I am a 23 year old graduate from Tennessee Technological University with a BS in Psychology, a BS in Mathematics, and a minor in Chemistry. I am currently in the doctorial program at Michigan State University under the Department of Linguistics and the Cognitive Science Program. Thanks to the NSF, I am on fellowship through the IGERT program. It is so cool to finally get paid to do what I've always wanted to do.
My academic interested in cognitive science might be better viewed as an interest in the intersection of psychology, neuroscience, and linguisitics. My research questions follow along the lines of 'How is thought structured?' and 'Explain how the mind arises from the brain'. I also have a panche for formal/mathematical modeling. I am slowly building up a resume outlining my professional life.
While at Tech, I was involved with the Associated Scholars Guild (ASG), the Honors Program, and Psi Chi. In between classes, homework, research, and seminars, I actually find some time to pick up a good book and remember there is life outside of academia.
Outside of school, I spend a lot of time reading, watching movies, and talking to my buddies. I live in the graduate dorms at MSU, home sweet home.