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Edited by Lester F. Schone, Jr.



Some say that my teaching is nonsense. Others call it lofty but impractical. But to those who have looked inside themselves, this nonsense makes perfect sense. And to those who put it into practice, this loftiness has roots that go deep. I have three priceless treasures: The first is compassion, the second thrift, and the third is that I never want to be ahead of you. If I have compassion, you will die for me. I know that. If I waste nothing, I can give myself to you, and if I don't seem perfect, then you can trust me. These days people scorn compassion. They try to be tough. They spend all they have, and yet they want to be generous. They despise humility, and they want to be the best. I tell you truly this is the way to death in life.



The Tao that can be known is not the true Tao. The Name that can be named is not the eternal Name. Everything in the universe comes out of Nothing. Nothing - the nameless is the beginning; is the Creator of all things. Free from desire, you can realize Its mystery. Caught in desire you can only see the manifestation. Follow the Tao, and you can be like it, not needing anything, you will see the wonder and the Root of everything. Even if you cannot grasp this Nothingness, you can still see something of the Tao in everything. These two; Nothingness and Tao are the same, they are only called by different names, yet both are mysterious and wonderful. All things are Tao, and of the Tao.



Stop thinking, and end all your problems. What is the difference between yes and no said insincerely? What is the difference between being angry and pretending not to be? Must you value what others value, avoid what others avoid? How ridiculous! Other people are excited as though they were at a parade. I myself do not care, I myself am expressionless, like an infant before it can smile. I do not care about fame and money. Other people have caught the fools gold they wanted so much; I myself possess nothing. I myself drift about like someone without a home. I AM like an idiot, my mind is so empty. Other people are excited; I myself am calm. Other people are people are smart; I myself do not know. The People are like waves on the ocean, I drift drift between them like waves on the ocean, I move between them as aimless as the wind. Perhaps I AM different, I AM Strange, I drink from the Mother-God's breast.



Beauty and mercy are only recognizable because we know the opposite, which is ugliness and meanness. You see when we say something is beautiful, we make other things ugly. When we say something is good, we have made other things bad. Nothing and Heaven share the same root-difficulty and ease are a part of all work. Being and non-being create each other. Long and short define each other. High and low depend on each other. End your troubles by having what you want and what you say be the same. For neither future or past can exists alone. To be wise is to have no attachment to anything, then you can do the right thing without knowing how. Life, all life began without words. Life IS and no one owns IT. The Tao is neither selfish nor proud. The Tao is generous in what IT does, without ever claiming credit. All peace can be found in being as the Tao.



If you refuse to be proud, then people will not compete with you. If you do not value possessions, then people will not steal from you. If you do not judge, people can do no wrong. By not being greedy, you will not be in want. By not being dominant, you will not have conflict. If you do not take credit for what you have done, people will never want to take control, and they are never driven by ambition, you then can lead, by acting invisibly. You see, if there is nothing to fight for, all things fall into place.



The Tao does not act like humans. It doesn't expect to be thanked for making life, so IT can view life without expectation. The Tao is like a bellow: It is empty and yet never exhausted. Work like the Tao and and you will never lack anything. The more you talk of IT, the less you'll understand IT, remain quiet and centered.



The Tao is the breath that never dies. IT is the mother of all creation. IT is the the root and ground of every soul. IT is always present in you. Yet if you look for IT, IT cannot be seen, if you listen for IT, IT will not be heard. Remain still and silent and it will direct you.



The Tao is like water. There must be water for life to be, and it can flow where is chooses. Be like a lake, calm and quiet and having great depth. If you flow like water, you will always over come obstacles, without meeting conflict. For if  you, like water, are content with where you are conflict is not possible. For water never fights, it finds the way around.



Do you strut like a peacock? If so, your setting yourself up to be shot. You bring on you own disaster if you care about people's approval, for you will become their prisoner. Let go and nothing can hold you.



Most people fear about their status, yet you do not have to do this. For success is as dangerous as failure. What does it means that success is as dangerous as failure? Whether you go up or down a latter, your position is shaky. Only when you stand with both feet on the ground, is your position secure. If you can put yourself aside, and have faith in the way things are, then you can do things that are best for all.



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Author: Lester F. Schone, Jr..
Copyright © 1999 [Modern Mystics, Inc.]. All rights reserved.
Revised: February 08, 2003.