my photo

black stream poem


moon crying 2         loneliness         one many things flow v2         one many things flow v1

who we are           kafka's sisters           start to be right           schizophrenia

unfolds           who           misery           forest thicket           vale of tears

understanding collapses           moment           moon riding           somethings

angels I           angels II           so on forever           who am i ?           untitled

write away           life crazy empty           moon brocades             untitled

people are strange               untitled               buddha was a tree shrine god

childhood memories               lesson of war               two units               shards

hagiography               mysterious permeation               normality               moonlit night

white roses in moonlight               meaningless               what is life               cattle at night

dimension               fucked up times 2               burn               weep               can't cry

window               day  drifting               different earth               solitude               empty world

stranger’s children               competencies               cognitive style failures               might be

moved              the truth of infinity              meshed insanity              four              going

suspended in time             frosty dawn

brad warner     complains     to the 7th patriarch   !    ( light  or  dark )

my hello poetry   page


    CVI         CVII        CVIII        CVIV      CX        CXI        CXII   
      CXIII      CXIV        CXV        CXVI        CXVII        CXVIII        CXIX   
      CXX      CXXI        CXXII        CXXIII        CXXIV        CXXV        CXXVI   
    CXXVII        CXXVIII        CXXVIV        CXXX        CXXXI        CXXXII        CXXXIII   
    CXXXIV        CXXXV        CXXXVI        CXXXVII        CXXXVIII        CXXXIX        CXL   
    CXLI        CXLII        CXLIII        CXLIV        CXLV        CXLVI        CXLVII   
    CXLVIII        CXLIX        CL        CLI        CLII        CLIII        CLIV   
    CLV        CLVI        CLVII        CLVIII        CLVIX        CLX        CLXI   
    CLXII        CLXIII        CLXIV        CLXV        CLXVI        CLXVII        CLXVIII   
    CLXIX        CLXX        CLXXI        CLXXII        CLXXIII        CLXXIV        CLXXV   
    CLXXVI        CLXXVII        CLXXVIII        CLXXIX        CLXXX        CLXXXI        CLXXXII   
    CLXXXIII        CLXXXIV        CLXXXV        CLXXXVI        CLXXXVII   

history and current affairs      I       II       III


from the pupil a childs poem untitled .1
new + fragments arial wordwrap
religion love declines what is a child?
recent recent 1
untitled 1 untitled 2
untitled 3 homilies 1 homilies 2
circles and stars garden untitled 3.4
untitled 3.6 untitled 4 untitled 5
untitled 6 untitled 7 untitled 8
untitled 9 jesu plus oddments untitled 11
untitled 12 untitled 13 the autistic lament
standing the cherry blossom untitled 15
sea untitled 16 the moon
sky untitled 17 untitled 18
homilies4 untitled 19 untitled 20
mercury non existance is existance quiet and truth are not wanted
untitled 21 iodine untitled 21.5
miscellany kitten untitled 22
untitled 23 catharsis untitled 24
untitled 25 untitled 26 untitled 27
quotes you never saw poem - no emails please about concerns for my welfare untitled 28
essays untitled 29 untitled 30
the oprah prayer the work of this moment book review
message board poem falling leaves stream
south cape my fridge song (chest type) essay - sylvia plath - ennui
untitled32 ulverstone beach untitled 33
toni packer untitled 34 schizophrenia
untitled 35 risible singularity
labouring untitled 37 hongzi
untitled 37.5 untitled 38 untitled 39
untitled 40 untitled 41 untitled 42
untitled 43 untitled 44 untitled 45
untitled 46 untitled 47 untitled 48
untitled 49 untitled 50 untitled 51
untitled 52 untitled 53 untitled 54
untitled 55 homily 5 untitled 56
untitled 57 untitled 58 untitled 59
untitled 60 untitled 61 untitled 62
untitled 63 untitled 64 untitled 65
untitled 66 untitled 67 untitled 68
untitled 69 untitled 70 untitled 71
untitled 72 autism mercury after dr. andrew moulden humans always have been schizophrenic
untitled 73 untitled 74 untitled 75
untitled 76 untitled 77 untitled 78
untitled 79 untitled 80 untitled 81
untitled 82 untitled 83 untitled 84
untitled 85 untitled 86 untitled 87
untitled 88 untitled 89 dogen
untitled 90 untitled 91 untitled 92
victoria beckham a gay man on mother teresa not believing there is god or jesus untitled 93
untitled 94 untitled 95 untitled 96
untitled 97 untitled 98 eileen i’m so hurt i want to hurt you
untitled 99 untitled 100 untitled 101
socratic dialogue on writing poetry questions to heaven
unalterable pop reading my poems
untitled 102 is sexual tension an altered state of conciousness? philip larkin
untitled 103 untitled 104 untitled 105
why and how am i so different? i think mother teresa lived in that space too untitled 106
untitled 107 untitled 108 poems are really a speaking of infinity
direction why untitled 109
untitled 110 mother teresa and extreme disjunction a couple of odd things today
untitled 111 untitled 112 untitled 113
untitled 114 untitled 115 untitled 116
untitled 117 getting enough of infinity in your life to make the hurt bearable untitled 119
untitled 120 a good zen story untitled 122
the invariant set of the universe untitled 124 untitled 125
untitled 126 untitled 127 untitled 128
if you want to see god's a load of crap read this untitled 130 untitled 131
malachite untitled 133 untitled 134
untitled 135 wrong road untitled 137
what is pallid to man is intense to god untitled 138 crone
untitled 140 what armageddon looks like cry
untitled 143 untitled 144 untitled 145
chinese translation untitled 147 untitled 148
untitled 149 untitled 150 untitled 151
i was thinking how christians never read the bible untitled 153 untitled 154
untitled 155 untitled 156 untitled 157
love untitled 159 untitled 160
untitled 161 untitled 162 untitled 163
untitled 164 untitled 165 untitled 166
untitled 167 untitled 168 golden elm
untitled 170 untitled 171 untitled 172
untitled 173 untitled 174 untitled 175
untitled 176 untitled 177 untitled 178
untitled 179 untitled 180 kimitake hiraoka's ending to "the decay of the angel"
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untitled 202.5 untitled 203 untitled 204
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apocrypha roman catholic fashion show
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untitled 233 untitled 234 untitled 235
untitled 236 edvard munch untitled 238
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untitled 242 untitled 243 untitled 244
untitled 245 untitled 246 untitled 247
untitled 248 untitled 249 untitled 250
untitled 251 untitled 252 untitled 253
untitled 254 untitled 255 untitled 256
untitled 257 untitled 258 rebirth reply
there is never any escape from anything at all. you are always going to crash and burn untitled 260
st. teresa’s book mark eileens reply to st. teresa’s book mark untitled 263
untitled 264 untitled 265 untitled 266
untitled 267 untitled 268 untitled 269
untitled 270 untitled 271 untitled 272
untitled 273 untitled 274 untitled 275
untitled 276 untitled 277 untitled 278
untitled 279 sappho translation untitled 281
untitled 282 untitled 283 untitled 284
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untitled 288 untitled 289 untitled 290
untitled 291 untitled 292 untitled 293
the oddness of autistic poetic contiguity untitled 295 untitled 296
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untitled 300 untitled 301 untitled 302
untitled 303 untitled 304 untitled 305
untitled 306 untitled 307 untitled 308
untitled 309 rilke untitled 311
untitled 312 untitled 313 untitled 314
untitled 315 untitled 316 john of the cross : spiritual canticle
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untitled 344 untitled 345 untitled 346
untitled 347 untitled 348 untitled 349
untitled 350 untitled 351 untitled 352
untitled 353 untitled 354 still life
untitled 356 untitled 357 untitled 358
untitled 359 untitled 360 untitled 361
untitled 362 untitled 363 untitled 364
untitled 365 untitled 366 untitled 367
untitled 368 eileen’s reply untitled 370
untitled 371 untitled 372 untitled 373
untitled 374 untitled 375 untitled 376
untitled 377 untitled 378 a good playing of chopin
untitled 380 sometimes untitled 382
untitled 383 untitled 384 untitled 385
untitled 386 untitled 387 untitled 388
untitled 389 untitled 390 untitled 391
untitled 392 the thin edge or shall i call it sex on sunday a poem inspired by michael
untitled 395 its 7pm and your not here chelation
robbie burns untitled 399 untitled 400
untitled 401 steve irwin scars
untitled 404 untitled 405 untitled 406
when the pop music fails falling upwards quoll
my childhood dream life frog akiane review
humans as symbionts and multiintelligent organisms untitled 414 untitled 415
untitled 416 tsvetaeva untitled 418
fellini's casanova - the dancing doll untitled 420 velociraptor
untitled 422 untitled 423 reply to charles bukowski
untitled 425 untitled 426 untitled 427
untitled 428 rain sky sunset stream van gogh's death
untitled 430 untitled 431 untitled 432
untitled 433 untitled 434 eileen's poem collation I
eileen's poem collation II looking back für elise
eileen - men untitled 440 untitled 441
untitled 442 untitled 443 eileen's poem collation III
untitled 445 sometimes i wonder why i do something sir henry neville II
eileens first poems does+god+ever+heal+osteoarthritis untitled 450
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untitled 457 untitled 458 untitled 459
untitled 460 untitled 461 eileen's poem collation IV
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untitled 475 eileen's poem collation V untitled 477
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untitled 521 untitled 522 untitled 523
untitled 524 untitled 525 eileen's poem collation VI
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untitled 539 untitled 540 untitled 541
untitled 542 untitled 543 untitled 544
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untitled 548 untitled 549 untitled 550
eileen's poem collation VII untitled 552 untitled 553
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untitled 557 untitled 558 untitled 559
untitled 560 untitled 561 untitled 562
untitled 563 untitled 564 untitled 565
untitled 566 untitled 567 untitled 568
untitled 569 untitled 570 untitled 571
imagination untitled 573 untitled 574
untitled 575 untitled 576 untitled 577
untitled 578 untitled 579 untitled 580
untitled 581 untitled 582 rachel
untitled 583 untitled 584 untitled 585
untitled 586 untitled 587 whimsical
untitled 589 in the head untitled 591
untitled 592 untitled 593 untitled 594
untitled 595 untitled 596 eileen's poem collation VIII
untitled 598 untitled 599 untitled 600
untitled 601 untitled 602 untitled 603
untitled 604 untitled 605 untitled 606
untitled 607 untitled 608 untitled 609
untitled 610 untitled 611 untitled 612
untitled 613 untitled 614 untitled 615
untitled 616 untitled 617 eileen's poem collation IX
untitled 619 untitled 620 untitled 621
untitled 622 untitled 623 untitled 624
untitled 625 untitled 626   an aging swansong !
untitled 628 untitled 629 untitled 630
untitled 631 untitled 632 untitled 633
untitled 634 untitled 635 untitled 636
untitled 637 untitled 638 untitled 639
untitled 640 untitled 641 untitled 642
untitled 643 untitled 644 eileen's poem collation X
the insomniacs lament! untitled 647 untitled 648
untitled 649 untitled 650 untitled 651
untitled 652 eternity untitled 654
untitled 655 untitled 656 untitled 657
untitled 658 untitled 659 untitled 660
untitled 661 untitled 662 untitled 663
untitled 664 untitled 665 untitled 666
untitled 667 untitled 668 untitled 669
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untitled 676 untitled 677 untitled 678
untitled 679 untitled 680 untitled 681
untitled 682 untitled 683 untitled 684
untitled 685 untitled 686 untitled 687
untitled 688 eileen's poem collation XI untitled 690
untitled 691 gatha beautiful voynich
untitled 694 untitled 695 squeeze
untitled 697 untitled 698 serendipity
breeding rain madness
untitled 703 untitled 704 untitled 705
cherry tree facile or facility? the cut and paste game
totality our love hurt
across gnarled midnight trees
weathered galleon fanciful
want deodorant rock
owed meaningful day real
sands honestly insane rainbow hues
writing unfolding stars and rags moon velvet
infinities eye sight see life and oursleves kelp swells
xanax this us purposeless being here
million things women problems eileen's poem collation XII
when sound the night
i s t h a t m a d e u p thin din unpin
brad warner viral sketch satin sheet riches
night sky new mowed lawn null
eileen's poem collation XIII childhood job
talent and health dissolve walls
cactus opaque blackwood
mother taste intrigue
past autistic africa
scribed blue hole eileen's poem collation XIV
collection hurtle advaita treacle
confinement cherry petals ruby drops
brilliant stars cheshire eileen's poem collation XV
schizophrenia vision no lesson white rose petals
teaching scented lilies counter
mutt image untitled by eileen
shadow so on forever   feels like  by eileen
child in a picture  who am i ? eileen's poem collation XVI
taken untitled isaiah 29, verses 5 to 6
browns and fawn evening walk in hobart country church / everything is separated
death cease lives direction erosion age
things never end mt. sumeru bend
women sex drunk hyperuniformity
spoken eyelashes time tai chi
nostalgia askreddit  harsh askreddit  too long
mumonkan viewpoints of zen voices
teaching foyan envelope
   buddha was . . . aging trifecta the ultrashort sutra
misfit mirage meditation contemplation
transmission suddenly cowed
splitting light tattoos the valley gates at night, yosemite
endless palaver luke crucifixion vision
mystic eyes winter never goes d  r  e  a  m  t  i  m  e
red coat tree web vision visions
whit light shines through
coping with reddit zen deeper mandelbrot diamond
ryokan as far as i want to take it letters on the moon
amber joshu twelve hours verse two mysterious permeation
orange sunset celibacy normality
tapering smoking moonlit night white roses in moonlight
meaningless what is life starlit night
unending which video is true ? crystalline wheels
painful crying vision woman circuits gesshin washing her bowls ?
tithonos and eos life’ s lesson /s ! : o( dimension
crazy world grief of a kitten death fucked up times 2
burn depression before we were born
crossroads deceive multiverse
reddit zen hemingway lost manuscripts infinite density of being
trout islam and martrydom
religious roast yoshida kenko zen and mysticism
hollow visages nothing to say escalate
konrad marchaj / ayahuasca myself as a crumpled old man kakadu dreamtime
i can't cry nagarjuna  essence strange planets
the sixth patriarch quantum entangled ! prosecutors and teachers carbon and phthalate tattoo
dream of ex snow globe breaking up
precipice 60th wedding anniversary splitting light
  ‘ no contact ’  and time time leak absorption in infinity
imitation what is death ? exhausted
profound beyond godot fractal universe
eyes socrates is immortal window
vision with the 6th zen patriarch theory of everything malamuke
who talent consistency crystal curtain
why does the universe exist ? bound energy joshu
no world before you estragon and godot anti - disciple
life, absurdity, illumination theist  atheist improv  writing
answer twelfth night contemplative
contemplation certainty magical realism
play turned dusty mountain road different earth
how poetry works what is this ellipses on water
two stages repetitive red leaves
write  unwrite tolstoy no star
joshu no question sewn all life is like this
madness painful female suggestion
my best writing ocean rolls adrift
lake hemlock communal objectivism mewled lives
candle burning fife puzzle pointing
dream brain machine life  death
older hibernating patriarch zen
unsleeping eye philosopher spinoza
surf vision editors distant
convergence and parallelism haircut in east devonport waning gibbous
russian roulette dante disagreement
end of life empty world glance
y a w n female way relationshipee evaluation
door acadamia  literary  cliques aging
dogen is autistic jewels spin libertango
young fleeting calligraphy cherry petals
celibacy town clouds over their heads
stalin writing letters care messiness
defeat aleppo flames wooden buddhas hydra
cycle millennials  entitled a punnet of blueberries
clock at midnight case 4 plum blossom
muso soseki stranger’s children star flowers
getting older joshu's zen pie crust
mayberry meditation advice shikantaza
clem cherry blossom kalediscope
churches and chapels hunt for the wilderpeople mystical endeavor
ulverstone encoding marijuana
reflecting pool zen travels rocky horror
spinning wheels visionary not adding up
fernando pessoa’s trunk my writing poems ten zen matters
buddha is the cosmos affirmation loop
what i believe don’t write meta my writing is mad
tourists not lonely celibacy
two visions (pp131) incel encoding
i am patriarch grieve to die exclusion
steering distanced history
burnt palm ember dream door
follow internal logic deconstructs mysticism
zakaj's question what is god ? crushing sound
mouse death jason: funny lady buddhists con
end world anomalous reconstruction
cataract ryokan emily dickinson vision
buttons creek who crazy pazy
heap beady eyes it passes
wrote the tempest pupil objectivity
around strangeness be free
your wives helpful words princess diana
magpies sylvia plath rata tat tat
nansen adrift translations are insufficient
see the world abyss murder
st. teresa’s bookmark time door
parking fine boobook persuaded
mental illness adult trapped
jason and the gypsies irrelevant the blinds
bright hard ball my enlightenment poem seeps
genzology non-historical existence of the buddha duck eggs
brittle enlightenment experience mental illness
if i talk i minded my mind infinity
fire life secrets religion
age and decay traverse the laws of this world
weight of history the cat criticise
rustic folk suspended labyrinth
travelling wallabies addiction
buddha is a fraud sandcastles isaac newton
who am i ? magpies hidden truth
chopped dragon of war flow
sperm dream pearl vision
wiegala quantum entanglement memories
draw turning windless
win idiot cat
winter sun narcissistic privilege
figure orange clouds theological
old age inquisition assia
face tricks dying we live joshu
three visions german officer st george
cézanne recall quantum time
endless surrogate existances jesus complains
solipsism abnormal nightmare mismatch
trick crazy manic world where am i ?
why do i sea wall death
finding toni packer graveyard masks
earth and grass paradoxes fable
listen look shopping etymology
talking to god charade death in life
magical elevator chimpanzee time
the unreal can be more true than the real child of the dreamtime visionary consonant
death goes on better than haiku left
free energy and addiction kashmir change
to versus too glimpse for a while
linji revisited comfort over a life
past marionettes entertainment
mysticism evanescent adoptive mother
carousel revolves dream
dog returns devonport bluff no solace
black tulip soul trakl
the dreamless priests nothing different world
rest silver sea automaton
snow wasps nowhere
žižekean memory cinderella
wallaby the rose of death pie
table insanity the mystics lament
solace hubrisness answer
mooing vapourises why ?
simulacrum christ thinks
windless four farts voiced street lights
distant rubble heap circular time
look change answer
dreamers persephone wish
forgiving school is loopy galleons and carracks
“ not you ” faustus’s shoes anchor
necessary sense history
illumination one day insolent
sadness together milton
rest poem housman
no time a poem intimation
words spotty shadows
the world stirring conundrums
spirit sprite silver
at the beach roses migraine
favourite kitten rupert the bear blake-like
nonsensical how is the world ? fountain
islamic culture nowhere circle
emily madonna circling
misinterpretation black time stopped
ouroboros synchronous oversleeping
straight solitary traveller orange sliver
older wild rose trapped
wise step anne sexton
disguises fiction déjà vu
lost nothing new st petersburg
spilling drought fold
glitter alp, the sacred river crashed
everything consciousness astrophysics
boo-books days haze time
wasn’t was the 10th jataka tale senescence
complexity deceitful unearthly
kitchen unpicked travesty
sounds at night towel drugs are not "mystical inquiry"
sift drugs familiar
the day burns time quiet evening the days evaporate
meditation mirror world unseen
eyelids day rush
paroxysmal slave song loops
terminate the past folds
twist story day
hostile heisenberg pearls
routine anna corona
omniscience ensnares if pigs had wings
late onset tigs realms
softest rain what makes a religion? past intensities
bitterness the essence of art séte
mid winter timeless dusk
crowding aden stasis
burn bauble nothing
the tree paths gored
alarms sprig border
luminous clarity river luminous
time number requiem
marble dust untangled
pack and unpack eagle seagulls
quiver slow time roses
flattery ezekiel absence
blue boots more or less meditation
sign post words ripplings
vine forever washes herself
french windows time vast
a shrivelled life illusion without a source universes
burn flowers theoretic
copper beech glass gold watch before and after
uneasily sound foxgloves
discarding fixed sere-ities
dream states a slight shift sweeping
women byzantium scattered drops
monochrome forsythia spills
eternity mystery awful events
stars leaving parked
spinning circles modelling slow beat
time nostalgia points
breeze childhood interaction
phantoms funeral asleep
hypnagogic think heretic
pinpricks dictionary unfound
telescope life’s prisms migraine
absence urdu glittering seas
candles be objective that feeling
gibbous mistake foreverness
emergence light exist
memory moon goddess dementia
golden whirlpool softens
apocrypha dream black hole
suicide key suicide
the shadows purl starcrossed makeup
locked ghosts hermitage
sobered eagle death
water tank waterslipt beauty
not chat gpt white haired dreams coalesce
glass jar time think
mystery must leaving you