summer for Sumer
summer for Sumer
Hat industries very bravely published two ancient sets, Sumer Infantry and Sumer Charriots. They are vera', vera' cool! On the trivia (sort of trivial, but really not!) side, did you know the Sumerians invented the wheel? And invented the Charriot! And invented writing and beer and therefore, it is very likely the first driving under the influence traffic ticket was written in Sumer. The hour was born in Sumer as well! You see they had a base 60 counting system (we have a base 10) which accounts for 60 minutes in an hour. All this inventing and drunken driving was going on at least 7000 years ago, maybe even 10,000 years ago, in the area that lies today between Bahgdad and Basra! Oh yeh! Our modern word for the season of Summer is descended directly from the name 'Sumer.' All this info, over at least 7000 years old was looked at because a modern company, Hat, decided to sculpt some toy soldiers!
Standard and Hat figs 
Hat did well.