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A Closer Look at HKEY_DYN_DATA

All of the information in HKEY_DYN_DATA is written to the key at startup. It represents the dynamic data that Windows 95 uses to control the hardware in the system. There are only three keys, and they hold very simple information that the system needs for current status monitoring.

None of the data in HKEY_DYN_DATA is written to the hard disk, except in a temporary file. All of the data gets rewritten every time the system restarts. Additionally, with Plug and Play, some of the data may get written over when the status of a device changes (for example, inserting a network card into a PCMCIA slot while the system is running).

Config Manager

The Config Manager contains startup information about every device installed in Windows 95. It gets its list from HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG and checks each item at startup. If a device is found that is not on this list, it reports that information to the system for installation. If a device is listed that is no longer in the system, it will indicate that in the values in this key.


Startup status of every device that has been installed on the system is listed in this key. If the device is not ready, it will show here. If it is ready, that will also show. Pointers are also listed for each device to show which Registry the device uses for its control.


The performance characteristics of all of the devices in the system are stored in this key. It is difficult to read here, but very simple to read and understand with System Monitor.


The security key shows which authenticator the logged-on user used to get validated on the machine and on the network.

Disclaimer: Modifying the registry can cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. We cannot guarantee that problems resulting from the incorrect use of the registry can be solved. Use the information provided at your own risk.

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