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Poem Page

When I think about the past,
It makes me ponder...
It makes all things
In life, grow fonder.
I think about times
With undiscovered loves
And if it's my standards
In which they are above.
I don't want to have
Any doubt in my mind
About leaving my present,
My first love, behind.
It's something I know
I've got to be sure of.
Because this is deep
When you're dealing with love.
I know for a fact
That no one wants pain
Sometimes this dilemma 
Can drive you insane.
This is not a discouragement
It's not even advice.
It's just a simple poem
To help open your eyes.


Disclaimer: This intellectual property is protected by copyright law. Any reproduction, duplication, or publishing of this material is prohibited by law and punishable by death.  The author will have sole authority in deciding which form of death you will receive and word has it, she is quite partial to death by chocolate!


Please feel free to me anytime to say hello at monsheri@hotmail.com