here's how this page goes, since I love color-coding...
the news in this color is related to Takako
the news in this color is updates to
this website.
blue bars contain a brief summary of the day's news.
newest news at top of page.
3-03-03: |
Revamped the links page a bit and added several news links to it (as well as taking out several). Be sure to check out the links to clips that Mumbleboy made for Maxi-On! Also, finally added some more viewer art to the bonus page. |
2-19-02: mimi |
Tomoko sent me more lyrics, and I now have all the Chat Chat lyrics posted! |
2-19-02: point of viewpoint |
still nothing much new to report,
unofortunately... However, I have finally posted lyrics
to Takako's cover version of "Kaze no Tani no Nausicaa", off of Chat Chat.
Special thanks go out to Tomoko, who sent me said lyrics! By the way, Takako's voice is sampled a bit on the Cornelius CD, "Point". go by it! You won't be disappointed... |
8-10-01: ... |
crap. Sorry about the extreme
lack of updates lately... I've been supa-busy, and haven't really heard much new about
Takako. Well, I added onto the links page. Oh yeah! I forgot to mention. The name of Takako & Keigo's baby is Mairo. if you know them somehow, congradulate them on thier recent addition to thier life! |
3-19-01: let your voice be heard, er, I mean, let your text be read. |
Got a new, and much more
versatile forum
for the site. On the forum, I go under the handle of "minekawa". aagh, I still
haven't gotten around to writing a summary of Maxi On. I will soon though! Also, if you haven't noticed yet, I revamped the main page and have a new little intro. If you still want to view the old version, I kept it here for posterity. The new design is more minimalistic, but I like it. ...and it's still blue! |
2-21-01: chat chat |
I didn't really like the old chat room, so I got a new one, and you can visit it here. |
2-3-01: userfriendly |
Well, I finally bought Maxi On. I haven't had it long enough for it to really soak in yet, so I'll have a summary of it soon... As for work around the site, you'll notice that the discography and the media pages are much more convenient to navigate now. I've set up all the thumbnails so that the full size versions pop up in a new window. I also did some general cleaning up or things... fixing up some sloppiness and whatnot. |
12-23-00: January 1st, 2010?? ha hahh... |
I finally added Maxi On
to the discography page. It's American release has been delayed
until Januray 1st, 2001, I hear, but according to this typo at, we have to wait a lot longer... *_* tré amusing...
Anyway, once I find a copy of Mxi On, I'll review it and post better cover scans. by the way... I've been considering redesigning this site, but I'm not sure if I want to. I rather like it as is. but I'll add some fun new stuff for the new year... |
10-9-00: Maxion in America!! |
Sorry about the big ol' hiatus on
news... but here's some recent stuff: Maxion is on sale in America wednesday, November 15th! It's got bonus tracks that aren't on the Japanese version, and willhave different packaging design. |
8-26-00: viceland |
added another link to the links page. |
8-2-00: viewer art |
Ever since I created this site, I've been waiting for people to send in thier Takako-related art, & finally someone has. Go to the "extra" page to find a portrait of Takako by Mark Francisco! |
7-25-00: doodle doo... |
Big news! Y'know that little bit
of news I refered to in my May update? The one I wasn't revealing on this site just yet...
WELL, I got confirmation of it from a reliable source (a friend of Takako's), and here it
is (albeit a bit out of date by now, but you guys may not know about it yet so it's okay):
Takako Minekawa got married! The lucky guy is none other than Keigo
Oyamada, AKA: Cornelius! They've been romantically involved for a while now. That's not
all, they have a baby on the way (due in November, I hear). That's gonna
be like the most creative family ever to walk the Earth, in my opinion... Sorry about the news lately, but I don't know much more than what I last reported... My friend Yohei was helping me translate TM's official Japanese site to get new info, but he's back in Japan for the summer. When he gets back (in the middle of August), I'll have him help me give you hungry TM fans some new info goodies! |
7-5-00: Marq 19 |
Hmmm... well, I'm back with some
magazines pics of Takako that I'll add. I also finally bought the limited edition of
C.C.C. Not too much new stuff to report really. The Trattoria site has some info
about Maxi On. Go here to learn about Takako's new album. It's comin' out soon.
:) Oh by the way, Momus's site has an mp3 preview of a song off of Maxi On. Go here! Added pictures of Takako from Marquee issue 19, & one from Marquee issue 18. Go check 'em out on the media page. |
5-13-00: Maxi On |
At long last... I have
some mo' info for ya. Available August 9th! "Maxi On", a new CD by Takako! due to it's relatively low price (¥2000), I assume it's an EP. I'd buy it immediately, but unfortunately it comes out in Japan after I go back to the states. She collaborated with the band Daymaxion in making the album. Also, one of the tracks she did with Keigo Oyamada & one of the tracks she did solo. Oh, that reminds me... I apologize in advance, but as of May 15th, I'll be in Japan for 6 weeks. Thus, no new updates during that time... but I should have some fun new stuff to report upon my return. Oh yeah, by the way... I heard an interesting little bit of news, but I'm keeping my lips zipped until I find proof of it from a definite source. :) big update! Added a lyrics section to the media page! by the way, I tweaked the links section again. Added some links and fixed some broken ones. |
3-16-00: conquering the CMJ |
With the help of Yohei, here's
some news off the Polystar site. (sorry I'm a bit late with this news, I was out of
state at the time it was released). I of course put a few of my own embellishments in
here... 3-10-00: 3-6-00: The February 18th show that Takako did will be broadcast on TV in
Japan. Also, Takako is in New York city right now recording for a NEW
ALBUM!!!!! It'll be out THIS SUMMER!!!!!!! |
1-31-00: mo' live! |
My friend Yohei helped
translate some info on upcoming live Takako Minekawa shows.... (arigato Yohei!) they sound
like they're going to be fabulous! . so here's the 411: Tokion 3rd Anniversary Party Ebisu Milk I WANNA GO!!!!!! If you can't see Japanese characters with your browser, don't fret, there is hope! Union Way is software you can download to view Japanese with your browser. To download it, go here. If that still didn't work (Unionway isn't perfect...), go here. (the news page of TM's Polystar page) |
12-29-99: new millenium... 2000 or 2001? |
Hey all, I finally was able to
track down a copy of the American version of Fun 9, so if you go to the discography section, you'll find a much clearer scan of the cover. I
have also updated the info there a bit. Also added some mo' linx to the links page. I'm still upset that I wasn't able to go to that Takako Minekawa show in Tokyo on the 26th... :( This may be my last update to the site this year unless I get some new sumptous morsel of TM news before y2k. Who knows how my computer will fare when midnight hits, but it should be fine and I should be able to update lots more. ...So I just wanted to wish all the visitors of this site a wonderful and safe new years eve/day! |
12-24-99: noro noro |
Just updated the links page. that's all. Tomorrow's Christmas... I almost forgot to wish you all happy holidays! enjoy the season! |
12-18-99: o to the h to the n to the o |
I hear that the American version
of Fun 9 contains the bonus track "Etoufée". I just added 4 new pics to the media page. They are from the February 1998 issue of Keyboard Magazine. They are of Takako Minekawa, (Buffalo Daughter's) Yumiko Ohno, and one Minimoog. charming pics. |
11-28-99: dry spell... |
still trying to find a copy of
the American release of Fun 9, but to no avail yet... Once I get it, I'll post a higher
resolution pic of it's cover. aak... I need news... added on to the links page. |
11-17-99: funk in the USA |
today is the 17th of November... Fun 9 comes out today in America! |
11-15-99: Escoufee |
Apperently, the new Trattoria
compilation (I don't know the exact name at the moment), has a Takako
Minekawa track on it. A version of Spin Spider Spin featuring French
lyrics. I'll have more info posted here as I get it. By the way... just 2 more days until Fun 9 comes out in the USA.... keep an eye out for it! |
11-4-99: goo gah.. |
not much TM related news that I know of today, but I added another link to the links page... check it out. |
10-31-99: TM in GR 16 |
There is a one-page article about
Takako in the latest issue of Giant Robot magazine, issue 16. There is some pictures
with it, and I have scanned them and put them on the media page.
They pictures were originally published in Marquee issue 13, but now you can see them in
color :) Giant Robot's website is here --> ![]() |
10-22-99: bape heads are now fully translated. |
Okay, My pal Miyuki helped finish
up the translations on the concert info. (arigato Miyuki!) so here it is: Bathing Ape presents Worldwide Bape Heads show The following is the info in Japanese, if your browser can read it. If it can't then you'll just see a garbled mess: A BATHING APE presents WORLD WIDE BAPE HEADS
SHOWo‰‰Œˆ’èI If you can't see the Japanese characters, don't fret, there is hope! Union Way is software you can download to view Japanese with your browser. To download it, go here. If that still didn't work (Unionway isn't perfect...), go here. (the news page of TM's Polystar page) |
10-19-99: bape heads? |
Well, I got some news for ya, but
it's sort of incomplete. On Takako's Polystar HP, the news for Oct. 18th says that
she is gonna be playing a show with Cornelius and some others. My Japanese is not quite
good enough for me to translate the entire info, but here's what I got so far: Bathing Ape presents Worldwide Bape Heads show (funny
title...) Well, this is good news for you if you live in Japan... that's all I was able to understand, so maybe with my Japanese teacher's help, I'll get you info (in English), on he venue, the other performing artists, and some other important info. If you want to see the original news realease in Japanese, go here. I WANNA GO TO THIS SHOW!!!!!! *snif* *snif* |
10-4-99: woooooooooooooooo...... |
hmmm... I fixed a broken link in the links page, but that's just about it. I need news, people!! :-P |
9-25-99: Fun 9 in the USA. be patient... |
Go to the discography
page to see what the cover of the American release of Fun 9 will look like (kind
of). The image is off of the Emperor Norton
site. I blew it up a bit to fit the size theme of the rest of the page, but it looks
kinda crappy... I guess for now, that's all I have for you see until the album is released
on November 17th. (mark your calendars! save up money! this album is
definitely worth buying!) Oh yeah, I also (finally) updated the information/review I posted of Fun 9 in the discography page. Fun 9 turned out to be one of my very favorite CDs, despite my initial wierdness about it. It is a supreme recording. |
9-23-99: pictures are nice. |
I just added more pics to the media page and did some big revamping. go take a look... You'll also notice that I changed the color scheme on this page a bit... I thought that that previous purple looked out-of-place. Also added a new link to the links page. Now you can watch the "Milk Rock" video in Real Video! Also updated the about page, and included a banner for this site, in case you want to link to the Phonobaloon Website. |
9-19-99: if you like Takako, you also might like... |
You might find this of
interest... when I talked to Cornelius at his show, he said he will have a new album out
probably in late this year or early next year... don't quote me on this, but just keep
your eyes peeled... I added another section to the links page, with artists who are similiar to Takako. go see who's there! I also have made the links page so that all links open in a new window, so ya don't lose this site... |
9-18-99: images galore |
I updated the links page and added more pictures to the media page. check 'em out! |
9-16-99: polystaaaaa... |
I don't really have much news fo' ya today, but the official Takako site at Polystar just got a big redesign, and they linked me! I have a smile thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis big on my face! |
9-1-99: fun-k |
The confirmed US release date for
Fun 9 is Friday, November 17th. Also, Emperor Norton has acknowledged the error in track placement on the US version of Ximer and stated that future printings of the album will contain the proper track. (remix of Black Forest by Junior Varsity KM.) |
8-25-99: Fun 9 in the states |
I heard a rumor that Emperor
Norton is releasing Fun 9 in America in November. Stay tuned... added some info to the discography page. |
8-24-99: little changes |
just tweaking some things about the site occasionally. You'll have to excuse the infrequent news. I'm trying... |
8-14-99: (insert title here) ...hmmm.... |
yup. thazz' right, I added another link to the links page. I have been mulling over the idea of starting up a lyrics page.... what do you think? |
8-13-99: mo' linktitude |
I added more links of various
sorts to the links page. yessiree. Also added Takako's name
in kanji to the main page. |
8-12-99: help 'em out, if you can! |
Okay, so today's news isn't really about Takako Minekawa at all, but it is about two of my favorite bands, and I wanted to help out in my small part... Just last Friday, in Brooklyn, Cibo Matto's equipment truck was stolen. It contained a large amount (maybe all, I'm not sure) of thier music instuments and equipment, along with a lot else. Also recently, quite a bit of John Spencer Blues Explosion's equipment was stolen. The crime against Cibo Matto was committed in Brooklyn, and JSBX was robbed in Vancouver British Colombia. Go to this site to find out what exactly was stolen. Also at this site is contact info in the event that you may have valuable tips. |
8-11-99: blah, today. |
I added another link to the links page, but that's all for today. |
8-8-99: XIMER oddities |
I bought the American release of
"Ximer" earlier today. (Now all I need to complete my TM collection is
the Japanese version of C.C.C.) The remix of Cat House is quite nice, but I
was a bit suprised to see that the tracks labeled as the Junior Varsity KM remix of Black
Forest was actually thier remix of "Destron", a song that was originally off of
Roomic Cube. Hmm. check out the discography page. I added info on the American release of Ximer. |
8-7-99: XIMER omake (bonuses) in America! |
Well, I am a tad late in telling you this, but "Ximer" has been released in America by Emperor Norton Records. This American version has two bonus tracks: "Black Forest" remixed by Junior Varsity KM, and "Cat House", remixed by Sweet Trip. |
8-3-99: Fun 9 ga arimasu. |
I now have "Fun 9".
Thus, I have updated the discography page with a review and some
pictures. I also added a new picture to the media page. I
also added more info to the bio page.
There is a 7" single available for the song "Plash" (off of Fun 9). Also, there is a t-shirt avaiable for Fun 9. |
7-27-99: rock on Takako! |
updated the bio
page with some new info I have gathered. I got the new Tokion, and I will be updating this site with little tidbits of info from it... |
7-25-99: wooo boy, have I been busy... |
sorry for the lack of updates recently. two reasons: 1. I have had a lot of work lately. 2. Being in lower Michigan, I don't get a whole lot of new info on Takako. but fear not! I will have more info soon, as I will be getting Fun 9 in the mail soon, and I shall review it... and: there is an interview with Takako in the new issue of Tokion. (issue #12). I have a subscription, but I kinda wonder why I haven't gotten that issue... oh well, as soon as it reaches me, I shall post new info :) |
6-29-99: hmmm.... |
added a bunch of neato stuff to the discography page... more album art (inner sleeves), and now you can click on the thumbnail images to see a much larger, crisper version of the picture. Also changed around the media page a bit. |
6-28-99: hammering in the loose nails... | ||||||||||||
I'm just doing little tweaks on the site... so you may check in one day and see a page a certain way, then check in the next and see it different! bear with me, as this is my first fan site... | ||||||||||||
site nav::: main - bio - news - media - disco - links - chat - forum - extra - contact - about this site site by evan hayden 2001 |