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Q: Which do you consider more important in your writing, a sense of place, your experiences, or something else altogether? Why is this important to you?
A: Without a doubt, personal experience is of the utmost importance. It's safe to say that I rely on it. In poetry, it's difficult for me to just conjure up something in my head and write successfully. I don't even bother with it because it's so much more rewarding to me when I look at something that I've written and know exactly where I was coming from. Other poets tell me that sometimes they write something and afterward they think, "where on earth did that come from?" I never really ask myself that question.

Q: What are your influences and inspirations? What makes you write?
A: I've been writing poetry for as long as I can remember. I never really seek inspiration you know, it comes after me. Sometimes it chases me until I can get to a pen and some paper and it screams at me until I get it's point across.

Q: Is there a particular aspect of your book that you are most proud of?
A: I'm the type that goes over my poetry and I think "ugh, I hate this" and then I'll open up my email program and read letters from people who own my book, telling me how much they can relate to what I'm saying or how they love the fact that I don't hold back in my writing. I'll tell you, that is what I was proud of. I was proud that I got to take some people on a journey through my head and they actually enjoyed themselves.

Q: What is unique about your book, what differentiates it from other books in the same category? What about it will reach out and grab the reader?
A: Poetry is poetry. It takes all different shapes and forms. When I was writing this book, I can honestly say that there were many times when I'd be writing and think, "I can never get away with saying that" or "my family is going to read this, I have to tone it down" but I didn't. I left it how I wrote it originally, knowing that I may in fact offend people. It was going to go one way or the other, people were either going to love it or hate it. I haven't received any hatemail yet so I'm doing okay so far.

Q: Any final words?
A: No

Radio Interview May 2001

Interviewer - Sabrina Tomasi

S - I'm so pleased to have you here, I read your book Anachronism. You are so young and the book is extremely serious poetry. I would think that you have been through a lot. There is poem in the book titled, "An Ode to my Father" and all it says is,"intentionally left blank."

M- I wrote this book during a really hard time in my life, I had lost my Grandfather and kind had a breakdown and I just let everything come of out me, but I had been writing poetry forever. Most of the poems in this book were written during that time. Do you like how I danced around that?

S- (laughs) okay, I'll move on. I'm sure a lot of people can relate to this book, especially those people who have been through a lot.

M - Yeah, it's not like it's just one subject where it's about men or this or that, it's about everything, it's about life, religion, hypocrisy, death, war. There is something for everyone.

S- Does writing help you emotionally?

M- Well, it helped me through a really rough time. Sometimes it just helps for the moment.

S- The dedication says, "This book is dedicated to Yoshiki Hayashi for always being on my side. I love you." Is this someone who is in your life now?

M- Yes, he is my boyfriend. We've been together for over five years now. He is the owner and president of Extasy Records International which is a record label that
is affiliated with Warner Bros. and he has seven artists signed to his label right now, one of which is sub.bionic. This band is absolutely incredible, there is no one
else like them out right now. Jimmy Tucket who is the lead singer and who writes the lyrics is so talented.

S- I understand that your boyfriend is extremely talented and has a very big name in Japan.

M- He is very talented. He was in a band called X Japan who recently broke up. X Japan was a rock band and they sold millions and millions of albums.

S- I understand that you were in one of his videos.

M- Actually I was in three of his videos. (laughs)

S- And this was back when you were a model. Marie Matteucci is a very beautiful woman, absolutely gorgeous.

M- (laughs) and you are a very smart woman.

S- (laughs) So is this how you two met?

M- Yep. We have a lot in common. We have similar childhoods, parents, issues, our writing is very dark, we have the same sense of humor, like the same foods, we
get along very well.

S- So is there an engagement on the way?

M- (laughs) You're an astrologer right? You tell me.

- commercial break -

S- So Marie, you have another book in the works right?

M- Yes, it's called "World War 3." I'm very excited about it.

S- Another poetry book?

M- Yes, it's another book of poetry. It's even more complex than Anachronism, very dark and I'm sure it will offend a lot of people. I'm very proud of it.

S- One of the poems that I really enjoyed in Anachronism that I really enjoyed was "The Third Song." What was that about?

M- That one was about a man and woman who knew that they were wrong for each other but they still had a strong connection. That poem is quite personal actually.

S- When do you write? When you are sad, happy, morning, night?

M- Usually at night. I can't really write during the day. A lot of times I'll be trying to sleep and something will come to me and I'll jump up and get on the computer. Every single poem is about something that happened in my life, an experiance, every poem
is so personal. When the book came out I was freaking out. I'm thinking, "okay $12.95 to buy the key that unlocks the door to my brain.

S- Where can people purchase the book?

M- It's available online, at Barnes & Noble, most major book stores. You can also order it over the phone by calling 1-877-823-9235.

S- Thank you so much for coming on the show. It's been a pleasure.