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OL98: ErrMsg "Non-Secure Recipients ..."

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Outlook 98


When you attempt to send an encrypted e-mail message in Microsoft Outlook 98, you may receive the following "Non-Secure Recipients" error message:

None of the recipients can process an encrypted message. You can either proceed with an unencrypted message or cancel the operation.


You are attempting to send an encrypted message to a recipient for whom you do not have a Digital ID.


You chose the recipient's e-mail address from the Global Address List (GAL) or another address source that did not insert the Digital ID.


You must use a Contact record that contains the recipient's Digital ID to address the message.

More Information

To send an encrypted message with Outlook, you must include the recipient's Digital ID. This information is necessary in the algorithm used to encrypt and decrypt the message.

To obtain the Digital ID for an intended recipient, have them send you a "signed" e-mail message. When you receive the message, right-click the From field and click, Add To Contacts on the shortcut menu. This will add the sender to your Contacts list along with their Digital ID. If the sender is already in your Contacts list, it will update the existing record with the Digital ID.

To send an encrypted message, address the message by choosing the address from the contact record. This will include the necessary Digital ID with the message.


For more information on Digital IDs and encrypting e-mail messages, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q216075 OL98: Error Replying to an Encrypted Message

Q182356 OL98: Encryption and Message Security Overview


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