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Website of the Month
oops i missed a month again but heres a cool site that should make up for it, its a great graphics site! I love the backgrounds there! well here ya go:
thought i'd get this done early before I forgot again lol. For june I've got a link to a really cool yu yu hakusho site! Mazes castle! tons of info, media and stuff for fans! If you like yu yu hakusho this is the site to go to!!! Enjoy people!
For May I've got a link to a very cool site where I love looking at pictures! There's a ton of great anime pictures here people!! I havn't used any of them yet but I probably will soon! Here's the link: We love anime   Enjoy people!
One of my favorite video games is Kingdom Hearts!! Really cool game that I've been replaying over and over since it came out!! Well theres going to be a sequel and this site has the best info on KH2!!!
my personal favorite about this site is the Kingdom Hearts Manga!!!! Go check it out people!
Ok I'm sooo sorry I didn't get February up in time but I have a great March site!!! It's a jpop/jrock site that I love done by my best friend!
It has some great information on Japanese music and some cool wallpapers! You can also download some music she has! Just follow all the rules! Hope you like! Jpop/Jrock is the best!
Ok so its near the end of the month and I'm only just adding this but here we go.  The hit of the month for January is none other then a good friend of mines site, a Harry Potter website, Hogwarts Hangout. cute with information, games, and quizzes about none other than Harry Potter! It's a site in progress but she updates frequently! Go visit and sign her guestbook!
So for the first website of the month (yes I changed it)  I've got my best friend Murasaki's website to tell you about.  Its this great Sailor Moon website with sooooo much information.  I'm so jealous of her website!  Not only does it have information on Sailor Moon but it has cool information on Japanese culture, language, holidays etc. its sooo cool! Plus there are games, midi's, Mp3's, fanfiction, stationary and so much more! Vote and sign her guestbook when you go!!!   n_n
week 3
alrighty then for the third week I bring you my newest favorite site to go to.. Harry Potter downloads, interactive features, forums, information, and more Now the main page isn't up on this site yet, it will be starting next month, but they have a forums page run by very nice people and lots of intresting topics of Harry Potter to talk about.  Yes it is a harry potter site if you didn't catch it by their title. Hello Quibbler? Luny Luna? Book 5? ringing any bells people?! Oy! Well anyways Its an awsome site and I love reading everyones opinions on the book 6 matter! Go people! post your ideas so that I may argue with you! lol I have some of my own ideas that no one agrees with.  Maybe I'm a little too obsessed with HP.... n_n;;
For the 2nd hit of the week I'm bringing up my new favorite manga....Naruto! A young ninja boy named Naruto never gets acknowledged by his fellow towns people. He has no parents or friends so he does as he pleases. Mainly recks things.  His dream: to become the top ninja of the town and have everyone acknowledge him but there are many problems along the way to his dream, the first: pass the ninja exam.  Naruto's life is a difficult one but funny non the less! An excellent manga with tons of action, laughter and fighting! I found a website that lets you read the manga in engish! It even goes farther then what the Shonen Jump magazine is doing! Go here:
This is an awsome site that has manga, movies, mp3's and more! Go there its totally worth a visit!
Ok so for the very first "hit of the week" I'm bringing up my favorite webcomic. Eidolic Fringe
Rei Anderson a normal teenage boy does the noraml heroic deed...saves the girl he likes from being hit by a bus. But instead of dying he goes into a type of coma and finds himself in the middle of the "Alreaan Sea." From there he meets up with friends and foes alike.   What is in store for the new hero now? Will he get home? Can he trust these new people? And why do these Pirates think he is someone else? Beautifully drawn and an awsome story line! A must read! (yeah Im really bad at summerys but it's a good story really! NO its a great story! Go read it!) I'm so jealous of the authors too! They can draw, write awesome story lines and have a totally cool website with a mascot and all! *sniff* you guys at Eidolic Fringe are soo lucky! Go see for yourself people their site is a must see!