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Here are some of my other photos


             This is me:              This is my Wife:           Me and Bugs             DHOOA!

   lestera.jpg (14530 bytes)               Elizabeth.jpg (17336 bytes)               bugs.jpg (49005 bytes)             Cat.jpg (19292 bytes)


    My Lincoln!            A blowout from my                     My 69 Mustang


           lincoln.jpg (85348 bytes)                 tire.jpg (101097 bytes)                                 mustang.jpg (19065 bytes)




   This is my Brotherman Anthony         

bman.jpg (13703 bytes)                                         



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Author: Lester F. Schone, Jr.
Copyright © 1999 [Modern Mystics, Inc.]. All rights reserved.
Revised: February 08, 2003 .