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Here Beans is shown being awarded a select award at the national specialty! this was a great year for Marrkees-

Not only did Beans get his select but--Ch. Marrkees William Tell was RWD! CH Marrkees Frijola(Beans baby) Was 2nd in his Futurity class and won the 12-18month class. Ch Marrkees Ebony Honey Bunny won 3rd in her futurity class and 3rd in her 12-18 month class! that was all of the Marrkees dogs there!!

This was a very fun year at the nationals!

Robin Stark went around measuring with a wicket on different dogs. She found Beans to be right on the dot of 18". She also found that height did not equal what the dog looked like!! But that body build, length of neck, carrage, coat, ect played a very large part in making a kees appear either big or small.

I learned here to ask about height or measure yourself. it is not as easy to eyeball size as one might think!