For the first 1:30, he will do nothing but quick big uppercuts that will knock you down with one hit. Try your best to keep dodging these punches and you can get 2 punches on him after he tries to hit you with a big uppercut. Also when you counter-attack, counter-attack him on the same side that he swings at you to take more energy away. The only way that these punches will not knock you down in one hit is if you have full energy and you try to block it. After 1:30, he will then do swing jabs for the rest of the time. These will not knock you down on one hit (thankfully) but are a little harder to dodge at first.
At the beginning of the second round, he will do eight or ten lightning quick jabs (it sometimes depends on the hearts you start out with in the second round). Just quickly block them and hit him in the stomach to get stars. After that, he will do swing jabs and big uppercuts. This time, the big uppercuts will not knock you down automatically and you can get more hits out of him when you counter-attack. After 1:30 in the match, both of his eyes will keep blinking. Hit him in the face or the stomach and get ready to block all of his punches (four of them, if you block them succesfully). He just does a lot of swing punches, kind of like the "Piston Punch". A thing you can do is to block his first punch, and then counter-punch him four times, and repeat for the other four punches.
For round three, his kinds of hits (jab, uppercut, swing) will be more random and hard to guess. If he pauses for a while, and then does a big uppercut, and pauses again, you will know that he is going to do two lightning-quick jabs, so be prepared and either dodge or block (don't duck). Just try to survive and hopefully, you can TKO Mike Tyson! (or Mr. Dream, whatever comes first).