said all this, it is of course wise to adopt a positive attitude towards life, in thinking, feeling and action. A constructive attitude, based on understanding of life, will inevitably bring benefits to self and others.

As all true religions teach, selfless service to others is the road to fulfillment.  Then one will tune in to deeper levels of reality, one's inner pattern, and things will start to shift from the inside out, instead of from the outside in (external factors). But one has to follow one's passion in doing all this, nothing contrived or it will fail.

 <a href="http://technorati.com/tag/Bennett+systematics+energies+tetrad" rel="tag">Bennett, systematics, triad, tetrad, energies</a>

Posted by m_euser at 1:04 PM MEST
Updated: Sunday, 15 July 2007 11:51 PM MEST
Wednesday, 7 March 2007
Value and meaning

Value and will are dealt with quite elaborately in Bennett's second volume in the Dramatic Universe series. I can wholeheartedly encourage people to study that volume!

Now, on the subject of meaning, it is probably accurate to say that meaning is a kind of mental evaluation of 'things', events, people, etc. When one can see/perceive a value in/of something, someone, etc., then one can establish a meaningful relation with the other (being, 'thing').
So, meaning is a perceived value, attached to something or to some person or situation or event or even concepts/beliefs (religion with its symbols and ideas). This meaning can acquire a lot of "charge" sometimes (emotional issues)..
There are several levels or gradations of  value (and meaning), varying from survival value to social value to aesthetic value and  transcendental value.

Meaning takes some time to develop. A certain framework and context must be present for meaning to emerge. A development from simple perception or even instinctive awareness to apperception.  Marty Monteiro has developed a theory of  interaction that incorporates some important features in this regard. Do a google search or read elsewhere on my homepage (scientific section) to find some links to his work.

 <a href="http://technorati.com/tag/Bennett+systematics+energies+tetrad" rel="tag">Bennett, systematics, triad, tetrad, energies</a>

Posted by m_euser at 10:09 PM CET
Updated: Friday, 1 June 2007 5:40 PM MEST
Sunday, 4 March 2007

Values are fascinating. After some pondering I have concluded that values look very much like a kind of essences that radiate their influence throughout the universe from one level of being to the next. A kind of archetypal forms, perhaps. These are factual on their own level of being, if you can follow me. The mind can grasp some of these facts and bring them down to the level of earth where they become embodied or realized through events.

The mind has agency, an aspect of will, that brings patterns to bear on situations on earth. Bennett would probably say that a hyparchic factor (will!!) is needed to turn value (eternal pattern) into fact.  Or "Being" into Function.

 Do you recognize triadic function here? Pattern-Will-Function.

It is small wonder that psychologists (and most philosophers alike) have  evaded the subject of will as the plague. It is a notoriously difficult subject, yet the most important one to master. Roberto Assagioli  has written an entire book about the subject (Act of Will), which is a must-read for every serious person. The stages of will he describes are important food for study as understanding of these and application of this understanding will help you add great quality to your life! I did describe this process in my before mentioned article on the http://m_euser.tripod.com/articles/theo2.htm human being and you will encounter my visualization exercise on the "ideal model" of yourself in the book of Assagioli on Psychosynthesis. In that book, he very aptly describes the buildup of exercises to reach the stage of applying the ideal model successfully. That is another important writing of his hand. This exercise has to be done with the right attitude of mind, of course. I refer you to my articles on theosophy for further development of these ideas.

 <a href="http://technorati.com/tag/Bennett+systematics+energies+tetrad" rel="tag">Bennett, systematics, triad, tetrad, energies</a>

Posted by m_euser at 2:06 AM CET
Updated: Friday, 1 June 2007 5:40 PM MEST
Saturday, 11 November 2006

Following your innermost pattern or essence is called following your dharma, the inner road that, in stages, will lead to more understanding, compassion and Light. This has all to do with bringing the creative energy (E3 in Bennett's system) to expression. But more about energies later..

Always check my article on the composite human being in this regard.




Posted by m_euser at 9:10 PM CET
Updated: Sunday, 4 March 2007 2:27 AM CET
Wednesday, 8 November 2006
Tagged posts recap 3 (read from bottom to top)

Dyad, triad and tetrad

Recently I developed a practical example of dyad, triad and tetrad.

The dyad fear-courage is being discussed as well as a controlling third factor introduced (triad). The tetrad shows all of this in concrete action. Energies are discussed too. You can find all this in my article  http://m_euser.tripod.com/newvisiontetrad.pdf

Some cross-correlational terms in diverse systems  of gnosis are described  there too.

Posted by m_euser at 10:35 PM CET
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Friday, 6 October 2006
Patterns and forms

Patterns and forms are fascinating. Think about a music score. This is a pattern of notes of kinds. Actually it usually is a combination of different patterns, hence a complex pattern, but the thing that is important here is that you can put it on paper, read it from whatever direction you want, etc. It is time-independant. Only when the pattern is actualized by someone
playing the notes, then it is under constraint of time. Tempo, rhytm, etc., become important then. The pattern itself is beyond the physical thing. It is meta-physical. If you want you can study some of Buckminster Fuller's work where he talks about these things.

The same thing goes for form. A form has a pattern too. If you have a blueprint of a house, there are all kinds of lines on it representing walls, doors, windows, etc. The pattern or blueprint is non-physical. It must be interpreted by the one using or applying it. That requires mind or cognition. Don't you see that there are different ontological levels here? Ponder about this and you will understand how you can change patterns of behaviour, thought-patterns, emotional patterns, etc. Very enlightening!
Life is like a movie where patterns (emotions/behaviours) are acted out. You can change the role you play if you really want.

I'm not suggesting that it is always easy, but certainly some patterns can be changed easier than others.

In the Arthur Young model, patterns are put on level 3, stage 3 as you will know when you've studied my writings on his work.
Level 4 combines the patterns of stage 3 with stage 2 substance.

In Kabbalah and theosophy patterns or forms are also attributed  to level 3, but the story is a bit more complicated there, since there is mirroring of levels, and there are forms on each level of existence. But that is another story.

Posted by m_euser at 9:20 PM MEST
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Friday, 29 September 2006
E10, E9

While E12 and E11 are energies of movement in Bennett's system, E10 and E9 are energies of form.
E10 is called "cohesive energy", binding energies of all sorts. These give cohesion to solids and liquids. Surface tension in liquids is a consequence of such energies. In Bennett's view nuclear binding energies, atomic and molecular binding energies all fall in the category of E10. These cohesive energies produce forms and pattern. This is what we observe thru our senses.

E9 is termed "plastic energy". This energy has to do with adaptation of form, the ability of molecules/atoms to change shape.Examples: muscles, arteries, vocal chords, etc. It is the most versatile and active of the material energies. One immediately is reminded of biochemical molecules like enzymes, etc., that initiate form-change in other molecules.

Bennett says that this energy comes into play because "there are holes in things", nothing is continuous. He also points out that the so-called "imperfections" of materials enable them to respond to the environment. This is a thought that is interesting. Does it also apply to the living world? Probably so! With E9 we get to the high end of the "non-living" world.

Posted by m_euser at 11:28 PM MEST
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Sunday, 17 September 2006
E11 - directed energy
E11 - directed energy
This energy "comes from separation and arises when motion has a consistent direction". See Bennett's book "Deeper Man" for a fuller description.
Examples: forcefields, usually associated with polar forces like seen in electromagnetic phenomena. The gravitational field of the earth is also inherently directed. These forces are in the domain of physics, chemistry and biology. A gradient of kinds is involved in this.

Posted by m_euser at 11:48 PM MEST
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Saturday, 16 September 2006

To continue my previous posting: it is necessary that we all get some true education on several levels: historical, psychological, scientific, religious and spiritual,  communication skills, to name a few, in order to learn to see different perspectives or angles on a topic. And the standard scientific approach doesn't cut it, as this is only one perspective! Include some mystic teachings like Sufism, Gnosis and other variants of the so-called meta-physical branches. A good place to start is with my own articles, since these cover broad ground, including some basic general semantics. Learn to meditate, and to be a witness to as well as a participant in the affairs of life.

Then you will become a true "renaissance man" or woman, a positive, creative factor in society.

Posted by m_euser at 9:11 PM MEST
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Maps, belief-systems and reality

Gautama Buddha once said: there is one Truth, but many truths.

In modern semantics this can be expressed thus: there is one reality, but many maps of reality. The map is not the territory or reality, but only a concept or projection of reality.

One's belief system filters how one perceives reality. This knowledge is of immense practical importance! Think of clashes between civilizations, conflicts, wars, etc., not to mention daily life petty conflicts. All these
vanish into thin air when people start to understand that their
belief-systems, concepts or ideas of reality are just maps.

Stick to the golden rule, and the greater part of quarrels will disappear. Something to teach at schools and at home? Maybe a good idea to stick the following slogan to the wall at home, work and other public places: "Your belief system is not reality", "your map is your reality, but not other's reality". "Think of the golden rule, before you act".

Posted by m_euser at 4:17 PM MEST
Updated: Saturday, 16 September 2006 5:18 PM MEST
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E12-dispersed energy

E12: dispersed energy

This is heat energy as in thermodynamics. Energy of random motions. Formless. Dispersive nature. Beginning of motion.
In biology, it is a result of work done in physiological processes. Study photosynthesis, the buildup of ATP molecules and the breakdown of these.

While I do acknowledge entropy-increase, there also is the reverse process of entropy-decrease, related to order, information, knowledge and planning. This is a whole field of study in itself!

Posted by m_euser at 2:43 PM MEST
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Wednesday, 13 September 2006
Energies (1)

A short overview of energy levels/types:

 From lowest to highest from the human point of view :

 (A discussion will follow later)

E12 - Dispersed energy

E11 - Directed energy

E10 - Cohesive energy

E9 -  Plastic energy

E8 -  Constructive energy

E7 -  Vital energy

E6 -  Automatic energy

E5 -  Sensitive energy

E4 -  Conscious energy

E3 -  Creative energy

E2 -  Unitive energy

E1 -  Transcendental energy



Posted by m_euser at 10:43 PM MEST
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Monday, 28 August 2006
Energy levels (1)

Having said what I said in my previous post, there are a lot of gems to be found in Bennett's work.
Example: his description of energies is impressive. He sketches twelf energy levels, six objective and six subjective. The lowest are "material" (below life), then come the living energies and then the cosmic energies.
Life has something of both subjective and objective energies. It has sentience and it has mechanism. Each energy merges into the next. Every level is organized by the level above it and disorganized by the level below it. See the booklet "Deeper man" by Bennett. There can be different kinds of energy within one level. Thought, feeling and sensation are on one level but operate from different centers, according to Bennett. They also produce different results. In practical life there is always a blend of energies.

An overview of energy levels (qualities!) will follow shortly.

Posted by m_euser at 5:46 PM MEST
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Tuesday, 15 August 2006

From now on, my blog will become more diverse.

I have been studying Anthony Blake's work concerning systematics.

He rightly says that Bennett fails to account for many of his conclusions.

Iow: Bennett states many things as truths but fails to portray the process of thinking by which he came to many of his conclusions.

I already observed this but liked some background from a longtime collaborator of Bennett. In addition, I observed that there are very few real-life examples  or case studies by Bennett showing how to apply systematics. The method is promising, I think, but desperately needs to be coupled with real-life (full blown) examples.

Time and energy permitting, not to forget some inspiration, I will pay some attention to these matters on a low frequency basis of posting.

See  www.duversity.org for more by Anthony Blake. His bundle of papers on a case study of globalization is interesting  as it shows how the logo-visual method can be applied.

 <a href="http://technorati.com/tag/Bennett+systematics+energies+tetrad" rel="tag">Bennett, systematics, triad, tetrad, energies</a> 


Posted by m_euser at 11:28 PM CET
Tagged posts recap 2 (read from bottom to top)

Values and morality

In Dramatic Universe (DU), volume 2, Bennett treats the domain of values. He lays the foundations of moral philosophy. DU2 contains several chapters on Will: will and the triads; conditioned will; will and the self-hood. The dyad fact-value is discussed there too.

My own research concerns a.o. directives (will, light); agency/mediation/binding/connection/act; formulation/planning/organization; execution/action; combinations of levels/terms. A three-ness and four-ness of factors/levels seems to be involved. Needless to say, it is a very time-consuming process, and participation of well-informed others is invited.

Posted by m_euser at 11:03 AM MEST
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Monday, 26 June 2006
natural philosophy

In volume one of the Dramatic Universe, Bennett discusses natural philosophy.
Hyle as undifferentiated substance is being discussed, as are eternal patterns, potentiality and hyparxis.
The latter term means "ableness-to-be", a slightly vague term, but hyparxis has to do with bridging the gap between the timeless, eternal patterns, and actual situations or events. All of this has to be studied in a thorough fashion.

Posted by m_euser at 10:55 PM MEST
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Thursday, 22 June 2006
study of laws (2)

The example of creation previously given can be easily expanded, as follows: the child (3) becomes an impulse (a 1 or 2 in systematics terminology ) when adult and starting a family of its own. Whole networks arise. From a more esoteric point of view, the reincarnating monad in the form of the astral body exercises a magnetic influence on the parents-to-be. It brings the parents together, thus acting as the (re)conciliating factor!

The second example about hunger, expresses the 2-1-3 triad, the law of concentration. Much can be said about this. At this point I will only say that the eating of the food is necessary to maintain the difference in entropy with the environment. The digestion liberates energy necessary to build up and maintain the body (cells, tissues, organs, vitality!).

Posted by m_euser at 12:02 PM MEST
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Sunday, 18 June 2006
study of laws (1)

Initiation by affirming impulse must be distinguished from initiation by denying impulse.
Example: in conception, the father is active, the mother "transforms the active impulse" as Bennett says, or more simply put, she receives the seed in the fertile ground. The child is the result and the reconciling impulse. This example shows the order 1-2-3, the creative triad. Do not make the mistake of thinking that only building up is an example of the workings of this triad. Tearing down, destruction, chaos are equally attributable to the operations of this triad. The property of self-renewal is associated with it, because the birth of the child shows the affirmation of life. It shows a kind of continuity and historicity at the same time, because something new appears on the scene, potentially able to change history, or actually changing circumstances of the parents, etc. Continuity of genetic material and perhaps of some psychic traits in the family.

Another example: hunger as privation, need, is a denying impulse (2) that initiates an active search (1) for food and leads to the act of eating (1). Digestion of food pacifies the hunger and stills the need. Hence it is the reconciling factor (3). The order of impulses is 2-1-3.
This has possibility of self-renewal too, since the body needs to be fed regularly or periodically.

Posted by m_euser at 2:39 PM MEST
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Thursday, 15 June 2006
multi-term system

A multi-term system is a system that has a characteristic quality that arises from "the harmony of its terms". Harmony consists, according to Bennett, in the greatest degree of independence and connectedness of its members. The more independant terms there are, the greater the concreteness and perfection in harmony there will be.

The triad is a  multi-term system,  the simplest where mutuality and relatedness start to show their significance to us for understanding ourselves. It is the basic element of experience. The three elements in a triad should be independant, and, this introduces an element of order. See Dramatic Universe I, p.39 and DU 2, 11.28.1.

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Posted by m_euser at 1:36 PM MEST
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Tuesday, 13 June 2006
Six laws as three pairs

Particularly interesting to me is the concept of complementary pairs as applied to the six basic laws. These pairs are:

. Involution vs. Evolution (or expansion vs. concentration)
. Identity vs. Interaction
. Order vs. Freedom

The interactions between these laws must be studied in detail in order to begin to really understand something about the kingdoms of nature.

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Posted by m_euser at 12:56 PM MEST
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In a triad, the first position "indicates the why of the action, the second its how and the third its thus."
The latter has to do with contextual relation to other acts of will.
Another way of viewing the triad is when it constitutes or organizes a process (in time), that is to say that the first position refers to initiation of action, the second to the process, the third to the outcome or result. This is very reminiscent of input-throughput-output, which is a very useful division of processes as we will see later.

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Posted by m_euser at 12:55 PM MEST
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World 12

In world 12 occurs a separation between essential and existential impulses. These two kind of impulses produce twelve different kinds of triads. Will gets further limited in this process. (In world 6 there is, according to Bennett, a separation of possible from impossible situations. That separation puts a limit on universal will.)

A convention is introduced to use an asterisk to distinguish between "existential manifestations of a Cosmic Impulse from the essential prototype."
"Each of the twelve laws give rise to a specific operation of the Will."(DU, vol.2,pp.93,94)

Before we get to study worlds 24, 48 and 96, let's have a look at the six triads of world 6. Note that I use Arabic numerals rather than the Roman numbersystem used by Bennett. It is easier and faster to read.

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Posted by m_euser at 12:54 PM MEST
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Seven worlds

World 1 is "the unfathomable", the source of the other worlds.
World 3 (second world, but named after the three impulses/forces: affirmation(1), denial(2), reconciliation(3)). It is not created but "begotten".
World 6 is where six laws of creation and maintenance arise out of the interaction between the above mentioned three forces.

    * Law 1-2-3 is called the law of expansion or involution.
    * Law 2-1-3 is complementary to expansion and is called the law of concentration or evolution.
    * Law 3-2-1 : law of freedom. Free initiative can act in the Creation.

Order and maintenance laws:

    * Law 3-1-2 : law of order. "Everything has an inherent pattern."
    * Law 1-3-2 : law of interaction. Universal connectedness "through which everything can interact with everything else."
    * Law 2-3-1: law of identity. Preservation and affirmation of one's own nature.

As you see, the stage has been set for a very deep discussion of creation/evolution. Let's hope that our understanding expands with our knowledge of these things!

 <a href="http://technorati.com/tag/systematics+laws+triads+values" rel="tag">Bennett, systematics, triad, laws</a>

Posted by m_euser at 11:24 PM CET
Tagged posts recap 1 (read from bottom to top)

Tuesday, 13 June 2006
Will and "God"

Bennett talks about Divine Will as the third cosmic impulse. "God" is not a being, but refers to

transcendence, immanence, compassion and love.
Bennett has written much about Will and the many patterns of manifestation of Will in the seven

worlds. This will be the topic of later postings.

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Posted by m_euser at 12:52 PM MEST
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Reconciliation: in India, there is the notion of Sattva, balance, harmony. Then there is Krishna:

an avatar of Vishnu, representing love and compassion. According to Bennett, The third cosmic

impulse conveys the purpose of creation, "whereas the first and second transmit the means". The

quality of this third impulse can be described as love, relational, and order. The idea of

freedom (from limitation) seems to be connected with this impulse, whereas the first and second

impulse mutually depend on each other (in existence).

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Posted by m_euser at 12:50 PM MEST
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Denial/opposition defs

The second cosmic impulse can be described as receptive and conservative. The latter notion is

related to resistance and inertia. Bennett calls it "the power to be what one is", seen from his

Category of Wholeness. It is the source of limitation, a notion that in Kabbalah is associated

with Binah, the great Mother principle.

A most interesting idea of Bennett associates this impulse as need, as a bond between affirmation

and reconciliation, the latter which is elicited by the need. Need seems to me to be an

existential thing, however, and Bennett does discriminate between Being and Existence, about

which more will be said later.

Other names for this impulse are Yin, as the complementary principle, and Tamas, which has many

connotations - from passivity and negativity to persistence and endurance.

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Posted by m_euser at 12:49 PM MEST
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Affirmation delineated

Affirmation, Opposition ("Denial") and Reconciliation can hardly be separated in the human mind.

We can arrive at partial insights, as John G. Bennett says in his magnum opus Dramatic Universe

(vol. 2, p.85). All philosophies worthy of that name postulate an affirmative power, a creative

power that drives "Eternal Ideas" to realize themselves in concrete events and situations. Many

names are given to this creative power which is the source of "Universal Dynamism". (Quotes refer

to terms used by Bennett). "The prime mover of Aristotle, the causa sui of Spinoza, the elan

vital of Bergson, the idee directrice of Claude Bernard" all refer to this first impulse. Even

materialistic science is forced to postulate some mechanism of causality to account for events

and relations between them.

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Posted by m_euser at 12:47 PM MEST
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The belief in trinities seems very old indeed: the Hindus have their Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva as

Holy Trinity; Christians have their versions which led to schismas by reason of different

interpretation; Jews have triads in their Kabbalah; and so on.

The Greeks had a trinity in arithmetic, as we have today: between two numbers there is the

arithmatic mean. There are other means too, as the harmonic and geometric mean show.

We shall see how the interpretation of affirmation (1), negation (2) and reconciliation (3),will

lead us to six principles or laws of nature. It has everything to do with qualities as we will

see. J.G.Bennett has discovered some very deep things here, undoubtedly stimulated by his

contacts with diverse spiritual leaders and traditions.

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Posted by m_euser at 12:44 PM MEST
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Affirmation, denial, reconciliation

The triangle as a trinity of forces is an ancient symbol. The ideas contained in this symbol are

certainly old. They were reformulated by eminent philosophers such as Charles Sanders Peirce, in

his writings on oneness, twoness, and threeness.

Another philosopher, such as John Godolphin Bennett, has developed a complete system involving

the permutations of three primary impulses. More about that later. And quality? That's to be

found everywhere in his work.

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Posted by m_euser at 12:31 PM MEST
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Mission statement: quality

This site is dedicated especially to quality of mind, and to those pioneers of consciousness who

have helped the human race to get some understanding!

Martin Euser
<a href="http://technorati.com/tag/Bennett+systematics" rel="tag">Bennett, systematics, triad</a>


Posted by m_euser at 11:20 PM CET
Tuesday, 7 November 2006
Dyad, triad and tetrad

Recently I developed a practical example of dyad, triad and tetrad.

The dyad fear-courage is being discussed as well as a controlling third factor introduced (triad). The tetrad shows all of this in concrete action. Energies are discussed too. You can find all this in my article  http://m_euser.tripod.com/newvisiontetrad.pdf

Some cross-correlational terms in diverse systems  of gnosis are described  there too.

Posted by m_euser at 10:35 PM CET
Friday, 6 October 2006
Patterns and forms

Patterns and forms are fascinating. Think about a music score. This is a pattern of notes of kinds. Actually it usually is a combination of different patterns, hence a complex pattern, but the thing that is important here is that you can put it on paper, read it from whatever direction you want, etc. It is time-independant. Only when the pattern is actualized by someone
playing the notes, then it is under constraint of time. Tempo, rhytm, etc., become important then. The pattern itself is beyond the physical thing. It is meta-physical. If you want you can study some of Buckminster Fuller's work where he talks about these things.

The same thing goes for form. A form has a pattern too. If you have a blueprint of a house, there are all kinds of lines on it representing walls, doors, windows, etc. The pattern or blueprint is non-physical. It must be interpreted by the one using or applying it. That requires mind or cognition. Don't you see that there are different ontological levels here? Ponder about this and you will understand how you can change patterns of behaviour, thought-patterns, emotional patterns, etc. Very enlightening!
Life is like a movie where patterns (emotions/behaviours) are acted out. You can change the role you play if you really want.

I'm not suggesting that it is always easy, but certainly some patterns can be changed easier than others. The theory and technique for this can be found in my article on the human psychological constitution.

In the Arthur Young model, patterns are put on level 3, stage 3 as you will know when you've studied my writings on his work.
Level 4 combines the patterns of stage 3 with stage 2 substance.

In Kabbalah and theosophy patterns or forms are also attributed  to level 3, but the story is a bit more complicated there, since there is mirroring of levels, and there are forms on each level of existence. But that is another story.

Posted by m_euser at 9:20 PM MEST
Updated: Saturday, 11 November 2006 2:24 PM CET

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