


Welcome to the section of the page that contains my own personal library.  Yes, this is the very best place to find the most recent and up to date works of the one and only Mox Jet (gee, that didn't sound too arrogant, did it?).  Actually, if you ask anyone I've spoken too, I don't think my writing is anything special at all, and people like Cain know that I'm actually quite loyal with paying my daily sacrifices to the Typo God.   


With that out of the way, I give you my personal library.  Herein is every piece of writing that I deem to post on the net.  At the moment, it is all Fan Fiction based on the game of Chrono Trigger.  Some of it is more interwoven to the game than others, but it all ties back to this great game in at least one way, most commonly through the Lavoids.  


I have developed somewhat of an obsession with my own universe, as you'll see when you realize that everything here is not really based around the characters of the game, but my own characters.  Actually, this overriding obsession is what led to the creation of this site as a whole, mostly as an outlet for all of the stuff that I've created for this 'faniverse' which I share with some other excellent writers by the names of Nanaki and Nightsong.  Hopefully, they'll give me permission to post their work on my page as well, but I guess only time will tell.  


I've divided this section into two parts.  The first is for my Fan Fiction, or, stories of or relating to my faniverse.  The second is for my Original Fiction.  This is for stuff that I write on my own or stuff I do for English class that I feel like putting up.  I'll shut up now, and let my work speak for itself.  Happy reading!



Fan Fiction



The Planeswalkers

Authors Notes, 40 Chapters, an Epilogue, and Credits.  Complete


Everybody knows of the story of Chrono and his friends (if not, then I don't know what you're doing here) and how they fought Lavos and saved the world. But, what if there were others fighting Lavos as well? Maybe they just got beat to the punch. And the question still remains: one of Lavos's species is destroyed, but does that end the treat?

Now consider what people would do in the year 1999 once Lavos struck. Would they just sit on their butts and watch the world slip into a nuclear winter? Of course not! They would try to fight it too! Now, what happens when one young man's desire to return home turns into the biggest struggle of them all: the struggle against destiny.

Do we really control our lives, or are we just puppets in a play? Are all of our lives laid out before we are born, or can we break free of the current of fate? That is the question that 18 year old Jack McKlane asks himself as his journey unfolds. Now, I can only give one piece of advice: Accept your Destiny.


Author's Notes  

Chapter 1- Of Teachers and Students  

Chapter 2- Questionable Futures  

Chapter 3- Where, or is it When, are We?

Chapter 4- Captured?!

Chapter 5- A First Kill

Chapter 6- Escape

Chapter 7- We Just Keep Meeting People Like This, Don't We?

Chapter 8- New Weapons, New Troubles

Chapter 9- Might and Magic

Chapter 10- A Ruined Future

Chapter 11- A New Plan

Chapter 12- Is this Destiny

Chapter 13- Winds of Magic

Chapter 14- Infiltration

Chapter 15- Into the Depths of Hell

Chapter 16- Not Again!

Chapter 17- Meeting the Magus

Chapter 18- Lost in Time

Chapter 19- Battle of the Blue Hairs

Chapter 20- Interrogation

Chapter 21- The Kingdom of Zeal

Chapter 22- The Dreamstone Blade

Chapter 23- Realizations

Chapter 24- Drunken Confessions

Chapter 25- Speeches of Destiny

Chapter 26- Assassinations and Modifications

Chapter 27- Secrets of the Dreamblade Revealed

Chapter 28- The Battle of Truce

Chapter 29- Of Lavos Born

Chapter 30- Chaos

Chapter 31- Wings of Fate

Chapter 32- Back to the Beginning and Together Again

Chapter 33- The Eve before the Great Life or Death Struggle

Chapter 34- Lavos!

Chapter 35- Back to the Beginning and All over Again

Chapter 36- Aspiration to Destruction

Chapter 37- Negotiations

Chapter 38- In the Beginning of Time

Chapter 39- A Tale of Temporal Training

Chapter 40- Planeswalker






Twins of Destiny

Author's Notes, Prologue and 13 Chapters.  In progress


It is two years after the creation of the Lavoid Exterminatorum Adeptus and all seems to be going smoothly according to the will of its creator. Lavoids are dying and the organization is growing. On top of that, Jack McKlane was on the verge of a breakthrough that would provide the Adeptus a spell that should be capable of destroying a Class B. They were making headway in their crusade, yet, something new was now wrong.


On some backwater planet known in the Dominion records as Celes, something new has appeared. In fact, it seems to be two things. Defying probability in their very existence in this time stream, two young men, separated by half a world, would be finding that they hold the key to a planet's history.


So now what will become of young Tyrion and Teclis as they get drawn into a political intrigue bigger than both of them? More importantly, perhaps, is why can't Elosia's Epitorum see through the veil of time with her prophetic powers? What happened to this planet and why are the Lavoids so interested in it? Find out soon, in Chrono Trigger: Twins of Destiny 




Author's Notes -new-


Chapter 1- Child of Fate

Chapter 2- Scheming

Chapter 3- Hidden Machinations  

Chapter 4- The First Casualty  

Chapter 5- Newly Enlisted  

Chapter 6- Two of a Kind  

Chapter 7- On the Move  

Chapter 8- And on the Run  

Chapter 9- Crystain and Captors

Chapter 10- Past Recollections  

Chapter 11- Double Crosses and Double Takes 

Chapter 12- Behind the Scenes

Chapter 13- Black Wings Arise Again  




Flames of Vengeance: Symphony of Chaos

Authors Notes, Prologue and 2 Chapters.  In Progress


The Lavoid Exterminatorum Adeptus had long been the primary fighting force against the biological monstrosities called the Lavoids.  However, long after the LEA’s end, there are still forces who continue to resist the Lavoids with whatever means necessary.  While almost all of the knowledge of the LEA has been lost to the ages, the will to fight against those who would oppress still lives on.


In a time where the Lavoid Exterminatorum Adeptus and Lathain of Zeal are little more than fairy tales, some of their legacy lives on.  The indomitable will of man and Planeswalker continues to fight against the forces of Chaos and the forces of evil.


Now, one man will continue in his own private vendetta against the Lavoids, no matter what the price.  His quest to seek revenge will undo the balance of power that has formed over the last 1500 years, and it will bring new freedoms, new burdens, and new realities.  Does Chaos really control all, or is there more Order to things than it sometimes seems? 


This is what Duncan McKlane will ask, and then only Destiny will be able to answer.




Author's Notes  


Chapter 1- The Test of Time  

Chapter 2- Art of a Master  

Chapter 3- The Order Gathers -new-

Chapter 4- Problems Addressed -new-

Chapter 5- Ceremony -new-




Times of War

Prologue and 1 Chapter.  In progress (temporarily delayed)


In 600ad Humans were engaged in a seemingly everlasting war against a magical race known as the Mystics. Like any war, it was a time of Heroes, Villains, and Tragedy. People in the present look back on this war and can only remember that we won that war against the Mystics, but was the fact that we won all that lay within this epic saga.


What if the war with the Mystics wasn't the only war the humans were fighting in? What if the inner workings of the government was actually caught up in it's own struggle for power in the confusing time of war. What is the King's Guard and what is the real truth about the story of Aragorn Lestrides?

Join me, now as we head back in time to a period of Knights and Wizards, of Good and Evil. Join me, as we go back to see the unfolding plot of young Aragorn Lestrides. Join me, as we travel back to the Times of War.





Chapter 1- The New Knight




The Purge

Short Story, One Part.  Complete


When a Class B sets up a short term infestation on Gratite IV, one Inquisitor Rathnar of the Sol Dominion is allowed the rare chance to see the LEA in work...




The Purge  



Original Fiction



College Essay

One Part.  Complete


Basically for English class, we had to write something comparable to that of a College Essay which we would submit with our applications.  It was supposed to function as a way to tell the college people something about us and who we are as people, as well as demonstrate good vocabulary and writing skills and what not.  Most importantly, it was supposed to be about something that made us unique.


After very little time, the obvious answer of, "Well, I had already written a book by the time I was 16," came to mind.  How I was to put this in an essay to be contained within two pages, however, was another story.  The result is below.  It got a 95, and a "This paper is a winner and will work beautifully," from a teacher that is stingy with compliments.  I was happy, at any rate.




College Essay




Picked On



I don't normally do poetry, but I was quite pleased with this one.  We were assigned to do a commentary on being bullied and how we dealt with it.  This is about my experience with the Varsity lacrosse team last year, and how I dealt.




Picked On  



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