
Chem·is·try ('ke-m&-strE)-

1: a science that deals with the composition, structure, and properties of substances and with the transformations that they undergo
2: a) the composition and chemical properties of a substance [the chemistry of iron] b) chemical processes and phenomena (as of an organism) [blood chemistry]
3 : a strong mutual attraction, attachment, or sympathy [they have a special chemistry]

explosionmystic atomDidn't we all have that first chemisty set. You remember, the one with all the chemicals that basically just changed color, but you loved to play around with it anyway. Well, I have after much consideration, decided to stay with a Chemistry minor, including courses such as General, Organic, Physical, and Biochemical... and NO! I have not blown anything up! (yet...)

I started research July of 1999 with Dr. Ed Lisic, working with Melissa Phillips, an ACS chemistry major. We presented our results at the ACS Nationals Conference is coming up this spring in California. I have posted some of the research results here...

purple light

Chemistry Links

 TTU Department of Chemistry
 American Chemical Society at TTU
 ACD Labs
 Molecular Modeling

 My Resume

crazy dancing stick figure man, o thee i sing...


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