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What is an affiliate program and how does it work?


Affiliate programs allow you to share revenue with companies who gain sales as a result of your website's traffic; a program which pays people (affiliates)  a percentage of sales.


You own a site, you advertise the site, and when consumers make purchases from the links you provide on your site, you - the webmaster - earn a commission.

SFI has a PROVEN system that is working successfully for thousands of men and women all over the world. The key is to learn how to put the system to work for YOU. 

Unless you consider winning the lottery or being the beneficiary of a large inheritance, there is no such thing as "get-rich-quick" or "something for nothing."

Is that a bitter pill for you to swallow? It shouldn't be! Can you think of any other endeavor where you could invest just 5-10 hours a week for a couple years and at the end of that time have turned it into a $3000 - $10,000 residual monthly income stream?

Money that keeps coming in month after month, year after year. Money that keeps coming in whether you work ten hours a day or two. A commission check waiting for you in your mailbox when you return from yet another vacation.

So what IS this thing called SFI and what do you have to do to create a lucrative SFI income stream?

You basically have ONE simple objective...
to refer people to your FREE SFI Website.

For most promotions, all you're doing is offering valuable FREE stuff that people can sign up for 24 hours a day! You're not asking for a commitment! You're not asking people to spend a penny! Just offer FREE STUFF! That's all you have to do! Our system takes care of almost everything else.

Once at your Website, some of your referrals will decide to purchase some of our OVER 1 MILLION products and services. Some will sign up for our free Customer Newsletter. And others will register to become affiliates (which is FREE) like you did. Currently, on average, over 6000 people a DAY sign up to be SFI affiliates!

Where does the income come from?

As an SFI affiliate, you'll earn commissions on any purchases made by people YOU have DIRECTLY referred to SFI. This is a nice benefit and this is how most of the thousands of affiliate programs on the Internet work.

For every personal sale you generate, you earn a Seller's Commission instantly!

When you refer someone to your assigned SFI Gateway Website, your ID will automatically be attached to any subscription, inquiry, or order placed anywhere in the Website.

You will also be automatically sent email notifications of all sales generated each day. These notifications include a description of the product or service purchased, the customer's name, and a confirmation of the commission amount you have earned.

Commission checks are sent out monthly on or about the 10th for the previous month's total sales.



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