The site was last updated on
24 Aug 2000
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Who Can watch my dog?
This week's tip is for all the people who was
planing to go on a trip or a vacation, and don't know what to do with their dog.
There are few choices of solving the problem;
The most common one is to send the dog to a
"dog motel". this option, usually, might be expensive, but you can make sure
that the dog is safe and that he will be good taking care of.
If you decide to take the dog to a "dog motel", make sure that the dog gets
at list 3 walks a day, and two meals a day.
If you wish, you can ask them to make sure that the dog will not be alone in his cage
(make sure that the cages are big enough!), and if you bring them more then one dog, it
might be better that the dogs will be in the same cage.
Another option, is to hire a
"Doggisitter", which is a dog babysitter, it is very popular in most of the
paces, and its pretty easy to find a kid that will love to watch your dog while you are
gone. I see more an advantage in hiring a Doggisitter, because the dog is staying at his
own home, and that is the best for the dog. Some people are taking to dog to their house
to watch over, and that is a possible way as well.
This Doggisitting, is much less expensive then the "Dog motel", and better
for the dog, but if you are going to a long time, the "Dog Motel" might be
better for the dog.
If you have family or friends that can watch
the dog, is the best thing. The dog knows the people he is being with, and usually feels
much more safer.
If you are about to go on a vacation, make sure to make those things;
Dog Motels;
* Let them know if the dog has any specific health problems.
* Give them the phone number of your vet, and your privet number where you can be
* Let them know what food your dog usually eat, or if he is allergic to any kind of
* Leave the phone number of the vet, and the dog's health passport.
* Let the Doggisitter know where are the dog's leash, water bowl, food, toys etc.
* Let the Doggisitter know how many walks the dog need and how many hours a day the
dog needs to be with people.
* Leave a phone number where you can be reached.
Family and friends;
* Leave the vet's phone number.
* Bring a food sac + food and water bowl.
* Leave your phone number where you can be reached.
Have a nice vacation... don't forget to bring
something back for the dog ;).