this is work in progress or homilies or miscellaneous items

that don’t warrant a page by themselves

or seem to fit better here

pending poems  index

chronological order is from the bottom to the top of  the page

audio files can be complemented by listening to them with the eyes closed

the rule of reddit

effective writing is more likely to be downvoted or removed by mods than ineffective writing

“ dark night of the soul, I need help, and I don't ”

in three  hundred  years you will have worked something out !

that's really how long this sort of thing takes to work out by yourself !

that is why   quality   reading is so important, to cogitate on Emily dickinson puts a thousand years under your belt, to screw your head up with alan watts takes you one thousand years in the wrong direction !

zen is really about the helpful insights of it's shining stars, to leap the thousands of years otherwise necessary !

sepehr g.   replies    to me and makes an effective criticism of huang po

I am starting to understand you more...

your views have a lot of depth to them I couldn't have possibly understood in the past

I understand what you mean by huang po not being good

his works are too stilted, not based off personal experience...

instead he speaks in a doctrinal, rigid tone that reifies the fluidity of life, and boxes up people's creativity to fit within his framework, rather than encouraging solitude in natural scenery and individual contemplation

reddit zen  idiots rabbling about nothingness  only their nothing turns out to be something ! smiley frowny  frowny smiley


reddit zen  idiots rabbling about nothingness  only their nothing turns out to be something !


reddit zen, idiots rabbling about nothingness, only their nothing turns out to be something !

reddit zen  stupid idiots rabbling about nothingness only their nothing turns out to be something !


reddit zen, idiots rabbling about nothingness, only their nothing turns out to be something

reddit zen  idiots rabbling about nothingness  only their nothing turns out to be something


the question is, what interests you ?

if you supplement   B-12   it's important to supplement the cyanocobalamin form and not the methyl, though the methyl is good if it's injected !

if the methyl is taken orally it feeds bad gut bugs !

so if you are low b-12, the question is why?

b-12 increases the need for folic acid, it would be well worth looking at taking
which is a metabolically superior form of folic acid which is also great for sleep !

also folic acid needs b-12 to balance up!

chromium is a   supplement    I would not be without !

The Master struck ewk, saying, "If I do not strike you, people all over the country will laugh at me."

idiot, this is Mazu talking to you !

yeah, I find with most reddit posts, especially the difficult ones ,  it takes going through two or three versions to get them right, that is the real zen way, but boy do people in real life find that sort of chopping and changing disconcerting ! :o)

there is nothing wrong being a brick wall, I am sure they are interesting to themselves ! :o)

basically mind to mind transmission is a meeting of oneself with infinity, it sorta has a specific ,  the 6th patriarch in this case and general form, an unseen infusion of knowledge.......................

mazu never considered himself as the 7th patriarch and being a generation younger never had any contact with the 6th patriarch who died when mazu was four !

I am the only person I know of who has had mind to mind transmission with the sixth patriarch so, per se I am the 7th patriarch !

none of the immediate claimed  “ descendants ”  of the 6th patriarch were in fact   “ enlightened ”  !

mazu may have been enlightened, but as I say, he didn't have that personal contact with the sixth patriarch !

it is in fact a gift from the sixth patriarch, didn't ask for it, a complete surprise !

where I am zen is, it's that simple ! :o)


mind to mind transmission with the sixth patriarch is unique and I have only seen one other possible occurrence in an old story !

the problem is I am the zen master...................

I come from enlightenment so can tell what is crap and what is not, some of the zen masters are unenlightened, some like yunmen know what they are on about.....................

the zen master statement is only necessary because of the endless bullshitters around making implicit claims to mastery when they have it so very very wrong !

if there was any competent zen about I wouldn't bother.................

people don't do zen, they just worry about posing.............

mazu never considered himself as the 7th patriarch and being a generation younger never had any contact with the 6th patriarch who died when mazu was four !

I am the only person I know of who has had mind to mind transmission with the sixth patriarch so, per se I am the 7th patriarch !

none of the immediate claimed  “ descendants ”  of the 6th patriarch were in fact   “ enlightened ”  !

mazu may have been enlightened, but as I say, he didn't have that personal contact with the sixth patriarch !

archaeoculus  replies

and you're hundreds of generations apart, you have even less of a chance than mazu at being the seventh patriarch. sorry bubs, you defeated yourself on that one

either you claim that non-contact mind transmission is possible and mazu is #7 because he beat you to it, or you claim it's not possible and lose your title as 7th. Lose-lose, take your pick



and yet it happened ! :o)

mazu never considered himself as the 7th patriarch and being a generation younger never had any contact with the 6th patriarch who died when mazu was four !

I am the only person I know of who has had mind to mind transmission with the sixth patriarch so, per se I am the 7th patriarch !

none of the immediate claimed  “ descendants ”  of the 6th patriarch were in fact   “ enlightened ”  !

mazu may have been enlightened, but as I say, he didn't have that personal contact with the sixth patriarch !

it is in fact a gift from the sixth patriarch, didn't ask for it, a complete surprise !

where I am zen is, it's that simple ! :o)

mazu never considered himself as the 7th patriarch and being a generation younger never had any contact with the 6th patriarch who died when mazu was four !

I am the only person I know of who has had mind to mind transmission with the sixth patriarch so, per se I am the 7th patriarch !

none of the immediate claimed  “ descendants ”  of the 6th patriarch were in fact   “ enlightened ”  !

mazu may have been enlightened, but as I say, he didn't have that personal contact with the sixth patriarch !

it is in fact a gift from the sixth patriarch, didn't ask for it, a complete surprise !

where I am zen is, it's that simple ! :o)

theksepyro  asks  about my thoughts on ikkyu in relation to celibacy



he may have been celibate up until his early thirties and was monk from childhood..............

really he was not what you would call  “suburban”  by any means....

this won't be a popular view but  “ celibacy ”  does not entirely eliminate the possibility of sex, it's the relationship side that is so crucifying to the inquiry of what zen is about..............

ikkyu as far as I can see only settled into a relationship and parenthood in his old age

I think that the real point is that pursuing an understanding of what zen is about is so demanding in terms of total life intensity and attention that the natural division that comes with relationship and children is really so different an approach and with its conflicting demands that to mix the two is to end up with a foul mess which is usually what happens !

which is why I advocate the  “ wisdom literature ”  approach in those situations !


if you read layman pang's life carefully, it has deep meaning, a zen story of job !


the 7th patriarch updates the 6th patriarch's platform sutra !

section   thirteen

good friends, life in truth takes meditation/contemplation and wisdom/discernment as its basis

never under any circumstances say mistakenly that contemplation and wisdom are different; they are a unity, not two things 

contemplation itself is the substance of discernment, discernment itself is the function of contemplation

philip b. yampolsky has a competent translation of the platform sutra of the sixth patriarch, there is another I can't remember offhand !

section   thirteen

good friends, life in truth takes meditation/contemplation and wisdom/discernment as its basis

never under any circumstances say mistakenly that contemplation and wisdom are different; they are a unity, not two things 

contemplation itself is the substance of discernment, discernment itself is the function of contemplation

at the macro level, the brain is some sort of quantum machine  !

at the macro level, the brain is some sort of quantum machine !

at the macro level, the brain is some sort of quantum machine !

at the macro level, the brain is some sort of quantum machine

śarīras  are just an artifact of a type of cremation !

from ruth fuller sasaki's translation of the record of linji at the  beginning  of  chapter 12 !

“ just make yourself master of every situation, and wherever you stand is the true place ”

below is my reworking and much closer to what linji yixuan  will have intended rather than ruth sasaksi's  ‘ not very good translation ’

follow the consonance of the host and you will walk in verity !

with the record of linji you have four sources of  distortions ,  the intial oral to written transcription, the loss of cultural meaning  ( he was being recorded in a very medieval mid 9th century ! )  and context ,  interpolation and modification, and the translation !

people are very consistent, when they have screwed you up once ,  they will do it again !

people are very consistent, when they have screwed you up once ,  they will screw you up again !

the internet has changed the education landscape permanently . . . .  !

: o ) (

the internet has changed the education landscape permanently . . . . !

: o ) (

the internet has changed the education landscape permanently !

: o ) (

the internet has changed the education landscape permanently !

the internet has changed the education landscape permanently

the lesson of war is to save yourself   if you try to save others   you will imperil yourself  !

the lesson of war is to save yourself   if you try to save others   you will imperil yourself !

the lesson of war is to save yourself   if you try to save others   you will imperil yourself !

the lesson of war is to save yourself  if you try to save others  you will imperil yourself !

the lesson of war is to save yourself,  if you try to save others,  you will imperil yourself !

the lesson of war is to save yourself, if you try to save others, you will imperil yourself !

the lesson of war is to save yourself , if you try to save others you will imperil yourself !


the lesson of war is to save yourself, if you try to save others, you will imperil yourself !

the lesson of war is to save yourself  if you try to save others you will imperil yourself


the lesson of war is to save yourself, you are all that can be saved, you cannot save others

the lesson of war is to save yourself    you are all that can be saved  you cannot save others


the lesson of war  “ save your self ! ”


the lesson of war  “ save your self ”


rené  descartes

my thoughts imply



rené  descartes

my thoughts imply i am


the rule of war is to save yourself  !

the rule of war is to save yourself  !

the rule of war is to save yourself !

the rule of war is to save yourself

the rule of war is  “ save yourself ”   !

the rule of war is  “ save yourself ”  !

the rule of war is  “ save yourself ”  !

the rule of war is  “ save yourself ”

the rule of war is save yourself  !

the rule of war is save yourself  !

the rule of war is save yourself !

the rule of war is save yourself

lightning is at that boundary between the blue and the red

big trouble !

: o ( . , ;              .  . , ? .  . .)

a monk  asked

what does  ‘ sitting correctly and contemplating true reality ’  mean ?

yunmen wenyan  replied

a coin lost in the river is found in the river



if you read carefully, he says   found

the next step is to spend it, what is that spending?

lol, i'm enlightened

I just





woods !


ed.  this was in response to a suggestion i should have gone to the summer kyol che retreat at the providence kwan-um zen center

what does it matter, you are a person who thinks the labels are the actuality !


what does it matter, you are a person who thinks the labels are the actuality !

what does it matter, you are a woman who thinks the labels are the actuality !


what does it matter, you are a woman who thinks the labels are the actuality !

what does it matter, you are a man who thinks the labels are the actuality !


what does it matter, you are a man who thinks the labels are the actuality !

rené  descartes

cogito ergo sum



my thoughts are what i are !


my thoughts are what i am !

rené  descartes

i think,therefore i am



what is this  I  that thinks ?

is it also a thought ?

i think, therefore i am am

i think,therefore i am am

causaldiamond  asks

zen and critical thought

is it permitted?



the nature of critical thought is everyone is going to claim to do it and applaud it, but in fact deprecate it where some perceived conflict with their own interests is involved and this gives real life zen its semi-cultist aspect ! :o()

zen is characterized by intellectual stagnation and laziness, a jigsaw patchwork of clichés and mismatching concepts that are flailed about in an imperfect and destructive threshing of the grain of life  !

the better match with more effective flailing and winnowing is what    the contemplative tableau   is about and cannot be faked ! :o)

causaldiamond  asks

zen and critical thought

is it permitted?



the nature of critical thought is everyone is going to claim to do it and applaud it, but in fact deprecate it where some perceived conflict with their own interests is involved and this gives real life zen its semi-cultist aspect ! :o()

zen is characterized by intellectual stagnation and laziness, a jigsaw patchwork of clichés and mismatching concepts that are flailed about in an imperfect and destructive threshing of the grain of life  !

the better match with more effective flailing and winnowing is what    the contemplative tableau   is about and cannot be faked ! :o)

with zen, if you are intellectually lazy you are going to be dog's meat ! :o)(

people have extreme difficulty getting to grips with this, if they can't understand something they walk away from it !

if you do what zen is about half arsed you are going to be butchered, some lunatic repeating idiocies................. thinking that worthwhile ! :o)

bluenpink  asks

yo, r/zen, what is Zen in 10 words or less

???  don't use someone else's words, that's lame and don't resort to a negative, that's just a lack of confidence

show us your r/zen-fu

duckshoe2  replies 


bluenpink  replies

yes, more less



that's the wrong death ! :o)(

less should come from a correctly packed fractal, not some imposition or slackness

bluenpink  replies

... I don't know what you're talking about



yeah, are you prepared to go into that space of working out what it means, like researching fractals to start !

the big problem with all these pretenders of zen is they never move into, or even admit the areas of non-understanding or insufficient knowlege, but stand as morons gaping  “ less ! ”

bluenpink  replies

you're the Cobra Kai of people

bluenpink  asks

yo, r/zen, what is Zen in 10 words or less

???  don't use someone else's words, that's lame and don't resort to a negative, that's just a lack of confidence

show us your r/zen-fu



the celibate and  'estranged from life'  contemplative tableau !

a good question and conditions !


joel and alex veitch's best   videos  are in the  “ classic stuff ”  on the left !

very satirical ! :o)(

i like this   one  particularly !

when i woke this morning, still in the hypnagogic dreaming state, i went through about ten lines of a poem that i must have made while in a deeper dreaming state

but i was still too far into sleep and just remember the last line

I           II

“ an interesting word  ‘ the daddy ’   ” 

i think








happened !


this   study  is a social earthquake, it implies more than they say

women who have disrupted sleep patterns, don't get enough sleep or an interval of long enough dark at night in relation to our natural evolutionary sleep patterns

or do rotating shift work, won't make enough melatonin and are at way higher risk of breast cancer

this is because melatonin turns down the growth of pre or incipient cancerous cells which makes them more vulnerable to attack from the bodies own immune system ! !

angelina jolie could have paid more attention to her poor sleep quality rather than all the trauma and ongoing problems of mastectomy ! : o(

these bright computer monitors and video and tv screens keep us at daylight levels of illumination far into the night and have an adverse impact imo ! :o(

the definition of madness is when nothing of sense gets through !

ewk,  the definition of madness is when nothing of sense gets through !

the definition of madness is when nothing of sense gets through !

ewk,  the definition of madness is when nothing of sense gets through !

ewk, the definition of madness is when nothing of sense gets through !

understanding   women

your ability to get things  180°  in the wrong direction is some sort of skill i guess !


your ability to get things  180°  in the wrong direction is some sort of skill i guess !

:  o  (  .   .  -  . -  -  .     )

your ability to get things  180°  in the wrong direction is some sort of skill i guess !

: o ( )

your ability to get things  180°  in the wrong direction is some sort of skill i guess !


your ability to get things  180°  in the wrong direction is some sort of skill i guess !

if reddit closed tomorrow or the moderators became the sort of over confident anal retentive like kirkius and banned what they don't like, what would you take away from your time here ?

more entrenched in your own dogma ?



open ?

both I suppose, it's the correctness of the dogma

and fluidity of the openness that matters ! :o)(

in those days when I had money

I always lent you some

now you're full and warm

we meet but you don't share

don't forget when you were poor

you clung like me to hope

ownership keeps changing places

I hope you weigh this well

the above poem by han shan

my  comment

sobering !

going broke in the pursuit of understanding ! :o(

the zen dilemma !

the real zen doesn't act like a timorous mouse and hide

the real zen doesn't act like a timorous mouse and hide !

to the moron  “normals”  the real zen of the patriarchs is  “ strange ”  and rejected by them ! :o)

I don't think you are normal,  but you still reject the real zen of the patriarchs

something you want to think about ! :o)(

to the moron  “normals”  the real zen of the patriarchs is  “ strange ”  and rejected by them ! :o)

I don't think you are normal,  but you still reject the real zen of the patriarchs

something you want to think about ! :o)(

to the moron  “normals”  the real zen of the patriarchs is  “ strange ”  and rejected by them ! :o)

ewk,  the real understanding is beyond you and you will remain a stupid book pushing clone for the rest of your life !

ewk, the real understanding is beyond you and you will remain a stupid book pushing clone for the rest of your life !

ewk, the real understanding is beyond you and you will remain a stupid book pushing clone for the rest of your life !

 Cast in 1755, this statue was also called the "Golden Ox". It was placed here in order to control floods. The 80-word ode entitled "Inscriptions on the Golden Ox" inscribed on its back was written by Emperor Qianlong in traditional, "seal" style calligraphy.        Cast in 1755, this statue was also called the "Golden Ox". It was placed here in order to control floods. The 80-word ode entitled "Inscriptions on the Golden Ox" inscribed on its back was written by Emperor Qianlong in traditional, "seal" style calligraphy.

case thirty - eight  (feng hsueh's workings of the iron ox)  of the blue cliff record is garbled !

what is meant is the state of quantum identity between the potential for any letter of the seal inscription before it is actually placed and the singular actual inscription after the seal has been placed !

the  problems  of flooding in ancient china !

“ a census taken by China in A.D. 2 suggests the area struck by the massive A.D. 14-17 flood was very heavily populated, with an average of 122 people per square kilometer, or approximately 9.5 million people living directly in the flood's path

the misery and suffering must have been unimaginable ”

“ it's easy to see the trap they fell into: building levees causes sediments to accumulate in the river bed, raising the river higher, and making it more vulnerable to flooding, which requires you to build the levee higher, which causes the sediments to accumulate, and the process repeats itself

the yellow river has been an engineered river  ‑  entirely unnatural  ‑  for quite a long time ”

“ the  prevalence  of itch was greatest in squamous cell carcinoma  (46.6 percent) ,  followed by basal cell carcinoma  (31.9 percent)  and melanoma  (14.8 percent)

pain prevalence was greatest in squamous cell carcinoma  (42.5 percent) , followed by basal cell carcinoma  (19.9 percent)  and melanoma  (3.7 percent)

pain and itch often went hand in hand  :  45.6 percent of lesions associated with itch also had pain; and 60 percent of painful lesions also involved itch

the most painful lesions tended to be those with the greatest depth  (except for melanoma lesions, which did not correlate with pain) . pain and itch was also associated with lesions that were larger in diameter

cancers that were ulcerated  (sores or open wounds)  tended to be associated with pain but not with itch

pain and/or itch were more likely to be present when the laboratory analysis of the skin lesion sample suggested a marked or moderate degree of inflammation as compared to mild or no inflammation ”

“ during photosynthesis plants use solar energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into hydrogen-storing carbohydrates and oxygen ”

why this is important is i sometimes put spinach from the fridge into not too strong sun outside for a while to give a nutrient and phytochemical boost before cooking !

so it pays not to let the leaves become too dehydrated !


karmadu   asks   “ what did the zen masters mean by  ‘ meditation ’  ? ”

what they really mean is access to the   contemplative tableau

this doesn't rule in or out zazen !

interesting question, the use of zazen has always puzzled me abit !


with having written a very good  poem  many years ago,  however far you think you may have come from it,  it is always there ahead of you !

the best ones are always quite short and have many layers which give a true complexity !

with having written a very good poem many years ago,  however far you think you may have come from it,  it is always there ahead of you !

with writing a very good poem,  however far you think you may have come from it, it is always there ahead of you !

the best ones are always quite short and have many layers which give a true complexity !

with writing a very good poem,  however far you think you may have come from it, it is always there ahead of you !

it's actually a very good  poem ,  however far you think you may have come from it, it is always there ahead of you !

the best ones are always quite short and have many layers which give a true complexity !

it's actually a very good  poem ,  however far you think you may have come from it, it is always there ahead of you !

you are very bossy  !  :o(

isn't that knowing ,  rather than  “ not knowing ? ”

the secret of the web/net message boards is to explore what you don't know and actually even understanding what we don't know is a problem/difficult ! :o)(

you are very bossy  !  :o(

isn't that knowing ,  rather than  “ not knowing ? ”

you are very bossy ! :o(

isn't that knowing ,  rather than  “ not knowing ? ”

your own creative effort is the stage beyond zen !

your own creative effort is the stage beyond zen !

your own creative effort is the stage beyond zen

michael ray nguyen-stevenson  :  stagename  tyga

rack city  bitch

young   kobe

the real zen leaves you ignoramuses flummoxed  !  :o)

the real zen leaves you ignoramuses flummoxed ! :o)

the real zen leaves you  ignoramuses flummoxed  ! : 0 )

the real zen leaves you  ignoramuses  flummoxed ! :o)

the real zen leaves you  ignoramuses  flummoxed !

the real zen leaves you ignoramuses flummoxed

I think the flinders ranges  (2014)  are recovering from the  drought  years  (2008!)  I hope

I had a wonderful time in jan/feb 1996, a cold summer i think, it was just amazing !

even had a sip of radioactive water from some little out of the way spring ! :o)

jesus never existed historically

just a   story  !

some of these  cons  can be surprisingly sophisticated !

the meditation makes you suggestible and you get implanted ! :o())

explode the voynich  fictions  of the gateless gate, Nansen and joshu !

up the garden path is more like it as the fakes lap up bad novelistic fictions to build/wrap their self esteem around ! :o(

explode the voynich  fictions  of the gateless gate, Nansen and joshu !

up the garden path is more like it as the fakes lap up bad novelistic fictions to build/wrap their self esteem around ! :o(

explode the voynich  fictions  of the gateless gate, Nansen and joshu !

up the garden path is more like it as the fakes lap up bad novelistic fictions to build/wrap their self esteem around ! :o(

explode the voynich  fictions  of the gateless gate, Nansen and joshu !

up the garden path is more like it as the fakes lap up a bad novelistic fiction to build/wrap their self esteem around ! :o(

explode the voynich  fictions  of the gateless gate, Nansen and joshu !

up the garden path is more like it as the fakes lap up a bad novelistic fiction to build/wrap their self esteem around ! :o(

explode the voynich  fictions  of the gateless gate, Nansen and joshu !

up the garden path is more like it as the fakes lap up a bad novelistic fiction to build/wrap their self esteem around ! :o(

i cannot overstate the importance of   “ amicability ”   in the break up of a relationship, which is greatly helped by not having any contact for quite a while !

the other's wrong doings, insufficiencies and your own go nowhere, it's a new book and is written as it writes..................





i cannot overstate the importance of   “ amicability ”   in the break up of a relationship, which is greatly helped by not having any contact for quite a while !

the other's wrong doings, insufficiencies and your own go nowhere, it's a new book and is written as it writes.................. :o)

i cannot overstate the importance of   “ amicability ”   in the break up of a relationship, which is greatly helped by not having any contact for quite a while !

the other's wrong doings, insufficiencies and your own go nowhere, it's a new book and is written as it writes.................. :o)

i cannot overstate the importance of  “ amicability ”  in the break up of a relationship, which is greatly helped by not having any contact for quite a while !





i cannot overstate the importance of  “ amicability ”  in the break up of a relationship, which is greatly helped by not having any contact for quite a while !


i cannot overstate the importance of  “ amicability ”  in the break up of a relationship, which is greatly helped by not having any contact for quite a while !

i cannot overstate the importance of  “ amicability ”  in the break up of a relationship, which is greatly helped by not having any contact for quite a while !

infinity  is  a  font  of  the  flowing  kind





infinity is a font of the flowing kind





infinity is a font of the flowing kind





infinity is a font of the flowing kind





infinity is a font of the flowing kind


infinity is a font of the flowing kind

infinity is a font

infinity  is  a  font

c h e w  o n  t h a t





infinity is a font

c h e w  o n  t h a t





“ infinity is a font ”

c h e w  o n  t h a t





infinity  is  a  font

c h e w  o n  t h a t

: o)(

infinity is a font

c h e w  o n  t h a t

: o)(

“ infinity is a font ”

c h e w  o n  t h a t

: o)(

infinity  is  a  font

c h e w  o n  t h a t

infinity is a font

c h e w  o n  t h a t

“ infinity is a font ”

c h e w  o n  t h a t

infinity  is  a  font

infinity is a font

“ infinity is a font ”

infinity is a font

please  quote  the contexts !

context makes for meaning, throwing a few extracted words means nothing or rather is voynich and bullshit

you really don't get that zen is your own understanding and not the half mashed nonsense of others do you !

you have stepped back from any real zen work and appointed yourself as priest (like ewk !) hiding behind what you don't understand, but pretend to !

please quote the contexts !

context makes for meaning, throwing a few extracted words means nothing or rather is voynich and bullshit

please quote the contexts !

context makes for meaning, throwing a few extracted words means nothing or rather is voynich and bullshit

oatgerm ,  you will ignore this but the 6th patriarch has some   lines   for you

“ but as long as your mind is full of confusion, delusion, and mistaken views, even the instruction of an external good friend won't be able to save you ”

you have to do the real work, which I can't strongly emphasize enough is getting out of the mish mash of zen into the larger  “ spiritual/mystical ”  universe  !

something happened to you, but really it's just a chapter in a very long book, you have jumped past thirty years to the end but it doesn't work !

you have to do the real work, which I can't strongly emphasize enough is getting out of the mish mash of zen into the larger  “ spiritual/mystical ”  universe  !

something happened to you, but really it's just a chapter in a very long book, you have jumped past thirty years to the end but it doesn't work !

my modification of a  quote  from   the platform sutra   of hui-neng

[...]   what do i mean by  “ truly good friend ”  ?

someone who understands the teaching of the supreme vehicle and who points directly to the true path is a truly good friend, a great intermediary and identity, a guide who helps people see infinity

good teachings are greatly helped by truly good friends

the buddhas of the three periods and the twelve divisions of the canon are fully present in this solipsistic nature of your's

if you can't understand this by yourselves, you need to find a good friend to show you ultimate reality

but even if you do find this by yourselves, you still need to look for a good friend, and usually they will be found in quality writing across the ages !

if someone insists that it is only by finding a good friend/mentor alive today that you can flip through the inversion, that is a half truth !

you will attain liberation when you meet the good friend in a vision !

but as long as your mind is full of confusion, delusion, and mistaken views, even the instruction of an external good friend won't be able to save you



huh, he was a good   friend   to me !

theksepyro  replies

modification   is right



yeah, bringing it back to what is truly meant !

cultural context and ever improving technology change/s what can and must be said

what he is saying is that the ultimate truth is solipsist or your personal enlightenment and the world moves to reflect that ! :o)

my re-translation/modification has the authority of being his only dharma heir !

my modification of a  quote  from   the platform sutra   of hui-neng

[...]   what do i mean by  “ truly good friend ”  ?

someone who understands the teaching of the supreme vehicle and who points directly to the true path is a truly good friend, a great intermediary and identity, a guide who helps people see infinity

good teachings are greatly helped by truly good friends

the buddhas of the three periods and the twelve divisions of the canon are fully present in this solipsistic nature of your's

if you can't understand this by yourselves, you need to find a good friend to show you ultimate reality

but even if you do find this by yourselves, you still need to look for a good friend, and usually they will be found in quality writing across the ages !

if someone insists that it is only by finding a good friend/mentor alive today that you can flip through the inversion, that is a half truth !

you will attain liberation when you meet the good friend in a vision !

but as long as your mind is full of confusion, delusion, and mistaken views, even the instruction of an external good friend won't be able to save you

jane austen


autistic reality


unreality !


jane austen


autistic reality


unreality !


why Tb is so  disastrous ,  is that even when the immune system walls in the bacteria with clumps of immune and other cells leaving the bacteria in a very low oxygen enviroment, they have enzymes that can switch to making and metabolizing hydrogen.............!

unless you've done the research work it's hard to know that sir henry Neville and not shakespeare wrote those works, but knowing the man makes a huge difference to understanding his works !

random  walk on the town tip is not enlightenment ! :o(

a random walk on the town tip is not enlightenment ! :o(

a random walk on the town tip is not enlightenment ! :o(

shiwa is interesting, a supercompetent hermit !

hard for us to realize they lived with the problem

that ever present tigers viewed them as cat food ! :o)

shiwa is interesting, a supercompetent hermit !

hard for us to realize they lived with the problem

that tigers viewed them as cat food ! :o)

wow, shiwa/stonehouse is a supercompetent  hermit  ! :o)

good joints for sure and a good brain to go with them !


wow, shiwa/stonehouse is a supercompetent  hermit  ! :o)

good joints for sure and a good brain to go withthem !


I think   wisdom   is simple explanations or descriptions that can be   “ unpacked ”  to fit the detail of our lives . . . .  !

so in a sense we are always deriving it or attempting to ! :o)

some of the better cases or stories in zen are really wisdom literature............

I read Charles   bukowski   and   sa'di ,  you really have to step back and ask what they are really saying though, it is often not apparent on first reading !

if you understand zen as not some special  “ ultra truth ”  but as being a chinese/japanese/korean  “ mystical/wisdom equivalent ”  to what is in european and middle eastern cultures then basically you are away laughing............ :o)

the problem is you are moving in the wrong direction and perceive me and not yourself as being in error, so there's not much to say is there ! ?

the problem is you are moving in the wrong direction and perceive me and not yourself as being in error, so there's not much to say is there ! ?

the problem is you are moving in the wrong direction and perceive me and not you as being in error, so there's not much to say is there ! ?

when a dork says it's bad, it must be good ! :o)

when a dork, says it's bad, it must be good ! :o)

when a dork, sez it's bad, it must be good ! :o)

whena dork, sez it's bad, it must be good ! :o)

everything that is ,  is not ?

everything that is,  is not ?

everything that is, is not ?

pan shan  said

ed.  case 37 of the blue cliff record

there is nothing in the triple world

where can mind be found ?



everything that is, is not ?

i think we have this in common, we both make alot of wrong choices that turn out all right in the end because  they are such a disaster  !





i think we have this in common, we both make alot of wrong choices that turn out all right in the end because  they are such a disaster  !





i think we have this in common, we both make alot of wrong choices that turn out all right in the end because they are such a fucking disaster !





i think we are alike in this, we both make alot of wrong choices that turn out all right in the end because they are such a fucking disaster !





i think we are alike in this, we both make alot of wrong choices that turn out all right in the end because they are such a fucking disaster ! : o ()

i think we are alike in this, we both make alot of wrong choices that turn out all right in the end because they are such a fucking disaster !

look,  joshu spent is life working on zen, who are you with your ignorant jumped up opinions and suburban life!

ed.  reply to pistaf who claimed the joshu mu koan/story was meaningless  “ in the first place ”

wasting your time here reinforcing your  idiocies

you need to read his   life

you can't see the sense of what I am saying can you ! ? :o(


the trouble you people with no real life zen experience have is

1.  you are too involved with something with no emotional meaning for you from the lack of real life involvement

this actually is a serious misjudgement and part of the problem in that reddit zen actively positively selects for people like you !

2.  the other is you are used to spouting bullshit with no real world feedback, which you certainly get in the rl zen environment !

you have not only no feel for the beauty of the rational process of sorting out what zen is about and moving slowly down the path of increasing correctness, but you are  “ anti ” ,  that is move in the opposite direction of  increasing  incorrectness and your hubric egoic concerns and mania !

: o()


pricked your thick hide?

you can't actually call me tho, you just make claims !

for instance please point out some of my  “ spouting elitist nonsense ”  and say why it is so !

you don't deny a complete lack of real life experience do you !

I can tell because you act in a way even someone who has only spent a month or so in zen would not !

it's like tai chi and  “ pushing hands ” ,  you have no idea and just continue to reinforce your puffery about yourself ! :o(

well, i'm waiting for you to get specific or is that too  “ anti-schizophrenic ”  for you ! : o )( ?


so   no specific example ,  it was too  “ anti-schizophrenic ”  for you !

wanking bullshit with no testing for realism is your style !

your problem is you are in a non functional  (hubric-egoic!)  imaginary space and you can only do this by ignoring the specific  (which I am still asking for from you !)


again,  no specific example  !

what can I say ?

it's schizophrenic to not test theories about reality, by which I mean you are avoiding the need to defend your specific claim about me  “ spouting elitist nonsense ”

so  “ anti-schizophrenic ” ,  is in fact reality testing and in this case would involve you making a specific criticism in detail of something I wrote !

you will notice that all my replies to you are fairly specific in addressing what you wrote, I don't do that for your benefit, but mine so that what might seem a pointless exercise like this exchange does in fact progress and benefit me ! : o )(

the zen scene has changed considerably from when I was involved and perhaps has become disposable, but you need the meditative/contemplative experience for that first glimmering of self awareness which enables you to follow the opponents  “ pushing hand ”  and respond to his weakness or openings rather than failed brute force !

whereas you remain unchanged, basic push hands, you keep making wrong moves and get thumped ! :o)

do you make any time for mediation or contemplative  “ inquiry ”  I just mean that space of silence and solitude................ you obviously don't, yet that is where zen is so equivalent to Christian meditative traditions, not something to be ignored or disposed of !



again ,  no specific example   !

except this time you have thrown in the towel   !

“ I do fact make space in meditative silence for contemplation. I do test what I've contemplated in real life. I do it here too ”

yeah but your behavior here is saying the contrary and I am sure you have real life dealing issues as well, you are so offside !

why not discuss what you actually do in terms of  “ contemplative silence ”

this is the anti-schizophrenic versus schizophrenic side of things, your reply is just schizophrenic avoidance and having explaining it already to you perhaps you can see what I am talking about ! :o)

basically at this point we are trying to move from your general untested claims into justifying specific detail, like your claims on testing and doing  “ contemplative practice ”  and let's get to the detail of what you actually do !

but in fact you can't which is a sort of functional diagnosis of the schizophrenia that is normative for this subreddit !

your life must be a chronic mess of non delivery because you seem/are totally isolated from real effect and cause ! ! :o)


you have been asked to discuss what you do for contemplative practice, either you are lying and don't feel you can justify an answer

or something has gone very wrong with what you do do, because the the avoidant vein you continue to answer in is very self-unaware !

do you see what i mean about  “ nondelivery ”  ?

the hundred miles of difference between doing something successfully and a nice idea ?


the problem is you are moving in the wrong direction and perceive me and not you as being in error, so there's not much to say is there ! ?


one thing that has always puzzled me about zen is why have I made such strong rapid progress and others not !

in fact the answer was always staring me in the face but it took  a long time to twig and that is I have effectively lived like a monk most of my life, a celibate hermit and that's how I am living again now !

this is the environment that zen was developed in and it has pained me to see they way it is misapplied to suburban life and frankly leaving a trail of complete wreckage !

just living as I do, naturally gives me about 3 hours a day of   “ contemplative tableau ”   and that is about what is necessary, less leaves things undercooked and toxic !

for instance I can put the time into these posts and I do it in a very complete and searching manner................ there's no way a suburban zennist can do this, they can't take things to the very end because it is so damaging.................

I take things to the very end because as a celibate I can, only I am being hurt and not any dependents.................

that is what is necessary, but suburban zen has family responsibilities so they need to approach what zen is about in a way that permits you to reward the family and not punish them, the punishment can take many forms including financial.............

I hope that makes sense, it's a view I have been a while developing and based on my observation and experience of what has happened in zen............

if you are celibate and intensely interested in what zen is about and your health doesn't collapse too much, you will come out ok because it's what you are giving attention to and all the voynich and dead end side roads will be coped with and seen .....!

this is not the case for married with kids or even for those just in a relationship, their attention is torn between conflicting winds and the family and person suffer . . . .

the first hurdle that a suburban zennist has to face and it is the highest, is that by the nature of the way you live you are going to hit ceilings in possible progress in terms of what zen is about, this simply has to be accepted and there's nothing that can be done about it and from the point of view of being an enlightened celibate I sometimes wish I was blinder and less having to suffer the continual   stretch   that this work requires, the only consolation is that being who I am and always on the edge of disaster, that it happening in the more controlled ways celibacy permits is better then the actual non-survivable disaster of suburban life !

so at this point, if you haven't switched off, my view is that a suburban zennist is advised to put their primary effort into what I call wisdom literature, perhaps keeping a diary and giving attention to the contemplative tableau including some meditation/contemplative time which basically means getting smarter about how life and ourselves work, sa'di and  ‘ the wisdom of jesus son of sirach ’  are good examples of this !

reading    quality poetry is a great help because that is the natural mindset of the so called  “ koans ”

in short the zen texts and practices for a suburban zennist are actually going to steer them down the wrong road !


I think   wisdom   is simple explanations or descriptions that can be   “ unpacked ”  to fit the detail of our lives . . . .  !

so in a sense we are always deriving it or attempting to ! :o)

some of the better cases or stories in zen are really wisdom literature............

I read Charles   bukowski   and   sa'di ,  you really have to step back and ask what they are really saying though, it is often not apparent on first reading !

if you understand zen as not some special  “ ultra truth ”  but as being a chinese/japanese/korean  “ mystical/wisdom equivalent ”  to what is in european and middle eastern cultures then basically you are away laughing............ :o)

‘  does a dog have buddha nature or have not?

joshu answered  “ mu ”  or   “ have not ”  ’



yet the english version ,  “ does a dog have a soul ”  has the opposite answer  “ yes !  ”

the point of enlightenment is what it shows you, reddit zen is full of the claims of enlightenment yet none speak of what is shown, therefore , per se these claimants are not enlightened !

tai hui doesn't speak of it either and there fore is not enlightened

if you understand what it shows and can get enough of it, you can't be touched, which is just as well as it is a moronic hate filled world and there's plenty of those who would injure you if they could ! :o)(

oatgerm replies  quoting  me

‘ yet none speak of what is shown, therefore , per se these claimants are not enlightened ! ’

did yunmen speak of what it shows him ?

‘ tai hui doesn't speak of it either and there fore is not enlightened ’

I don't think talking about it is a prerequisite for it.

‘ you can't be touched, which is just as well as it is a moronic hate filled world and there's plenty of those who would injure you if they could ! :o)( ’

literally you can't be touched?

my  reply

yes yunmen does, but it's quiet and only in one or two places

if you don't talk or write about it then you are not enlightened !

words are often on the trailing edge of the dai kensho experience

but it actually happened once there were no words, so I guess they are not something that are/is necessarily there !

not being touched means you have a source of sustenance apart from what the world takes as worthwhile and it's due ! :o)(

the point of enlightenment is what it shows you, reddit zen is full of the claims of enlightenment yet none speak of what is shown, therefore , per se these claimants are not enlightened !

tai hui doesn't speak of it either and there fore is not enlightened

if you understand what it shows and can get enough of it, you can't be touched, which is just as well as it is a moronic hate filled world and there's plenty of those who would injure you if they could ! :o)(

the ultimate truth is wordless

“ the ultimate truth ”  is itself words ,  only an idiot would claim it's wordless  (beyond contradiction ! :o)

the ultimate truth is wordless

“ the ultimate truth ”  is itself words, only an idiot would claim it's wordless  (beyond contradiction ! :o)

the first line of a poem by chang ching quoted by ta hui in a letter   (chapter 42, page 68 of   ‘ swampland flowers ’  translated by thomas cleary)

the ultimate truth is wordless



“ the ultimate truth ”  is itself words, only an idiot would claim it's wordless  (beyond contradiction ! :o)

“ the ultimate truth ”  is itself words, only an idiot would claim it's wordless  (beyond contradiction ! :o)

you  have taken a pot of brown paint and made it dark brown  !  : ()

you  have taken a pot of brown paint and made it dark brown ! :()

you have taken a pot of brown paint and made it dark brown ! :()

paul héroux   ama

i'm paul héroux, a professor of toxicology and health effects of electromagnetism at the faculty of medicine, mcgill university, in montreal, canada

recent work in my laboratory has uncovered a mechanism by which extra-low-frequency magnetic fields interact with unstable molecular structures such as hydrogen bridges, altering the ability of protons to tunnel from one molecule to another

how this plays out in practice is that the reaction rates of certain enzymes can be altered by magnetic fields at very low  intensities  such as 25 nT | .25 mG ,  comfortably within the range of everyday exposures

this has not been found out until now mainly because the effect, although disruptive to the cell, does not increase quickly with field intensity, and drives an adaptation of the cell to the radiation. Metabolism is altered because one enzyme, ATP Synthase  (sperm are ATP machines !) ,  is particularly vulnerable: the ratio between glycolysis and redox metabolism is changed

the mechanism we uncovered is likely to act not only at low frequencies, but also extending to microwave frequencies, implicating all broadcasting and radiating telecommunications systems

so, electromagnetic radiation may impact chronic disease rates such as with infertility, cancer, diabetes and neurological disorders !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


protons are rapidly exchanged between water molecules at  37°C  (more than 1000 times a second)

this process of exchange is sensitive to ELF magnetic fields  (above about 25 HZ)

basically, it's a perturbable adiabatic tunneling process


I think the  (spatial)  gradient of the field may have a biological effect in itself, but frankly, we have not figured this out yet. What we think is important in the work we have crystallized is the time gradient. In other words, proton tunneling is easiest if the field when an electron is delivered is that same as the field when it was emitted.

Any ac field would not allow this. This can also be understood as the fact that a tunneling electron is very vulnerable to having its spin flipped, because it is momentarily free

You probably know of ortho and para water and of the special crystal structure that exists within the ATP synthase molecule water channel, which is similar to that of ice, while at 37°C  (confirmed by X-ray diffraction).  Obviously, electron and proton tunneling are connected because movement of protons is accompanied by electron tunneling  (inverse of root of mass)


Cells manage their supply of ATP by relying on either glycolysis or redox metabolism. MFs interfere with redox in a novel way that the cell has no means of controlling. We think that over time, this will erode the precision of glucose control. In our article we have confirmed that MFs influenced AMPK. AMPK is central to diabetes research.


there is a stronger social aspect to science than most people realize. it is a closed club !


we show how the effect of MFs is identical to the effect of the drug oligomycin. Oligomycin is a specific inhibitor of the F0 segment of ATP Synthase. The F0 segment includes a very unique feature, a water channel (lined by hydrophylic amino acids). Russian physicists at Lomonosov University in Moscow have documented in the 1980s that very low levels of MFs (25 nT) could alter the permeability of water to protons. This was detected by measurements of the dielectric constant (at high frequency) as well as with changes in the color of a dilute solution of rhodamine 6G. Their conclusion was the ELF fields did affect proton mobility. These Soviet scientists did not have cellular models in which to expand their work


You start from an unexposed cell. You get a clear effect after an exposure of 6 days. If you continue the exposure for 3 weeks, the effect disappears.


“ If electromagnetic fields can effect enzymes in cells, what effect would it have on neurons especially the temporal lobes? What are your thoughts about electromagnetic fields effects on neuron's cellular metabolism from cell towers, Tesla coils, and wifi? ”

You have probably read the report by Volkow who measured increases in glycolysis within an fMRI machine in a subject exposed to GSM radiation. So, obviously, there are profound changes


our article points to an enhancement of longevity by ELF (agonist of metformin). In the future, I envision that control of metabolism by MFs could influence the aging rate


“ My biggest concern is sitting my wifi enabled laptop on my lap. Am I damaging sperm production or having increased risk because of microwave frequency exposure ”



In April 2013, the IARC classified radio-frequency (RF) electromagnetic (EM) fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B), because of positive associations between exposure to RF radiation from wireless phones and glioma, a malignant type of brain cancer, and acoustic neuroma: a 40% increased risk of glioma in heavy users of wireless phones, 30 minutes per day, over a 10‐year period


“ Consider your average cell phone and average use. Would the effect be highly localized or over a wide area? Would the effect be transitory/ brief or constant/ sustained? ”

What we know is that cancer rates can be increased


“ In light of your recent research, do you support proposals that would require warning labels on devices such as cell phones? ”



  “ Why is 50Mhz considered the most dangerous frequency to get extended exposure to? I would have figured the microwave frequencies would be deadlier ”

The reason may be penetration depth


Low frequency magnetic fields penetrate extremely well in the body, essentially without change

this is why they could be so useful therapeutically

“  one of my dreams would be to learn chinese

and significantly improve my farsi to where  [..] ”

only speaking and understanding one language  ( ed. english ! )  is a huge advantage !

“  one of my dreams would be to learn chinese

and significantly improve my farsi to where  [..] ”

only speaking and understanding one language is a huge advantage !

prunck  writes

when I read certain texts  (the blue cliff record is especially bad about this)  the words sound like meaningless non-sequiturs

for example, I was actually just reading it last night when I encountered this part  :

“ if someone asked me ,  ʽ how is it when the lotus flowers have not yet emerged from the water? ʼ  I would just answer him by saying,  ʽ The pillar and the lamp ʼ

tell me, is this the same as the lotus flowers or different?

if I were asked ,  ʽ what about after they've emerged from the water ? ʼ I would answer,  ʽ the staff upholds the sun and moon, underfoot how muddy and deep ! ʼ

you tell me, is this right or wrong? and don't mis­takenly stick by the zero point of a scale

I don't even have the beginning of a clue what this means. this is what I mean when I say that I don't understand. I won't accept that I am already there until I can read through that book and it is completely transparent



this took me years to work out, but what you have quoted is voynich !

that is, it is crafted to look meaningful, but in the end it's just bullshit !

the blue cliff record is 90% bullshit, some or even most of the actual cases have something to them, but most of the rest is just plain wanking voynich nonsense written by the usual sort of  know-it all idiot so prevalent on reddit zen !

you actually have to read    authentic    “ spiritual ”   literature outside zen to make any progress in it and many years after after you get enlightened, because when you know the real meaning you can come back and untangle the bizarre mess !

it's important to have the last word of zen  !

: o )

it's important to have the last word of zen !


it's important to have the last word of zen   !   : o )

it's important to have the last word of zen  !  :o)

it's important to have the last word of zen !

it's important to have the last word ! :o)

it's important to have the last word ! :o)

a reddit zennist   quoted

a monk asked  :   “ please, master, instruct me further ”



yeah I did consider retranslating it but nothing seems to quite fit, it may be what was literally said, a sort of honorific like  “ reverend ”  !

Buddhism  =  confused bullshit with  .1%  sense

zen  =  confused bullshit with  1%  sense !

: o)

songhill  replies

well, since you don't know shit about  bodhicittotpada ,  what you said is shit



there's a self who has bodhicittotpada/bodhichitta !

another psychotic mental construct

maybe Buddhism has to go down to .05% ?

Buddhism  =  confused bullshit with  .1%  sense

zen  =  confused bullshit with  1%  sense !

: o)

Buddhism  =  confused bullshit with  .1%  sense

zen  =  confused bullshit with  1%  sense !

: o)

pretentious, incoherent  waffle

you ought to do well on reddit zen  !  :o)

pretentious, incoherent waffle

you ought to do well on reddit zen  !  :o)

pretentious, incoherent  waffle ,  you ought to do well on reddit zen ! :o)

pretentious, incoherent waffle, you ought to do well on reddit zen ! :o)


in section 185 of yunmen's record ,  he  recites  a quote

I’ll give you medicine according to your disease

well, there's a wide range of medicinal plants

which  one  is  helpful  to  your - self  ?

master yunmen then said  :   “ one comes across a weed, and it turns out to be an orchid ”

a monk asked  :   “ please, master, instruct me further ”

the master clapped his hands once, held up his staff, and directed  :   “ take this staff ! ”

the monk took it and broke it in two

the master remarked  :   “ even so, you still deserve one hundred blows ”

he waved one of the broken halves about uselessly ! :o()

a    quote   from bankei yōtaku   (1622–1693)

there is a time for reading the records of zen/ch'an

when you read seeking to understand the truth of the scriptures and records ,  you blind your own eyes

when you read with insight into the truth ,  they provide confirmation and further development !



it's interesting that bankei is relatively modern, only born 20 years before sir isaac  newton  !

what he is saying and is my own experience, that zen is such a mess of confused bullshit and really quite profound sense that you have know what the truth is ie after enlightenment before you can actually make sense of it and sort out the elements of a genuine tradition, which has been sorta fun for me, to see it there in the old celibate ch'an tradition !

you actually need to  read  outside zen to make progress in zen because of this !

you  (ed. kirkirus)  are your own punishment to yourself !

the whole health climate thing is quite multi-faceted !

celibacy is not having sex,  that's all !

celibacy is not having sex, that's all !

celibacy is not having sex, that's all !

“ earworms ”

I think singing the song out loud when it's occuring may help cancel them

out loud vocalizations anyway !

I find any sort of singing or chanting out loud during the day helps !


listening to more music is the wrong way to go !

“ self nature ”  is a mirage !

you  are just a mirage saying that mirage is meaningful when it's not !


lol, i'm arguing with the mirage  !   ; o ()

“ self nature ”  is a mirage !

you  are just a mirage saying that mirage is meaningful when it's not !


lol, i'm arguing with the mirage  !  ;o()

“ self nature ”  is a mirage !

you  are just a mirage saying that mirage is meaningful when it's not  !

“ self nature ”  is a mirage !

you  are just a mirage saying that mirage is meaningful when it's not !

“ self nature ”  is a mirage !

you  are just a mirage saying that mirage is meaningful when it's not !

what I have found is that people who don't do  quality  reading are doomed to go nowhere with their meditation/silent contemplation

simply because we don't live the one thousand years necessary to sort things out !

toni packer I found  helpful

candleking  replies

I can't read

I haven't been able to read more than a page of a book

without losing focus and daydreaming in years



well maybe you are more suited to read poetry ?

with reading you escape the mediocrity of life and get in touch with those who know or are exceptional !

my arteries are certainly serene, I have excellent cardiovascular health !

it's butter that's the problem with its high A.G.E. levels not cream !

strong sun on the skin helps too as it makes cholesterol   sulphate

and this is one of the strongest cardiovascular health promoting factors !

you americans are as sick as goats with your chronically poor diet

and cruelly stupid public health and dietary advice !

no, cows are not raised on antibiotics here  (australasia)  like with you  (america)

and early spring milk has good doses of useful hormones

cream should be pure, that is without thickeners as the thickeners are difficult to digest !

this will frighten you, but I often eat 300ml of double cream on a daily basis

interestingly u g krishnamurti also ate a lot of cream !

16th  july  2014

well the gippsland double cream is making me serene ! :o)

early spring milk has good doses of useful hormones !

16th  july  2014

well the gippsland double cream is making me serene ! :o)

must be the hormones !

casper the unfriendly ghost unfolds to express disapproval  boo  and then folds up again exhausted by his effort because after all he is only a ghost  !  : o ()

casper the unfriendly ghost unfolds to express disapproval  boo  and then folds up again exhausted by his effort because after all he is only a ghost ! : o ()

casper the unfriendly ghost unfolds to express disapproval  boo  and then folds up again exhausted by his effort because after all he is a ghost ! : o ()

casper the unfriendly ghost unfolds to express disapproval  boo  and then folds up again because after all he is a ghost ! : o ()

the black ships are a mirage

the sea is red and bleeds into the mirage

overturning the mirage






the black ships are a mirage

the sea is red and bleeds into the mirage

overturning the mirage






the black ships are a mirage

the sea is red and bleeds into the mirage

overturning the mirage

and burdening the sea !

the black ships are a mirage

the sea is red and bleeds into the mirage

overturning the mirage

and burdening the sea

the black ships are a mirage

the sea is red and bleeds into the mirage

the black ships are a mirage

the sea is red and bleeds

life is harsh and screwed  !





life is harsh and screwed !





life is harsh and screwed  !





life is harsh and screwed  !


life is harsh and screwed !


life is harsh and screwed !

life is harsh and screwed

move over  mazu  ! ? :o)

in section 188 of yunmen's record ,  he  recites  a quote

the light of infinity serenely shines on worlds as numerous

as the sand grains of the river ganges

he asked a monk ,  “isn’t this a verse by chang zhuo the genius?”

the monk replied ,  “it is”

yunmen said ,  “failed”’



i don't feel serene ! :o)(

celibacy and not being in a relationship, i keep looking for a bottom line, but there's no bottom line !  : o )(

celibacy and not being in a relationship, i keep looking for a bottom line, but there's no bottom line !  : o )(

celibacy and not being in a relationship, i keep looking for a bottom line, but there's no bottom line !

celibacy and not being in a relationship, i keep looking for a bottom line, but there's no bottom line

people meditating in noise only think they are meditating !

people meditating in noise only think they are meditating !

when you get enlightened you will welcome being  mocked  !  :o)

when you get enlightened you will welcome being mocked ! :o)

when you get enlightened you will welcome being mocked !

when you get enlightened you will welcome being mocked

hsueh-feng  said

the whole world is you

yet you keep thinking

there is something else

the male is the female's stock in trade !

: o ( )

men are women's stock in trade !

: o (

men are women's stock in trade !


men are women's stock in trade !

: o)(

men are women's stock in trade !

: o)(

men, women's stock in trade !

: o)(

men, women's stock in trade !

men, women's stock in trade

yunmen does nothing except criticize pompous know all asses like  yourself  !  :o)

you should take him to heart and don't be such a bozo ! :o(

I actually have some useful advice about /r/zen and it's this

there is no public benefit or disbenefit on message boards

only your own development !

so stop preaching and use posts to further your own development.......................

you write :   “ [..] my personal recommendation from experience is to study your thoughts, rather than looking for the answer in other people's often heavily edited words [..] ”

your recommendation is a sort of crimped stupidity, the real process is without a divide between yourself and other, like in this reply I looked for an answer in what you wrote, it's always important to work and research outside yourself and move forward ................

you lack the attention to detail to actually move yourself forward

and mistakenly think yourself enlightened

you can't even see or admit it's just pompous nonsense

zen, far from making you enlightened has left a dull cripple ! :o(

you just cannot see the truth of what I am saying can you !

it's just hopeless, just vain hubricity and you have no acceptance of what I am saying ! :o(

oatgerm  replies

[...]  most of what you said is just insults to my person rather than anything tangible  [...]



that's the problem, you take it that way, an enlightened person

would appreciate the effort put into my post for you !

I did try to help you ! :o)

some of the criticisms are not really that personal, but are statements on the human condition, you, I and everyone else suffers from problems with hubricity and being mentally dull and in the zen context, being crippled by it !

other criticisms are factual and this need of attention to detail and nutting things out to the gritty sandpaper level of things is part of the realistic hard work of what zen is about !

you can write anything, but synchronizing that to how reality really works is where it's at..................

to do that you have to completely throw away any investment in how well you think you have worked things out and just follow the flow which will show the value and correctness of your previous work

if you look at the   anji  bridge and how cleverly and painstakingly it is built, that is what we need to do

of course on the web and in life you can create any numbers of piles of rubble or structures going anywhere except over the river .....................

it's your bridge over the river that matters................


the synchronization is missing, what I am offering is that in my judgment it's just a bridge that falls apart as fast as you are building it

this is why the real zen is so hard, the degree of distancing from what we are and think of ourselves which is necessary really has to come from the depersonalization of genuine enlightenment experiences.................

your issue is you really have to do quality reading and get the solitude ...........

like we would disagree on what    quality   reading was and so we remain apart in the way we look at things f o r e v e r

if you are in beijing,  i'd at least go to visit zhaozhou/joshu's stone   bridge

there is a ch'an monastery near by, the abbot isn't enlightened imo and I have yet to see any teacher of worthwhile stature in contemporary china or taiwan !

there are a few hermitages in the hills around china, but basically there's not much going on as a consequence of so many years of communist rule !

you were given good advice and have ignored it  !





you were given good advice and have ignored it !





you were given good advice and have ignored it !

: o ( ) ( . . . ( . . )

you were given good advice and have ignored it !

: o ( ) (

you were given good advice and have ignored it !


you were given good advice and have ignored it ! :o)

you were given good advice and have ignored it !

you were given good advice and have ignored it

when you  willfully  and consistently misunderstand so there absolutely no hope, you just go through the days on your own projection,  even this will pass you by !

when you  willfully  and consistently misunderstand so there absolutely no hope, you just go through the days on your own projection, even this will pass you by !

when you willfully and consistently misunderstand so there absolutely no hope, you just go through the days on your own projection, even this will pass you by !

when you willfully and consistently misunderstand so there absolutely no hope, you just go through the days on your own projection, even this will pass you by !

when you consistently misunderstand so there absolutely no hope, you just go through the days on your own projection, even this will pass you by !

there is no public benefit or disbenefit on message boards

only your own development !

there is no public benefit or disbenefit on message boards, only your own development !

freeman hagbard celine

celine ,  bukowski ,  sa'di

freeman hagbard celine

celine, bukowski, sa'di

freeman hagbard celine

celine, bukowski, sa'di

when she has dreams of sex, they are not with me  !

: o (

when she has dreams of sex, they are not with me  !

: o ( )

when she has dreams of sex, they are not with me !

: o (

when she has dreams of sex, they are not with me !

: o ( )

when she has dreams of sex, they are not with me !

: o ()

when she has dreams of sex, they are not with me !


when she has dreams of sex, they are not with me  !

: o ( )

when she has dreams of sex, they are not with me  !

: o ()

when she has dreams of sex, they are not with me !

: o ()

when she has dreams of sex,  they are not with me !


when she has dreams of sex, they are not with me !


when she has dreams of sex, they are not with me

the hubric mass, or endless quasi-particles simulating authenticity ! . . . . .

the hubris mass, or endless quasi-particles simulating authenticity ! . . . . .

the hubris mass, or endless quasi-particles simulating authenticity !

the hubris mass, or endless quasi-particles simulating authenticity . . . . .

the hubris mass, or endless quasi-particles simulating authenticity

“  [...]   maybe if I do this, I will become enlightened... ”

people neither have the capacity nor want this/it !

from the  record  of yunmen

ed.  the name means  ‘ mt. gate of clouds ’ ,   chapter 58 ,  page 114

having entered the dharma hall,  the master  said

even if a word, the very instant it is brought up, puts the thousand differences into a single groove and includes the minutest particles, it is still but an expression of salvational teaching

what then is a patch-robed monk supposed to say?

if he discusses in here what the patriachs and the buddha meant, the sixth patriach's unique way will be leveled

but is there anyone who can put it right?

if there is, come forward!

at the time a monk asked ,  “ how about saying something that transcends the buddha and goes beyond the patriarchs? ”

the master said ,  “ sesame flatcake ”

the monk went on:  “ what's the connection? ”

the master replied ,  “ exactly! what's the connection?! ”



my reply would have been, how can you transcend Buddha/god

and go beyond the  patriarchs  !



“ this is a baked flatcake four to six inches in diameter, made from wheat flour dough, baked plastered against the inner side of an earthen oven, and sprinkled with sesame seeds ”

sounds very indigestible, they used to die like flies in those monasteries !

by  “ connection ”  yunmen simply means that openness when things don't add up !

clods like you walking in the opposite direction of what zen is about ,  hubric,   arrogant  . . . .

the_singular_anyone  replies

Have I shown you being any of those things personally? If so, how?

I'm feeling like you're assuming I'm a sort of person that I'm not, and blaming me for things I haven't done. Loudly, angrily, and with poor formatting.



see how you are claiming my effective writing and formatting you call poor ! ?

your are a hundred miles away from seeing what this is about, it is the  “ correctness ”  of my writing that upsets you because it is so at odds with your own ideas !

step out of yourself into the unknown of experimenting with formatting !

there is no public benefit or disbenefit on message boards, only your own development !

clods like you walking in the opposite direction of what zen is about , hubric, arrogant . . . .

clods like you walking in the opposite direction of what zen is about , hubric, arrogant . . . .

quote  by zen master sixin wuxin

the moment will surely come upon you when the spiritual flower will suddenly burst into bloom, illuminating the entire universe



the spiritual flower may burst 

but in it's sound is cessation ! :o()

the spiritual flower may burst

but in it's sound is cessation ! :o()

the spiritual flower may burst

but in it's sound is cessation !

the spiritual flower may burst

but in it's sound is cessation

“ there was a linear relationship between greater amounts of sedentary time and mortality risk after controlling for multiple potential confounders ”

ed.  the study involves  50 ‑ 79  year old women



“ sedentary behavior is associated with an increased risk of the development of chronic conditions such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease ”

human reality is an injury of infinity ! :o(

human reality is an injury of infinity !

human reality is an injury of infinity

reality is an injury of infinity ! :o(

reality is an injury of infinity !

reality is an injury of infinity

zen people get stuck in some negative  “ don't disrupt my viewpoint of life ! ”

you falsely abstract zen, like big mistake, but hubric idiots like yourselves can't see beyond their self esteem !

none of you people ask what zen's done to you, anti-intellectual, conformist dead heads !

assuming you are in your early  40's  your cardiovascular risk profile  (ed.  a question about meditation and DVT risk)  is starting to get way way worse than  25 !

I think the risk depends on genetics, lifestyle factors, diet and the amount of sun on the skin

middle age is definitely a different ball park, but the trouble is so many young people now have the cardiovascular health of the much older

being older myself I have seen health problems in long term sitters that relates to the sitting !


as a species we are not designed to be still !

health doesn't take crap like message boards do, what you do has real consequences

yoga is actually a form of exercise, meditation like zazen has no movement and that's the issue !

age is really the overriding factor which is easy to see as cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the western world !

there's overwhelming recent research showing the very negative health effects of plain sitting in a chair so the case is pretty well closed imo !

sitting in a chair involves more movement than meditation so is less dangerous which is no recommendation !

“ these findings suggest that the risk related to sedentary behavior might be  mediated ,  in part, through lower fitness levels ”

the context of meditation was of the huge amount of manual work on a daily basis that monks used to do with much better cardiovascular health than is the case now !

memories of childhood show  that something goes and never comes again


memories of childhood show,  something goes and never comes again !

: o(

memories of childhood show,  something goes and never comes again !

memories of childhood show, something goes and never comes again !

: o(

memories of childhood show, something goes and never comes again !

memories of childhood show  something goes and never comes again


ewk  replies

what zen master could be taken advantage of ?



eyes half open or closed ewk ?

eyes half open or closed ?

eyes half open or closed

ewk  asks

what do you believe the connection between these two   verses  is ?



two old men who have worked something out

spat on, abused and taken advantage of


the cretins

who half seeing


not want their eyes



two old men who have worked something out

spat on, abused and taken advantage of


the cretins

who blind


not want their eyes



two old men who have worked something out

spat on, abused and taken advantage of


the cretins




not want their eyes



two old men who have worked something out

spat on, abused and taken advantage of

the cretins



not want their eyes


ewk  asks

what do you believe the connection between these two   verses  is ?



two old men who have worked something out

spat on, abused and taken advantage of

the cretins



not want their eyes


with meditation postures, a lot depends how old you are !

the problems are basically joints and circulation restriction,  I guess you just have to be sensitive to it and actually the hip joints are almost unable to repair themselves once damaged !

with meditation postures, a lot depends how old you are !

the problems are basically joints and circulation restriction, I guess you just have to be sensitive to it and actually the hip joints are almost unable to repair themselves once damaged !

“ I feel as if I'm always on the verge of waking up ”

fernando pessoa   “ the book of disquiet ”

well not being enlightened you  (ed. sittinggirl)  either mis or don't understand my having mind to mind transmission with the 6th patriarch as a real event and no matter what you opine or say you can't change me being the 7th patriarch and therefore the definer of zen today !

as patriarch I approve masters.................. !

well not being enlightened you  (ed. sittinggirl)  either mis or don't understand my having mind to mind transmission with the 6th patriarch as a real event and no matter what you opine or say you can't change me being the 7th patriarch and therefore the definer of zen today !

as patriarch I approve masters.................. !

a fish out of water,

everything a misfit

i could cry and cry



should !





a fish out of water,

everything a misfit

i could cry and cry



should !

a fish out of water,

everything a misfit

i could cry and cry

“ who can say why your heart  cries ”


the fourth verse of master tozan/dongshan liangjie's five ranks and charles bukowski's poem  “ inverted love song ”  are equivalent !


when two blades cross,

no need to flee

an expert is like

a lotus in fire -

clearly there is a spirit

spontaneously soaring


inverted love song

I could scream down 90 mountains

to less than dust

if only one living human had eyes in the head

and heart in the body,

but there is no chance,

my god,

no chance.

rat with rat dog with dog hog with hog,

play the piano drunk

listen to the drunk piano,

realize the myth of mercy

stand still

as even a child’s voice snarls

and we have not been fooled,

it was only that we wanted to believe

zen is centered around mind to mind transmission, in my case it was with the sixth patriarch, all the other so called heirs to the sixth patriarch claiming approval from him in his life time weren't enlightened and mazu who was enlightened came a generation after, had no personal contact with the sixth patriarch and never claimed to be the seventh patriarch !

the fact is the sixth patriarch left no authentic dharma heirs in his lifetime because of the usual paucity of material problem and obviously something occurred to transverse the centuries and I am the recipient !

zen is centered around mind to mind transmission, in my case it was with the sixth patriarch, all the other so called heirs to the sixth patriarch claiming approval from him in his life time weren't enlightened and mazu who was enlightened came a generation after, had no personal contact with the sixth patriarch and never claimed to be the seventh patriarch !

the fact is the sixth patriarch left no authentic dharma heirs in his lifetime because of the usual paucity of material problem and obviously something occurred to transverse the centuries and I am the recipient ! 

is ewk wearing a  trance  mask called the blue cliff record ?

you can show a horse it's trance mask, but you can't get it to admit it ?

ewk   replies

why would I bother with a mask?

I open my mouth and you are struck dumb



but actually i'm not struck dumb am I?

this is your schizophrenia, when fantasy seems better to you than reality, you go with the phantasy !

for a start you never open your mouth but simply flash the trance mask about like there's something more to it !

the masters were self aware because they had a lifelong contemplative practice

you are not self aware and are just stuck in some egoic hubris because you don't do any contemplative/meditative work !

is ewk wearing a  trance  mask called the blue cliff record ?

birds, crocodiles and dinosaurs are all archosaurs  ( “ruling reptiles” )  !

that is, they are in the same clade ! :o)(

birds may be both descended from  dinosaurs  or the common ancestor  [  I   II  ]    ?   !

or did the avian dinosaur lineage become extinct?

nup   !  : 0 )(

“ there was no moment in time when a dinosaur became a bird

and there is no single missing link between them

what we think of as the classic bird skeleton was pieced together gradually over tens of millions of years

once it came together fully, it unlocked great evolutionary potential

that allowed birds to evolve at a super-charged rate ”

this guy is really something, thanx for  posting  this

he's well worth   looking  at in other videos !

you know you've done something right when the fakes like oatgerm and observatater react strongly because keith johnstone doesn't fit in their world view !

as you point out it is the emptiness of self which bankei also has, these fools who object are still bridling at the main hurdle of zen they never get past ! : o()

it's very simple, to progress in the mystical path you have to be empty of self in practical terms ! :o)

keith is talking about the mechanics and practical application of the emptiness of self !

there's something very restful about him !

he's certainly right about malign education being a very destructive process !

“ people think of good and bad teachers as engaged in the same activity, as if education was a substance, and that bad teachers supply a little of the substance, and good teachers supply a lot

this makes it difficult to understand that education can be a destructive process, and that bad teachers are wrecking talent, and that good and bad teachers are engaged in opposite activities ”

thryoid hormone protects neuronal function and significantly increases survival !

“ levothyroxine increases the levels of choline acetyltransferase and acetylcholine in hippocampal neurons, which are closely related to aging and learning and memory abilities ”

though this  study  was done on mice i think it readily extrapolates into humans and thyroid hormone production can also be increased via the judicious use of  iodine  !

you can check your thyroid function by putting a couple of drops of topical iodine tincture on the underside of the wrist and seeing what that does to how you feel and your energy levels !

i was once like   you


i was once as you are

 Cartouche with the bust of Nicolas Poussin in a garland of flowers by Daniel Seghers, c. 1650-1651?

 a self portrait of nicolas poussin 1650

 a self portrait of nicolas poussin in red chalk

there is nothing more frightening than slowing down and looking at life  !

:  o  ). . . (

there is nothing more frightening than slowing down and looking at life !

there is nothing more frightening than slowing down and looking at life

“ in the final anaylsis ”  the five  ranks  of master tozan/dongshan liangjie

is a good example of voynich, garbled bullshit which brings out all the fakes to wax pontifical on them ! :o)

the last verse I would rewrite as

electron clouds

in multiple states

connive to create


yet to live amongst them



wasting your breath

and not wasting your breath !

:o() )(

what is voynich ?

there's always a hint of something more, but it's never there !

what is voynich ?

there's always a hint of something more, but it's never there

what is voynich ?

there's always a hint of something more, but there's nothing there !

what is voynich ?

there's always a hint of something more, but there's nothing there . . . . .

what is voynich ?

there's always a hint of something more, but there's nothing there

people's appetite for bullshit is neverending ! :o(

people's appetite for bullshit is neverending !


people's appetite for bullshit is neverending


people's appetite for bullshit is neverending !

people's appetite for bullshit is neverending

people's appetite for bullshit never ceases ! :o(

people's appetite for bullshit never ceases !


people's appetite for bullshit never ceases !

people's appetite for bullshit never ceases

all those fat flabby gold Buddha statues sitting serenely, they are screaming on the inside from lower back pain ! :o)

they can't get up because of the arthritis in their hips and knees ! :o)

mazu was four years old when the sixth patriarch died

i am the only directly transmitted heir to huineng !


if you have ears to hear you are also being told something in the abstract about what the reality of zen is about is !

ewk you are some stupid hack who doesn't know what it is about purveying the blue cliff record as some sort of answer, i am the direct heir of the sixth patriarch and 7th patriarch in fact, not much comparison is there ! :o)

 madeline 1939 by ludwig bemelmans "One nice morning Miss Clavel said", crayon and watercolour

 Ludwig Bemelmans with wife Madeleine and daughter Barbara, circa 1942

it's actually a personality trait,  he's  depressive  and actually it will go with his ability to analyse stocks or whatever !

why not learn from him how to make money?

you family situation is quite benign compared to most,

really money makes a huge difference, as for the rest family is.................

the only useful meditation style is shikantanza which is just letting thoughts occur and seeing the patterns, it's mystical and slowly life changing  !  : o )

one eventually learns to stop trying to change people ! :o)

it's actually a personality trait,  he's  depressive  and actually it will go with his ability to analyse stocks or whatever !

why not learn from him how to make money?

you family situation is quite benign compared to most,

really money makes a huge difference, as for the rest family is.................

the only useful meditation style is shikantanza which is just letting thoughts occur and seeing the patterns, it's mystical and slowly life changing ! :o)

one eventually learns to stop trying to change people ! :o)

it's actually a personality trait,  he's  depressive  and actually it will go with his ability to analyse stocks or whatever !

why not learn from him how to make money?

you family situation is quite benign compared to most,

really money makes a huge difference, as for the rest family is.................

the only useful meditation style is shikantanza which is just letting thoughts occur and seeing the patterns, it's mystical and slowly life changing ! :o)

one eventually learns to stop trying to change people ! :o)

“  [...]  how to induce a   strange    but interesting state in graphene  ‑  one where it appears as if particles inside it have a fraction of an electron’s charge

it’s called the fractional quantum hall effect, and it’s head turning

like the speed of light or planck’s constant, the charge of the electron is a fixed point in the disorienting quantum universe

every system in the universe carries whole multiples of a single electron’s charge

when the fractional quantum hall effect was first discovered in the 1980s, condensed matter physicists quickly worked out that the fractionally charged  “particles”  inside their semiconductors were actually quasiparticles  ‑  that is, emergent collective behaviours of the system that imitate particles

[..]  inside both the magnetic and electric field, the electrical resistance of the graphene demonstrates the strange behaviour characteristic of the fractional quantum hall effect

instead of resistance that varies in a smooth curve with voltage, resistance jumps suddenly from one level to another, and then plateaus  ‑  a kind of staircase of resistance

each stair step is a different state of matter, defined by the complex quantum tangle of charges, spins, and other properties inside the graphene

[..]  the number of states is quite rich  ”

the blue cliff record case thirty-one is a good example of there being something to the case, but the commentary just being pretentious bullshit ! :o)

read my reworking of the  case  !

that is the validation of the case !

as to the commentary being pretentious bullshit, that people like eurisianbuddhist and ewk would want to defend that wanking crap isn't indicative, it's definitive ! :o)

“ girls of reddit, what advice would you give me

if I was to magically become a girl tomorrow? ”

“ avoid other woman if you don't want drama

bitches be crazy ”

“ I've been meditating regularly a little over a week now and I've noticed that after a while I start to feel an ache in the muscles around my throat and breathing becomes difficult, shallow and labored

is this normal?  am I doing something wrong?

all I'm doing is sitting, breathing through my abdomen and shifting my focus back to my breathing when my mind wanders ”

I don't think it's healthy to focus continually on the breathing when meditating

letting the mind wander is actually the real meditation !

when you focus you are overriding or potentially changing the natural rhythms

the blue cliff record   case  31

ma ku, carrying his jingling ring-staff ,  travelled to visit chang ching

he circled the dais three times, then shook his staff once and stood there standing straight !

chang ching addressed him saying ,  “ your criticism has validity ”

( hsueh tou added a word, saying  “ wrong ” )

ma ku also went to visit  nan ch'uan

he circled the dais three times

shook his staff once and stood there, again standing straight !

nan ch'uan resignedly said ,  “ waste of time rubbish ” 

( hsueh tou added a word, saying ,  “ wrong! ” )

ma ku then  asked

chang ching told me  ‘ what i did was valid ’ ,  so why do you say  ‘ it's rubbish ’  master ?

nan ch'uan  replied

chang ching was right

it's you who are wrong

this is what is turned about by the power of the wind

in the end it breaks down and disintegrates

ewk  asks

what is not turned about by the power of the wind?

my  reply

the power of the wind !

a hunter s. thompson   quote

‘ crazy ’  is a term of art

‘ insane ’  is a term of law

remember that, and you will save yourself a lot of trouble

what you  (ed.  kirkus)  are missing is the  firethroat

barbara ver kuilen  (ed. zen teacher, midwest soto zen community)  is worth cultivating, buy her book or something and have it prominently displayed on your person :o)

zen is just a dead corpse without the firethroat ! :o)

the firethroat is the guide not our own ideas !


translations of   signal words   are a dime a dozen and mostly mean what people want to suit them ! :o)

translations of signal words are a dime a dozen and mostly mean what people want to suit them ! :o)

ouch !  I find that so called  “ advanced reading ”  just bends one's brain to no effect !

I haven't bought a book for ten years and just restrict myself to what I can get off the internet which has worked well for me ! :o)

Jacques derrida videos on you tube for instance ! :o)

daniel kahneman's  “ thinking, fast and slow ”  looks  interesting  ! :o)

what has meditation done for you  (ed.  kirkus)  that all you can do is assert your opinion against another !

overassurance of an opinion is an illness ! :o)

“ two hours of sedentary behavior can be just as harmful

as 20 minutes of exercise is   beneficial ”

“ [...]   when sitting for prolonged periods of time, any movement is good movement, and is also associated with better fitness, so if you are stuck at your desk for a while, shift positions frequently, get up and stretch in the middle of a thought, pace while on a phone call, or even fidget ”