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24 Aug 2000

My Trip Around Italy


My trip in Italy started in Milan where the dog show was. Milan was pretty worm when we got there, though I was told that it was raining one night but I was too sleepy to make sure it was true.
I was never really fond of Italy because I heard many 'nice' things about the people there, I must say I found some 'nice' people, but most of them were great and very helpful (in and outside the dog show).

The only two things that really bothered me there were, that the people drive like CRAZY (and it's true, the highway let's you go between 130-220kph!). Although I was nice to drive so fast, it was very unsafe. I remember I woke up one night of a load noise, when  noticed out of the window that someone had crashed into a traffic sign and it was all under the car (!). If you do go there, you'll also notice that there is a yellow light for the people too (what is that for?!) and a very funny thing I have a theory for - when you walk or drive around Italy (specially Milan) first walk or go into the road, then make sure there's no car out there. Really!
The other thing that bothered me a lot, was the hot weather. As for I am a cold weather person (England is my cold land!) the heat really didn't help. As I was in the air-conditioning most of the day (because of the dog show) it was okay, but before and after (and we didn't get a car with air-conditioning) the heat was worse then ever.
I noticed something in Italy, there is bright day light from 4:00am to 22:00pm, and the nights' light is not really dark either. Try to figure this, you go to sleep when there is totally light outside, weird.

After the dog show was over, we went to the Como (the BIG lake that everyone is going to!) and the weather there was great! I found myself training ducks to heel and 'show'. I fed ducks the whole days in (almost) 2kg of bread. I guess they won't be hungry for a very long time! Also, by the Como, a swan found me and started biting me so I'd feed it. But it was beautiful.
I also had the greatest thing of all, I got the chance to "Dance with Wolves". A man that owned a hotel I was at also owned two beautiful 4 years old wolves, it is okay with the law that people can hold wolves. I asked the man if I could pet them, so he took them out for a run, they were just beautiful, those two wild creatures acting like two young pups. I want one too!

The Two wolves and me

We finished our trip near the airport in a nice hotel I can tell anyone that it is worth a try. That's it, that was my whole trip, but I must say I enjoyed and will never forget those great 8 days in Italy.


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