Chapter 40 – Planeswalker






            Jack had returned by himself to the real world soon after those eighteen months came to a close.  With him, he carried the planes for his new devices, the Planar Distortion Shift Device.  Hopefully, Tristan could make some sense of it and the entire concept could be put to good use.


            Learning how to use the Planeswalk was probably the most important thing he had gained from his time spent at the Beginning of Time.  It actually turned out to be a pretty complicated series of theories and concepts, but after training with them for the last six months, he had gained a decent control over it.  At any rate, he had gained enough control over it so that he could design the machine that would guide his ships through the stars.


            The whole concept was based on the Differentiating Forms in the Multi-Plane Universe concept.  Functionally, alternate planes are not shaped the same as the physical plane, even though they all exist in the same space like a series of bubbles within each other.   But, in different planes, points that are light years away can be shifted so that they actually exist right next to each other.  All one had to do was to shift into an alternate plane, alter the space in that plane and then drop back into the physical plane.  Trips taking centuries could be completed in seconds if the proper calculations are accounted for.  Of course, that was all circumstantial, but it would have to do. 


            But using the Plane Shift in a fight also proved usefully.  When constantly slipping in and out of the physical plane, Jack was able to create an extremely flowing and almost beautiful style of combat.  Not having to cast a spell, such as a teleportation, it was an infinitely quicker method of instantaneous travel, powered by his Planeswalker abilities.  The Planeswalker would revolutionize the fight against the Lavoids.  Now they would be able to travel almost anywhere, tearing holes in the planes of existence and producing brain boggling effects.  There were others like him out there, Jack knew.  There were other potential Planeswalkers, waiting to be freed.  That would also be part of his task.  But first, he needed a ship.


            He had gone back to the point in time where the three of them were actually in the End of Time, just as Jack and Sarah had gone into the portal for their training.  That was a point in time nearly two years ago, but with the now pinpoint accuracy of his time magic spells, he nailed the time to the second.  Tristan had looked at him funny when he appeared again, holding the plans in his hands.  Naturally, Tristan had just seen Jack disappear to the Beginning of Time and now he had reappeared just seconds later, without Sarah.


            “What are you doing here?” Tristan asked the blue haired warrior.  “You just left!”


            “Yeah, I know,” Jack said.  “I timed it like that.  Actually, I’m from nearly two years in the future.  I just came back to give you this.”  He handed Tristan the three-hundred-page plan/report on the Plane Shift device, along with everything else about the LEA he could think of.


            “Umm…okay,” Tristan said with a shrug, taking the plans.  “It’s all the same to me.”


            “I’m going to go back to the beginning of time and then slide back into my original time stream.  Then I’ll come back, what will seem like 18 months from now, and jump back into the normal flow of time.”


            “Will that work?” Tristan asked.  “I mean, aren’t you just creating a time stream distortion by changing the past?”


            “Yeah,” Jack said.  “So that in the future, the LEA will already be set up.  Duh.”


            “Oh…” Tristan said.  “I knew that.”


            “Okay, then,” Jack said.  “I’ll see you in a year and a half.”  With that, he waved his hand and created a new portal.


            “You’re just going to leave again?” Tristan asked him.


            “Don’t see why not,” Jack admitted with a shrug.  “You have anything you need to ask?  I mean, we won’t be in contact through all of this.”


            “No…” Tristan said, starting to flip through the plans.  “I’m…sure this is all in order.”


            “Of course,” Jack said.


            “Then, I guess I’ll see you in a year and a half,” Tristan said with a realization of the task that lay before him over the next eighteen months.


            “Right,” Jack said simply.  Waving, he jumped into the gate again and it slammed shut behind him.


            “Right…” Tristan said with a sigh.  “…Right.”





Beginning of Time


            Jack stepped out of the gate, entering the Beginning of Time.  Sarah was standing there, waiting for him.  Beside her was Topik, also waiting patiently.  He knew that their time in this realm was up and that their training was complete.  They were basically killing machines, at this point.  Beings specially trained to kill Lavoids, housing the entire bank of recorded knowledge.  Most importantly, though, was that they had the intelligence to use the knowledge effectively…and fairly. 


            Topik knew a war was about to begin.  For the first time since their usurping of humanity, the Lavoids were going to be meeting serious resistance.  Time was too hazy to view down, though.  The Time Stream had far to many splits in that would occur within the next year alone.  That meant that lots of important issues would come up and these issues seemed to center around these two kids from Elosia.  The poor, technologically weak planet that had been nothing more than a human experiment, lost in the annals of time, was going to be causing problems.


            “It’s done,” Jack said simply.  “Tristan has the plans.  When we go back, the LEA should be almost up and running.”


            “Or maybe it will have fallen apart,” Sarah said with a smirk.  “You just left the fate of the Lavoid-free world in the hands of a pot-smoking alcoholic.”  Jack bit his lip.


            “I never thought about it like that,” Jack said, placing his hands on his hips.  “Well, I guess we can always go back and cause a disturbance great enough so that is just creates a totally new Time Stream, alter the past again, then jump to that future.  Either way, Tristan can’t screw it up permanently.”  Sarah shrugged.


            “Well, I guess all we can do is go and see.”


            “True 'dat,” Jack said casually.  He waved his hands and a new gate appeared.  “So…after you?” he motioned for Sarah to enter the gate.


            “Very well,” Sarah said, stepping up to the gate.  She looked back at Topik.  “Thank you,” she said.  “For everything.  I think our living conditions won’t be as nice for awhile,” she grinned.  “I will use my abilities well.”  Topik closed his eyes and nodded.  Quickly, Sarah nodded back before jumping into the portal.  Jack soon took her place on the precipice of the time gate.


            “We’ll get them,” Jack said.  “We’re gonna get them and fuck them up good,” he said bitterly.


            “I know you will,” Topik said.  “Sean knew you would too.”


            “Thank you…” Jack said, closing his eyes.  “I wish I had listened to you sooner, but…”


            “It all got done in the end,” Topik said.  “You did well.”  He paused.  “Go now, Planeswalker.  Purge the world of those damnations.”


            “I will,” Jack said.  “You know I will.”  Clenching his fists, he jumped into the portal and it snapped shut behind him.


            “Yes, Planeswalker Lathain,” Topik said.  “I know you will…”




2001 AD, Truce City


            The sights and sounds of Truce city were the same as they were when he had left.  There was still no sign of the Lavoid’s attack and the dome was still intact.  Buildings still towered into the air, even then smaller than the gigantic weather control device of the dome.  People were still all over the place, as loud and uncaring towards each other as always.  The air was still filled with the sound of honking horns from cars and traffic was still a major issue on most of the major streets.  People really were ignorant of the threat that had been removed whilst they no longer existed.  Ignorance truly was bliss.


            When Jack arrived back in Truce, he was met with a pleasant surprise in the form of a completely new wing that had been built onto SSAF HQ.  While there was no access point to the new wing from the ground, there was a cornerstone that read LEA on it.  Certainly, his hopes had come to fruition and Tristan had pulled through for him.


            “Good man…” Jack said to himself regarding his blonde haired friend.  “It looks like you really made them get their acts together.”  Walking up the marble stairs, through the giant double doors and entry hall with the ten story high atrium, Jack was greeted with a shout coming from one of the large stairways.  Looking upwards, he saw a man with long blonde hair run down the stairs, a black trench coat flailing about as he moved.


            “Jack!” Tristan called, continuing to run towards his companion.  When he finally made it down the stairs and delivered a large hive five to Jack, he was gasping for breath.


            “You’re out of shape,” Jack said jokingly.  “You’ve been spending to much time indoors these last months.”


            “Nothing else to do, Jack,” Tristan said.  “I’ve been busy.  Everything is running smoothly.”


            “I’ve inferred,” Jack said.  “I saw the addition to the building.  What’s going on in there?”


            “That’s where they’ve done all of the research,” Tristan said excitedly.  “And started to gather men as operatives.”


            “And the ship?”


            “It’s almost complete!” Tristan announced happily.  “It’s in orbit.  They built it at the space station.  We tested out your devices.  They worked almost flawlessly.  Naturally I…err…we needed to fix a few things, but…”


            “So it’s almost ready?” Jack asked, cutting him off.


            “Yeah,” Tristan agreed.  “The ship is fully equipped.  Everything was designed according to the notes you gave me a year and a half ago.”  Jack laughed inside, realizing that for him, it was merely earlier that day.


            “Of course.  I hope my notes were easy to understand?”


            “We made due,” Tristan said, smirking.  “But, I have something you might want to see.”


            “What is it?” Jack asked.


            “The Control Room…” Tristan said, semi-cryptically.  “It’s all set up now.  The Weatherlight herself only needs a few more weeks before she’ll be ready to fly.  Everything was tested in the computers, of course.  It should all work fine.  Do you want to see the room, though?”


            “Well, yeah,” Jack said, as if it shouldn’t have required asking.


            “Then, follow me,” Tristan said, turning around and leading Jack back up the staircase.  Tristan walked casually through the white halls of the building, passing through multiple security checks as they made their way towards the LEA Wing of the building.  Jack was quite happy with the security that was being provided for the project.  Naturally, since it was a shoot off of Project Hellreach, everything had to be totally classified.  It also meant that they were truly taking it seriously at this point.  Tristan may have done some verbal cajoling while he was gone.  It appeared as if the LEA had truly taken on importance in the eyes of SSAF and probably even in the Central Government itself. 


            “If just the Weatherlight is almost done, what will we do about the other ships?” Jack asked.  “You did read about the compilation of a Lavoid Fleet, correct?  We’ll need new ships after this one.”


            “They’re building the Weatherlight right now in the station because the supplies were there,” Tristan said.  “Don’t worry.  They’re also constructing the shipyards in orbit that will create the other ships.  They’ll be finished soon as well.  Once they’re done, we can start building the fleet.”


            “Good…” Jack said, knowing that eventually, one ship wouldn’t be enough.  Even if that one ship had been designed to fend off a Lavoid attack as best as possible, they would still need more.  There were just too many enemies and too much ground to cover.


            The LEA Wing was completely sealed off from the main building, accessible by only one door on the twentieth floor of the main building.  As they walked through the new wing, Jack noticed that everything looked more metallic, rather than the pristine whiteness of the rest of the building.  He wondered, now, what color the interior of the Weatherlight would actually be, as he had never specified.


            After passing through one last security check and going into a new area, they came to one last door.  The door was protected by two very thick sets of doors that slid open casually as Jack and Tristan walked through them.  A short hallway and one more set of doors later, they passed under an arch with the black letters “LEA CONTROL” written above. 


            The Control Room, as Tristan called it, was quite a technological accomplishment.  The room on a whole was about two and half stories, ceiling to floor, though there was a tier effect so that the it started only about one story high and then the floor lowered in steps, finally hitting the lowest point, right in front of a computer screen the size of an Imax. 


            The whole room was dark, lit only by the flashing lights, the computer screens and the lights at individual workstations.  The walls were black and the ceilings were black.  On the giant screen was a computerized diagram of the Weatherlight, little messages and colors flashing in various parts of the elevation view.  It was a cutaway analysis of the deck construction, showing what they were currently completing up in orbit.


            “That’s…it,” Jack said simply, marveling at the awe-inspiring capacity of the room.  “My ship…”


            “Isn’t is cool?” Tristan asked, grinning like an idiot. 


            “I’ll say,” Jack agreed, slowly walking into the room and down some stairs that led to the second ‘tier’ of desk area.  People were working diligently, not even really know who Jack McKlane was.  It wasn’t important.  He doubted they even knew much about the Lavoids themselves.  They were probably here for the purpose of the space travel aspect.  That was what all of the scientists were probably here for.  It was somewhat of a Mission Control for the LEA.


            “Yeah.  You’d be amazed what we actually had the technology for, but never put funding behind.  Plus, with the details you gave us, we were able to build just about everything.”  He led Jack down towards the central and lowest tier in the room.  There, he walked up to a duo of scientists that were discussing something.


            “Gentlemen,” he said, interrupting their conversation.  “There’s someone I’d like you to meet.”  The two scientists, both gray haired and somewhat wrinkled in the face, turned towards Jack.  The two saw the blue hair and already knew who it was.


            “So this is Commander McKlane, huh?” the taller one asked.  Jack mentally noted that his rank had apparently slipped back up to Commander while he was gone.


            “He’s awfully young,” the other said.  “Not what I had expected.”


            “Trust me,” Tristan said.  “He’s the real deal.  Jack, this is Dr. Graft and Dr. Harvey.  They’ve been leading the construction project with me.”


            “Pleasure to meet you both,” Jack said cordially, extending his hand in invitation.  He shook both of their hands.


            “You’ve got quite a mind,” Dr. Graft said.  “That device you designed.  We don’t even know how it works, but works it does.  It’s amazing how you can just construct something based on a series of instructions and still not know how it operates.”


            “Thank you,” Jack said.


            “Maybe you can explain it to us?” Dr. Harvey said.  “We’re dying to know how it operates.”


        “Magic,” Jack said, as one says obnoxiously in not giving the actual answer to a question. 


            “I see,” Dr. Graft said, slightly upset with the youth’s facetiousness.  “Well anyway, I admire your genius.  It defies the likes of everything I’ve ever seen before.”


            “Tell me,” Jack said, slightly changing the topic.  “How much do you two gentlemen know about the Lavoid?”


            “The Lavoid, sir?” Dr. Graft asked.  “All we know is that it’s confidential.  That’s the area of the Exterminatorum Adeptus,” he said.  “The operatives of the Agency.  They’re the ones who know about that stuff.”


            “We know it’s what they dug up in Project Hellreach,” Dr. Harvey interjected.  “But that’s about all.”


            “I see…” Jack said, putting his hand to his chin.  “Excuse me for a moment,” he said, taking Tristan aside and whispering to him.  “Who set up the Command Structure?” he asked.  “Shouldn’t they know about something like that?  Or was the chain of command structured so individual departments wouldn’t know what the others were up to?  Do the operatives know about the Weatherlight, yet?”


            “Not entirely,” Tristan admitted.  “We’re kept the information segmented at the moment.  We only intended on the final crew of the Weatherlight being informed of the full details.”


            “Maybe it’s better that way…” Jack mused. 


            “Don’t give a soldier information he doesn’t need to think about.  Scientist or warrior, these men are all soldiers of the government,” Tristan said.  “They just need to be able to build the ship.  The people we’ve been training just need to know about the Lavoids.”


            “It makes sense,” Jack agreed.  “I’ve never had much of a knack for large scale administration.”


            “That’s what I’m here for, bud,” Tristan said, slapping him on the back.


            “Anyway,” Jack said, turning back to the Doctors.  “I must leave now.  Please, continue with your business.”


            “Sir,” they both said, saluting him.  Jack, caught off guard by people saluting at him, was a little slow to salute back.  After, though, he and Tristan climbed back up the stairs to the higher tiers of the room.


            “Tell me,” Jack said.  “What happened to Aragorn and Rayith after I left.”


            “Rayith is here, actually,” Tristan said.  “She chose to stay.  She said that there was nothing left for her in her time.”


            “And Aragorn?” Jack asked.


            “He went back,” Tristan said.  “But he’s not as far as you might thing.  Actually, he’s volunteered to train new recruits.”


            “Really?” Jack asked, enthused.  “How?”


            “That Tactical Indoctrination thing you mentioned,” Tristan said.  “Like you said, you can have the knowledge, but you need to know how to use the knowledge.  He has since set up a program back in his home time where he trains the new recruits in combat.  Talent like his was not to go to waste.”


            “And battlefield tactics, I assume,” Jack said, grinning.


            “Like I just said.  Talent like his shouldn’t be wasted.”


            “I shall visit him soon,” Jack said.


            “Speaking of visits,” Tristan said.  “Where’s Sarah?”


            “She’s around,” Jack said with a shrug.  “I think she’s checking some other stuff out.  She’ll be here, though.  Don’t worry about it.”


            “I guess you cleared all of this with your parents, first?” Tristan asked Jack with a laugh.


            “I told them the truth, but they didn’t really believe me,” Jack said with a laugh.  “Even with all of the proof.  They remembered where they found me and the condition I was in.  Still, that their adopted son is some sort of gift from God sent to rid the universe of some parasitic species…”


            “I guess that’s quite a shock,” Tristan said. 


            “Quite,” Jack agreed.  “I ended up just telling them I was going on a tour of the Geno Islands with Sarah over the last summer vacation. I sent them a post card from the Beginning of Time.  I spoke to them a few times as well.  They were pissed that I didn’t come home for the holidays.”  He laughed.  “As for the future…” he paused.  “I guess they can believe whatever they want.  I can’t simply defy my destiny, though.”


            “I’ve arranged a dinner party tonight for the Heads of the Program,” Tristan said.  “You can give them a final explanation there.”


            “Excellent.  And then?” Jack asked.


            “The Weatherlight will be done within weeks.  And then, Jack, you can start your war.”  Jack nodded slowly.  Destiny was coming for him.  He would not be the one to fight it.




Later that Day


            Around a large mahogany table, covered with bamboo place mats and high quality silverware, were a mix of some of the most powerful men in the Government.  Ranging from the SSAF High Commander, the LEA High Commander (Jack, of course) and his advisors (Tristan and Sarah) to Dr. Jurai of Project Hellreach and representatives from the Grand Counsel itself.  It was these people alone who had the most information about the Lavoid menace and what would become of it under the new operation. 


            This group was made up of the extremely small number of people who knew of the true nature of the Lavoids, as dictated by Jack and the ongoing research of Project Hellreach.  It was this only this group that knew of the true nature of the Existence of Elosia, the Test Planet for the Lavoid race.  Probably the most knowledgeable humans on the planet, only a smaller number of them knew how a planeshifter worked, thought most knew what a Planeswalker was at this point.


            The assembly was more of a meeting than a diner party, though diner would be served.  The time was going to be taken for Jack –who sat at the head of the table- to explain to the others one last time about his LEA.


            “Gentlemen,” Jack said, not rising from his seat, but vocally silencing other side conversations.  “We are here tonight for one reason, and that reason is the inception of the LEA.”  General nods of acceptance went around the table.  “The LEA, as you already know, is an organization founded under the heading of the SSAF to combat a threat which we have named the Lavoids.”  Jack signaled for Tristan to begin speaking.


            “The Lavoids, as you well know at this point, are a species of biological weapons created on the planet Earth.  The one named Lavos was sent here as a test.  The test, as the scientists from earth called it, was to see if a Lavoid could recreate human society given the basic genetic codes of a human.  These humans, the earliest ones on the planet, were sent here through space also, finding and building homes for a short time before the Lavoid arrived.”  Tristan looked at Dr. Jurai, who then stood up and continued.


            “We have determined that the Lavoid contains the ability to emit a type of hormone into the planet through something which Jack calls the Lifestream.  While research on this ‘Lifestream’ is in its early stages, we know that through these hormonal emissions he can enact a type of breeding control on the species on the surface.  He can also cause genetic mutation as he sees fit.  The goal of the being, or at least one of its goals, was to collect a wide set of DNA from the living things on this planet.  Jack also informs me that this is done through the Lifestream, but I’ll let him continue to enlighten you.”  Dr. Jurai sat down.


            “Along with a collection of DNA,” Jack said.  “A Lavoid typically strives to create a perfect being based on human DNA.  This is done through the offspring of two beings called the Planeswalker and the Epitorum.  You have all heard this story before, I’m sure, so I’ll skip ahead.  Basically, when it decides to wake up and procreate, it digs to the surface and launches a series of laser-type weapons.  We estimate the force of each of these to rival a nuclear explosion.  Furthermore, casualties are immense.  We guess the death rate to be somewhere around 95%.  The humans remaining alive are forced to live in a nuclear winter.  Sarah?”


            “This is known as a ‘long term infestation’,” Sarah said.  “The purpose of it is to collect as much genetic material as possible and is typically employed on undeveloped planets.  Lavoids also use something called ‘short term infestation.’  Basically, this only lasts a few months at most.  The Lavoid will land on the planet with his ship and assault the surface with soldiers called Farilii.  These Farilii are basically other beings that have been overwhelmed by Lavoid Energy, something you have done extensive research on over the past year and a half.  Moving on, though, the Lavoid will basically overrun the surface, bring death and destruction to everything, and tap into the Lifestream of the planet for a ‘refueling’ of energy, so to speak.  Then the process continues as they spread from world to world, infesting them one at a time.”


            “Naturally,” Jack said, “this should not be allowed to go on.  And so, this organization was formed.  We will go and purge the universe of these things.  In return for the help granted to us by the Grand Counsel, we will return all trade profits back home, where they can be used as needed.  This project will also lead to expansion of Elosia territory as the Counsel sees fit.  As LEA High Commander, I do not intend to make this a priority at any measure.  However, we will relay mapping information back to Elosia.  You can all take it from there.”


            “Do you know how you will kill these things?” came the question from one of the Counsel Representatives.  Jack nodded towards Tristan, who would handle this question.


            “We have developed a wide range of weaponry that specifically target weak points of both Lavoid and Farilii.  Basically what it comes down to is if you hit these things with something strong enough, they go down.  However, their spells that are used to shield themselves from magical attacks can be negated if caught be surprise.  A spell requires concentration to work, so catching them off guard in a sudden attack should prove effective.  Their real strength lies in their resistance and tolerance for energy.  Lavoids can withstand incredible amount of punishment, both physical and magical, but if you hit them with an energy source more powerful than their own, you can kill them outright.”


            “Hence,” he continued. “We have developed devices such as the Distortion Cannon.  At the moment, it’s somewhat inaccurate, but fundamentally, it creates a warp in real space at the target point, destabilizing the area and creating a Warp Flux.  This Warp energy is where the Lavoids draw their power from.  But, if you open up a Warp Flux right on a Lavoid, you basically rip them apart with Chaos energy.  It is a potent weapon.  That is just one of the weapons we have developed for use against them.  When they meet the might of magically guided technology, we should be able to fell anything up to and including a Class C with limited worry.”


            “It is once we get into the upper classes that it becomes shady,” Jack interrupted.  “We shall have to gather more information about them as we go on,” he said slowly.  “But let that not worry us.  All Lavoids will fall before us in time.  I lament to say that this will not happen our generation, though.  We are merely setting the groundwork for something that will become much bigger in time.  However, it is my thought that this injustice of their existence should not go on.  Someone needed to step up against them, and that someone was destined to be us.”


            “Make no mistake, gentlemen,” he said.  “What we are doing here is starting a war.  And this is hardly a war for glory.  This is a war that will see much bloodshed before it sees its close.  A Lavoid is not something that you settle terms of surrender with.  The only way to get rid of them is to get rid of all of them.  It will not be easy.  I am not aiming to delude you.  It will not be something that we will come out on top of in every engagement.  You all understand war.  You all know what it is like.”


            “But put fears aside for the moment and consider the importance of this task.  Such a united stand against such a collective evil has never before been undertaken, in all likeliness, in all of the universe.  I know not how far these beasts have spread, yet but know that it is far and thick.  We must go forth once our tool of destruction, the Weatherlight, is complete and purge.  These evils shall no longer plague our land nor the lands of human beings anywhere.  We are starting a war gentlemen, and the only solution left will be to finish it.”


            Jack slowly sat down into the comfort of his chair and he was met by applause from somewhere.  It hadn’t spread through the room, but looking to his right, he saw that Sarah was clapping.  Soon after, Tristan began to clap as well, followed by Dr. Jurai.  The notion spread through the room and the clapping became louder.  Jack smiled softly to himself and closed his eyes as the food was served.




Later that Night


            Sarah lightly stroked Jack’s hair with a brush as they sat on the bed in her room.  It wasn’t the mansion at the Beginning of Time, but it was home for Sarah.  For the few weeks that she would be home, she enjoyed being here.


            Jack had come over after diner.  Now that the end was finally in sight, he was having some anxiety problems.  His parents weren’t too pleased that he was finally back but still not visiting home, but Sarah was more important than all that.  She was always good at calming him down.  He never needed to do the same for her, though.  She was never nervous, or at least she never outwardly expressed it. 


            “We’re almost ready now,” he said to her.  “It’s almost time.” 


            “You need to brush your hair more often,” she said, biting her lip as she tried to pull through the knotty, disheveled mass of hair that was his head.  “Even with the shampoo in the Beginning of Time, this is a mess.”


            “I’m being serious,” Jack said with a grin. 


            “So am I,” she said wryly.  “My boyfriend can’t have hair like this.  You better get it together.”


            “I can want to save the universe and you’d dump me because, in the wake of all of that stress, my hair is too knotty?”


            “Hey, hair is important, you know,” she said with a laugh, putting the brush aside and lying down on the bed.  Jack rustled up next to her.


            “Can you be serious?” he asked stoically.  She mimicked his serious face before beginning to laugh again.  Jack sighed.  “Oh forget it,” he conceded.  Sarah wrapped an arm around him.


            “Come on,” she said, now more seriously.  “Just tell me what’s bugging you and I’ll do that thing I always do and you’ll feel better.”


            “You mean that thing with your–” Jack started to say but Sarah slapped him across the back of the head. 


            “Not that thing!” she said in defense.


            “Oh,” Jack said.  “Then it’s other thing?  That one where you have this awe inspiring ability to calm me down?”


            “That’s the one,” she said with a smile.  He wrapped his arm around her, as well.


            “Just talk to me,” he said, closing his eyes.  “I just want to hear your voice.”


            “Everything’s going to be okay,” Sarah said calmly.  “And remember.  I’m prescient.  You can believe me now when I say that.”  She smiled.  He didn’t respond.  “I don’t know why you want to put all of this pressure on yourself.  You just have to always remember that we’re all here for you…always.  I’m always here.  You can always be with me.  Just remember, I’m not going anywhere.”


            “I’ll protect you forever,” he said softly.  “I can, now.”


            “I know,” Sarah said.  “And there’s no one in the world I’d rather have with me to do it.”


            “I love you,” he said.


            “I love you too.”


            “Be there for me?” he asked.


            “Always,” she said.


            “Thank you,” he whispered.  “I’m just…so scared sometimes.  I don’t want to show it, but I am.  We’re starting a war, Sarah.  We’re starting something that will result in countless deaths, I’m sure.  I think you know it too.  What if it goes wrong?  It’ll be all my fault.”


            “No,” she assured him.  “It won’t go all wrong.  Don’t worry about things like that.  Just follow your heart, Jack, and you’ll win.”




            “Destiny only has so much control over you,” she told him.  “You have to accept your destiny, to a certain extent, but don’t fear it.  Not everything is guided by the whims of unseen force.  The power of human spirit controls a lot.”


            “How do you know this stuff?” he asked.


            “I don’t know,” she responded.  “I just do.  I don’t ask why, it’s just something I feel.  It’s why my heart is telling me, and I believe me heart.  You should too.”


            “Thank you,” he said finally.  “Thank you for always being there for me.”


            “I should be telling you the same thing.”


            “Then we’ve been there for each other,” he said.  “That’s the way it should be.  From now till the End of Time.  Never leave me.”


            “I won’t,” she said.  He pulled her tighter and whispered in her ear.


            “We’re starting a war,” he said, barely audible.  “But if I’m with you, it doesn’t matter.  Don’t ever leave me,” he repeated himself.  She just nodded.  “With you, I’m stronger.  With you…I think I can do this.  Just always be with me, Sarah.  If that remains true, the Lavoids don’t stand a chance in hell, and that’s just the way we want it.  Sure, we’re starting a war, but if you just do this and be with me…it’s war we can’t loose.  I’m sure of it.  I love you Sarah.  Just always remember that, because as far away from Elosia we go, we’ll have each other…always.”


            “Always is a magic word, Jack,” Sarah said.  “Always is a magic word.”




The End




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