this is work in progress or homilies or miscellaneous items

that don't warrant a page by themselves

or seem to fit better here

pending poems  index

chronological order is from the bottom to the top of the page

audio files can be complemented by listening to them  with the eyes closed !

why are you people so lacking in any originality or original expression and just waste my time with your endless bullshit that is only some statement, restatement or rehashing of conventional religious, social or schizophrenic wisdom !?

it's because you are so out of touch with the source of originality that you have no idea what it even means !?

so simple yet so far away from you ! :o (

stop wasting my time, waste your time I don't care, go masturbate with ewk or something !

zakjag  writes

i'm not widely read

you defend those who praise you and attack those who criticize you; indirect narcissism

the measure of greatness is how much one is able to let go of narcissism. how much one is able to let go of oneself



zakaj, why do you have an opinion when you are so fucking ignorant ! :o(

all your efforts are to spill some religious bullshit or other that you have learnt and don't have an original thought in you ! :o(

who is it that lets go of narcissism or oneself ! :o)(

if you are so keen on greatness then be great and give us god or buddha's words not christian or Buddhist turge !

if you are beyond greatness give us your own ! :o()

ask  ewk

is schizophrenia wrong ?

ewk  replies

drawn to the name, unable to see the face



the name doesn't draw, only the face, only a schizophrenic would claim the face when all they do is  (not!)  spew forth something not even relating to the name ! :o(

from thus  spoke  zarathustra  quoted  to me by zakaj on reddit !

“ this precept, however, give I unto thee ... where one can no longer love, there should one    pass by  

this precept I give unto thee

“ don't love fuckwits ” 

this precept I give unto thee

“ don't love unpleasant fuckwits ”



it is typical of you  (ed. zakaj)  that you leave out the portion of the quote most relevant to yourself 

“ why wentest thou  not into the forest ?

or why didst thou not till the ground?

is the sea not full of green islands? ”

are your neurons fried ?

from thus  spoke  zarathustra  quoted  to me by zakaj on reddit !

“ this precept, however, give I unto thee ... where one can no longer love, there should one    pass by  

this precept I give unto thee

“ don't love fuckwits ” 

this precept I give unto thee

“ don't love unpleasant fuckwits ”


reddit zen is like an institution for the subnormal without any remedying qualification of humility

: o ()

reddit zen is like an institution for the subnormal without any remedying qualification of humility

I have got hold of a very nice possum, butchered it and am eating it today :o)(

pancreas, kidney, fat, got the gut casings, lungs and heart  stewing and will eat the thyroids later !

got some sunbathing the day before yesterday at an amazing uv  index  of 14/  101  iu/min

if I hadn't taken this approach I would be dead by now :o()

how do you spell sanctinomius !?

the gospel of Thomas is middle eastern/gnostic wisdom literature put into some sort of religious context

both he and jesus are mythical, as are the disciples and mary !


I talk to thomas, we've both been dead for awhile ! :o)

the gospel of Thomas is middle eastern/gnostic wisdom literature put into some sort of religious context

both he and jesus are mythical, as are the disciples and mary !

“ i am being  indoctrinated  by the external environment ”

you have to learn to distinguish between voynich and what's real, it's a skill that takes along long time

as you say there's huge amounts in the external environment that are indoctrination, social attitudes etc !

from a philosophical point of view you are into jacques derrida and  deconstruction !

zen and any religions are of course external environments !

zazen/  (prayer!?)   supposedly deconstructs a bit and is an internal environment, but the practical reality it is a celibate practice and just leads to mental disaster with the relationship and married with kids types because their lives are too complex !

far better to go the way of philosophy, wisdom literature and poetry !

there is a  cage   is the absolute truth of reality !

chapter 7, verse 3 the  “ not ewk ”  gospel of reality !

“ contrary to what men believe, only god can forgive the sins that have been committed against him ”

god that son of a bitch  sinned  against me ! :o)

my reply to steve stücky's death  poem

the horizon itself reappears, I was never alive ! :o)(

andrei tarkovksy on directors   ( 51.30 )

film directors can bedivided into two categories

those who strive to imitate the world they live in

to recreate the world that surrounds them

and the directors who create their own worlds

those whocreate their own worlds are generally the poets

“ if we are being constantly  indoctrinated,  how can i break out of it?

if i am imagining it, how can i realize that we are NOT being constantly indoctrinated? ”

the way to break out of it is to understand that most of what is posted in reddit zen or talked about in real life zen is  “ voynich! ”

that is, nonsense crafted to look like sense or profound but really is the cackling of hens !

ewk does voynich quite well in his limited way ;o)    :o)

so you have the about 5%  of koans which actually have something to say, 10%  borderline, misrecorded, mistranslated etc and the rest is voynich

now all the morons  (again 95%  of the people involved including just about all zen teachers !)  sit around admiring the voynich and rejecting anything of real worth

this is in fact akoan and how things have always been except on reddit there's no real life violence which is what you used to get between the various religious sects, those Chinese didn't muck around ! :o)(

in reality there is a wide wide world of mystical endeavor, you can call it sufi, mystical christianity/ ch'an or zen or poetry or literature

why would infinity be limited to some bizzare voynich as portrayed by songhill and ewk !?

sephr g.  writes

how is the belle of  amherst  acted by julie harris?

also, i read the ecclesiastes with my fiance. i've been reading a lot of stuff with her like the kodo sodowaki piece and a little bit of the work of this moment alongside j. krishnamurti. we also watched the mirror and other stuff.



very very sensible to help extend your fiancé's horizons like  that  !

don't forget she is her own person and interests will differ and help her to find that !

she might like to try her hand at writing poetry or keeping a diary if she doesn't already, it's the practical doing side.............. !

I don't feel the belle of Amherst is on target and in fact is a bit dated and there's been a lot of new autobiographical information about her since 1976 when the play opened !

she really was very very autistic, it's a different paradigm !

plus a more complicated life than seems with her affair with her brother's wife really creating a lot of flow on difficulties in the Dickinson family life !

interestingly her garden was famous locally !

are you an  academic  !?    ( ed. zakaj! )

frothing at the arsehole because anybody is more widely read than you, the man so wilfully blind ?

are you an academic !?  ( ed. zakaj! )  frothing at the arsehole because anybody is more widely read than you, the man so wilfully blind ?

the neck and lower back, as you get older the disks atrophy and wear, bad design by evolution I am afraid :o()

“ more evidence suggests type 2 diabetes is an inflammatory disease and that macrophages invade the diabetic pancreas, producing large amounts of cytokines that contribute to the elimination of insulin-producing beta cells ”

by implication they are also  saying  that type 2 diabetes is really a combination of insulin deficiency as well as insulin resistance with a common background generating process !

that is, type 2 diabetes in reality is a combination of type 2 and 1 diabetes !

“ drug use impacts many of the same brain circuits that are disrupted in severe mental disorders such as schizophrenia ”

“ we also saw that among young people with severe mental illness, the smoking rates were as high as smoking rates in middle-aged adults, despite success in lowering smoking rates for young people in the general population ”


I use the  Houston  afp pep, no fenol and zyme prime enzymes which really help with digestion

the enzymes released by probiotic bacteria are not really much use from the point of view of digesting food !

well some probiotics are not good for you !

bifidus can cause some people problems !

the best ones imo are lactobacillus acidophilus and lactobacillus rhamnosus gg !

ok, the big problem these days if you have had chicken pox naturally is there is not enough of the natural virus in circulation to keep the immune response of those who have had chickenpox stimulated, so shingles is much more prevalent now in this group !

my advice on  shingles  !

:o( when it's  convenient  for the roshi to die he lives forever :o)

some people do  better  with two separate sleeps in a day !

yeah not easy  to organize!

unfortunately the recent research shows that a lack of sleep starts to damage the brain !

you can use red light  (it looks like dark)  to help synchronize the circadian rhythm, my write  up

an easy test of the thyroid is to put a couple of drops of  iodine  tincture on the underside of the wrist and see what happens

 gustav doré  'saltimbanques'

“ he is dying. i wished to depict the tardy awakening of nature in those two hardened almost brutalized beings

to gain money they have killed their child and in killing him they have found out that they had hearts. . . . the english engraver wishes me to call it  ‘behind the scenes’  but its french title will be i think simply  agonie ”


dongshan said,  “ in front of the hall of the bright moon it is always summertime ” 



in the bright light of the full moon, it is always   spring  !

dongshan said,  “ in front of the hall of the bright moon it is always summertime ” 



in the bright light of thefull moon, it is always summertime !

strong/intense sunlight on the sole of the foot is, i think, very effective with it's infrared and red in addition to vitamin D for plantar fasciitis

interestingly bunions are a form of osteoarthritis and the mid foot develops similar  problems  to the knee and hip which makes sense given how much cartilage wear the feet must be susceptible to !

drunk on the stars

the crazy man






‑  ‑  ‑  ‑

book of serenity,  case 73 ,  “ caoshan’s fulfillment of filial piety ”

a monk asked caoshan,  “ how is it when the mourning clothes are not worn ? ”

caoshan said,  “ today caoshan’s filial duty is fulfilled ”

the monk said,  “ how about after fulfillment of filial duty ”

caoshan said,  “ caoshan likes to get falling-down drunk ”



drunk on the stars

the crazy man






‑  ‑  ‑  ‑

drunk on the stars

the crazy man






‑  ‑  ‑  ‑

book of serenity,  case 73,  “ caoshan’s fulfillment of filial piety ”

a monk asked caoshan,  “ how is it when the mourning clothes are not worn? ”

caoshan said,  “ today caoshan's filial duty is fulfilled ”

the monk said,  “ how about after fulfillment of filial duty ”

caoshan said,  “ caoshan likes to get falling-down drunk ”



drunk on the stars








inwards  ‑  —










book of serenity,  case 73,  “ caoshan’s fulfillment of filial piety ”

a monk asked caoshan,  “ how is it when the mourning clothes are not worn? ”

caoshan said,  “ today caoshan's filial duty is fulfilled ”

the monk said,  “ how about after fulfillment of filial duty ”

caoshan said,  “ caoshan likes to get falling-down drunk ”



drunk on the stars








upwards  ‑  —










a good  documentary  (1988)  on andrei tarkovsky !

maybe you need to  improve  your emotional intelligence and social skills !

a schopenhauer  quote

“ every happiness that a man enjoys, and almost every friendship that he cherishes, rest upon illusion; for, as a rule, with increase of knowledge they are bound to vanish.

nevertheless, here as elsewhere, a man should courageously pursue truth, and never weary of striving to settle accounts with himself and the world.

no matter what happens to the right or to the left of him,  ‑  be it a chimaera or fancy that makes him happy,  let him take heart and go on, with no fear of the desert which widens to his view

of one thing only must he be quite certain: that under no circumstances will he discover any lack of worth in himself when the veil is raised; the sight of it would be the gorgon that would kill him

therefore, if he wants to remain undeceived, let him in his inmost being feel his own worth. for to feel the lack of it is not merely the greatest, but also the only true affliction; all other sufferings of the mind may not only be healed, but may be immediately relieved, by the secure consciousness of worth

the man who is assured of it can sit down quietly under sufferings that would otherwise bring him to despair; and though he has no pleasures, no joys and no friends, he can rest in and on himself; so powerful is the comfort to be derived from a vivid consciousness of this advantage; a comfort to be preferred to every other earthly blessing

contrarily, nothing in the world can relieve a man who knows his own worthlessness; all that he can do is to conceal it by deceiving people or deafening them with his noise; but neither expedient will serve him very long ”



yeah me on reddit zen then I suddenly got a wider view when this guy started  pushing  Nazi mysticism as zen !

i asked my self what the hell I was doing there, trying to educate schizophrenic morons and in the case of some, drug brain damaged as well !

I was doing something, had some mission and then you get a different perspective and walk away from it ! :o()

I have wasted a lot of fruitless time in the last years trying to  “remedy”  zen, you have to be accepting about making this sort of mistake and in fact you have to squeeze all the benefit from a bad experience by shifting to the next plane and taking on board everything from that experience which is that zen is a cot case and the internet gives every mad dog a voice and drowns out sense which is what mad dogs do............

just walk away from it and like a toxic pack they all turn on themselves and spend their time snapping at each other and damaging themselves

2nd jan 2014 peak uvb 101 iu/min

10 minutes sunbathing from 1.49 to 1.59pm, about 2000 iu total

10 minutes  x  2 fudge factor  x  100 iu/min  =  2000iu

I think this is as high as it gets in Tasmania, clouds reflecting right too !

measured with steve mackin's  6.4  uvb  meter 

staying at home, with the meter i can get as good as sun as the beach :o)


101 divided by 7.14 gives a uv index of 14.1 which is not bad at all ! :o)(

gregory schopen on buddhist  bullshit   !    (15:55)

i am dead, i am dying, i am the moon, i am crying

i am death, i am dying, i am the moon, i am crying

i am death, i am dying, i'm the moon, i am crying


“ several decades ago, i had a clear epiphany that the world would end, or i would die, in 2013. in the past 5 years i became ever more sure it would happen.  i never told anyone.  happy 2014.  i'm born  again ”

the same sort of thing happened to me when I was about thirty-three, I had this clear certainty that I would be dead by 40 when i was driving to work one day !

it's an odd thing because I can remember it clearly so many years later when a lot of other things have been forgotten !

I wonder if the brain makes a projection and we change our lives to avoid it, my life certainly changed after that ! 


adoptions can go terribly wrong, a family friend's son who was adopted at a very young age and brought up very well provided for, raped and murdered a young woman as a teenager !

the trouble is they run true to their parentage rather than environment and most likely nutrition issues in the womb are also important !

some children come up for adoption because the parents are quite insane and can't look after them !

I think it's important to see the parents before making an adoption  decision !

I have found bathing the eye in colloidal silver very effective for pink eye/eye infections !

just once or twice then it clears up after about six hours !

silver is a heavy metal so caution is needed but it is a superb anti-bacterial !

reddit zen and more generally zen and/or any  religion  and actually life ! :o()

reddit zen and more generally zen and/or any  religion  and actually life :o()

a k'nex ball  machine  ‑  my web pages

depressing :o()

if there's one thing I am picking up from reddit zen and all the other zen arseholes and idiots on the web, it's that anything authentic like the 7th zen patriarch  blog  is only building a  “brand name”  so to speak,  that is then trashed and abused by the zen  “sex club”,  and endless wrong minded nits and fuck wits



I am abandoning zen because of this issue and moving across to the ultimate  reality  blog

i'd appreciate it if all new comments are made there, the 7th patriarch blog will be left as is !

you can't beat blocks of concrete, you can only bash your head against them  !   !   !


you can't beat blocks of concrete, you can only bash your head against them


herrigel was an unrepentant Nazi, you should apologise for posting this  shit  !

you can actually see the Nazism in it !

he thought the jews should be exterminated and hitler did a good job .............

that quote is nazi mysticism, they were quite influenced by eastern religions !

of course this does get back to zen being a propaganda tool for Japanese imperialism

i'm getting a real message about the people on zen reddit ...............

the problem is that people take substances to self medicate, there is an underlying issue that they will not address through  diet  and supplements so they come to grief anyway !

so with substances you have this interplay between relief via the medicating aspect and more brain damage from the toxic side effects

pot is a good example, helps with  sleep  and anxiety and other things for some medical conditions

but it is toxic to the brain and long term pot smokers show this in spades !

the problems of lsd................... you just can't tell users despite their complaints of an induction of permanent hallucinatory states..........

“ you come to realize that people belong to the remarkable natural embroidery of trees and birds and waters and clouds and stars ”



some people really hate the thought that you can supplement effectively and improve your health !

if you bite off more than you can chew, expect to get chewed ! ?

if you bite off more than you chew, expect to get chewed ! ?


if you bite off more than you chew, expect to get chewed  !

if you bite off more than you chew, expect to get chewed !


if you bite off more than you can chew, expect to get chewed


“ ewk note: who is teaching who, here?  what is learned?  in this family, if it is not thrown away then it is not zen

how is it that dongshan could ever have found half to agree with? ”

the rats drop their shit  everywhere  thinking it pearls !


ewk, I have seen so many half wits play this game of taking nonsense koans and being the big deal commentator over the years, your club is full of rats and droppings and NO PEARLS ...!


get real ewk ! you are just masturbating.......comprende ?


ewk do you have a history of substance abuse or were you just born like that?


why talk to a hopelessly brain damaged ex whatever !


why drive nails into steel ?

“ ewk note: who is teaching who, here?  what is learned?  in this family, if it is not thrown away then it is not zen

how is it that dongshan could ever have found half to agree with? ”

the rats drop their shit  everywhere  thinking it pearls !

the rats drop their shit everywhere thinking it pearls !

the problem with chiropracty is the movements that give the improvements are too easily undone !

an exception to this might be cranial adjustments !

now you could be having to worry about who should  host  a baby shower !

the ms thing you will always have to  watch  !  there may be more rational explantions for that guy's dream, like he heard a convo or can lip read.................

the constant oil and solvent exposure seems not to have good effect on mechanics health

I really think you have a major health issue below the surface and should concentrate on keeping your health and not get side tracked into what would be trouble imo !


you will pardon me if I think you are being not realistic about your health ! :o(

you are being over trusting of this guy and what he is telling you !

memory can play tricks with us too !

that's just religion at a very  unsophisticated  level !

they don't change so just pacify them or have such a good knowledge they shut up !

i'm not a muslim at all but some of the sufis are really good !

sa'di for instance !

my   links

“ this amazing concentration and a rational approach

he had a rare enormous gift of concentration ”

edward artemiev on  working  for andrei tarkovsky   (17:08)

reason disembarks ... :o()

reason disembarks ...:o()

my shingles is sourced in the T1, C7 and C8 dermatome regions in the dorsal ganglia on the spine and in fact i have always had an itch on my back in this region and since i have been putting zinc nappy rash cream on and near the relevant vertebrae and scrapping it in with my fingernails  (to get the zinc nanoparticles in deeper to excite an immune response so keeping the microRNA silencing in place)  i have had no shingles outbreaks at all!

people will have different involved dermatomes !

high humidity is an important stress factor in bringing on a shingles outbreak !

should zennists  squat  or sit? :o)

apologism  is sophisticated and you would find it useful to familiarize yourself with the concept,  c.s lewis for example was a christian apologist................

bentley hart is perhaps the most  sophisticated  christian apologist alive today, not a bad club to be a member of, it does require intellect, but what's the point of all that work to get it wrong ?

a lot of  words  to say that religion is schizophrenia !

( ed.  number 17,  “ ultimately without self ” )

a lot of words to say that religion is schizophrenia !

you can tell tracts/exegeses from  apologists,  they are  (a bit ! ?)  ambiguous, they are of that ilk which is more sophisticated and damaged than your straight out supporter !

since Buddha is boundaryless and the distinctions  (ed.  between the different sects of buddhism)  are all boundaries then.................

from a practical point of view zen is different however in that it doesn't require the historical existence of a  “shakyamui”  which is just as well as it's just a story which has its origins in the tree shrine cults of northern india !  ( they are still there today ! )

let me see,  were the patriarchs genuine celibates and were the zen greats all celibate and not sex clubbers ?

they made koans, not  “sat”  them  ( “sit in my lap”  genpo )

genpo is not enlightened, you can talk up a crap artist, why, you buy into the zen master front, sex clubbist behind agenda !

it's the same with sasaki, people say he was a sex maniac, but all the disciples bought into it, mt. baldy was a very promiscuous environment !

celibacy is the unpalatable truth of zen ! (and Buddhism ?!)

when you are celibate you give single minded attention to the problem of what zen is about and are not split by the hundred horses of relationship/spouse,  (and!)  children which like ants nibble  (or cut in large slices lol)  your corpse and brain clean down to the bones and beyond, there is nothing left for infinity or Buddha and so people like you and genpo pretend and put up the front !

you know what reddits like ?

going into  “ the zone ”  (ed. roadside picnic !)

you can go in and pick up or construct yourself some magic stuff bordering on the surreal, but you get damaged by the exposure

being careful you can minimize that damage and who knows pick up the elixer for eternal youth :o)(








i always wondered wether belly fat was an distented intestine of actual fat, turns out it is an actual fat layering under the muscle called the omentum !

dr.oz is quite good  value,  except he has the dietary advice wrong ! :o( !

dave st. germain  writes

camus said that the only valid philosophical question was whether or not to commit suicide

maybe he should have included   “ whether or not to post on reddit ”

my  reply

just the human unwashed in vast quantities :o()

“ i get anxious when there is noise, can't think, can't have deep or creative thoughts? ”

the very famous philosopher schopenhauer made the same complaint !

actually I was reading some recent research that babies and children don't reach their full potential if there's too much continuous/white noise in the environment through   overstimulation  of the auditory cortex !

that's one of the wonders of reddit, you can spend alot of time arguing with people to no point ! :o(


that's one of the wonders of reddit, you can spend alot of time arguing with people to no point !


that's one of the wonders of reddit,  you can spend alot of time  arguing with people  to no point

that's one of the wonders of reddit, you can spend alot of time  arguing with people to no point


family similarities are often clearer in the grandparents than the parents !

as you get older you come to understand better that life is full of imperfections and limitations :o)(

as you get older you understand better that life is full of imperfections and limitations :o)(

as you get older you understand  ( better ?)  that life is full of imperfections and limitations :o)(

as you get older you understand that life is full of imperfections and limitations :o)(

we have the net I guess to thank for bringing us an endless supply of this quite cacked out  bullshit  and the very wrong minded pretenders who purvey it











we have the net I guess to bring us an endless supply of this quite cacked out  bullshit  and the very wrong minded pretenders who purvey it











we have the net I guess to bring us an endless supply of this quite cacked out  bullshit  and the very wrong minded pretenders who purvey it











fleetwood mac/peter green  ‑  the munich lsd party  incident

“ peter green and danny kirwan both went together to that house in munich, both of them took acid as i understand it, both of them as of that day became seriously mentally ill, i think it's too much of of a co-incidence for it to be anything other than taking drugs ”

( 6 : 30 )

it's interesting what lies just below the surface !

stevie nicks on cocaine too !  up her bum apparently,  maybe she has haemorrhoids :o)(

fleetwood mac/peter green  ‑  the munich lsd party  incident

“ peter green and danny kirwan both went together to that house in munich, both of them took acid as i understand it, both of them as of that day became seriously mentally ill, i think it's too much of of a co-incidence for it to be anything other than taking drugs ”

( 6 : 30 )

not doing too bad, a  two?  thousand year old  chain  letter ! :o()

( ed.  no.16  “ able to purify obstructions ” )

“ suffering seems to be inherent in everyone though. everyone is suffering ”

yeah basically it's that god or Buddha nature or whatever is an estrangement from human, we see this as suffering, so it simply reflects the state of affairs

there is another step however and that is the identity of Buddha in life and that's where the real work is !

but to say that enlightenment is a release from suffering is mistaken and heterodox ..........!

there is absolutely no point to anything except that identity........

otherwise you would commit suicide or/and spend purgatory on reddit :o)(

what is buddha ?  a zen master with his pants off  !  go genpo !

the stupid  lecturing  the stupid i'd say ! :o(

what is buddha ? a zen master with his pants off ! go genpo !

the stupid  lecturing  the stupid i'd say ! :o(

at least he's got his pants on , normally they are off and who is he humping ?

he's a con  artist  btw, there are few that aren't :o(

autistic :o)

and actually autistic spectrum which Leonardo da vinci, Michelangelo, Benvenuto Cellini, Casanova, julius Caesar, catullus and virgil were, so hopefully the comparison won't seem too odious ;o)

Scotland is very very autistic !


once you understand what autistic spectrum is about then you work around it !

if you are denial you may never get out of some of the potholes !

autistic :o)

and actually autistic spectrum which Leonardo da vinci, Michelangelo, Benvenuto Cellini, Casanova, julius Caesar, catullus and virgil were, so hopefully the comparison won't seem too odious ;o)

Scotland is very very autistic !

sepehr g  asks

what do you think of aj arberry's translations of rumi ?



well it's more literal and doesn't over simplify like other translations, but it's still a long way from being adequate !

plus rumi himself is somewhat voynichy !

the translations that most people are familiar with and get plastered endlessly over the web in all their saccharine stupidity are by coleman banks and what he did was take the arberry translation, chop words out and add sugar ! :o()

mycoplasma is bacteria without a cell wall, I don't see it warrants the attention as a  “cause all”  that it gets !

mycoplasma  is bacteria without a cell wall, I don't see it warrants the attention as a  “cause all”

well, look on the  bright  side, it's an early insight into the  “neediness”  of women and how they behave :o)(

primalscreams  replies

i'm a woman. And I can't handle myself just fine



your sentence structure is quite male ! you are probably on autistic spectrum and naturally a bit depressed,  “ being nice ”  is actually a useful survival strategy, I use it and when I have not been nice things get very dangerous :o(

in actual fact you probably have some of the male need to look after women, so that's really what's happening, why you are tolerating the situation !

distancing people you have helped from that help can excite bad reactions so you have to be a bit careful!.........

cunning even :o)

I think you want to look at what your natural abilities are and  go  for that !

nurses seem to get a lot of health problems as they get older from the constant exposure to infectious stress and the concomitant auto-immune excitation !

well, look on the  bright  side, it's an early insight into the  “neediness”  of women and how they behave :o)(

a good  line  by paul hardwick !

but I could feel the sun burn

the cold earth

yeah a  cartoon  like the story,  how schizophrenic is it to treat this sort of thing as being more than a wacked out fairy tale !

lol spot the muscular superman ;o)(

and what evildoer does the bull look like ?

one can only  marvel


all muscle and no brain ! :o(

notions of the searcher and ox are just voynich !

yeah a  cartoon  like the story,  how schizophrenic is it to treat this sort of thing as being more than a wacked out fairy tale !

lol spot the muscular superman ;o)(

and what evildoer does the bull look like ?

one can only  marvel

yeah a  cartoon  like the story, how schizophrenic is it to treat this sort of thing as being more than a wacked out fairy tale !

intelligent self disclosure is a skill that develops with time :o)(

25 year old man  leaves  pregnant wife for a seventeen year old !

if you poke a sword at someone you are likely to be poked back

if you poke a sword at someone you are likely to be poked back :o()

the safety of zazen from a physical point of view has a lot to do with age, posture, cardiovascular circulation strength/health and weight !

seiza for alight framed person with a good circulation is maybe ok up to say age 35, which actually was myself when sitting !

half or full lotus regardless is too restrictive of circulation and way too hard on the knee and hip joints and back !

the only suitable contexts for zazen are group sitting like say a weekly sit somewhere with others or in a retreat where you are forced to sit !

solo zazen is wrong !

to have some contemplative time by yourself on a daily basis is helpful, this may be a walk , sitting in a relaxed manner in a chair, or even just walking around a few rooms for an hour !

the other side of  “ contemplation ”  is the problem of the default circuitry engraving in a very non productive way and for this not to happen too excessively  (I think it is always going to occur to a significant problem level regardless)  you have to read and inquire in a useful way, which for example is what my reading  list  is about !

writing is also important to develop our thinking and approach away from dangerous and non productive engraving of the default circuit !

in short to do half or full lotus zazen with the usual sort of half arse reading that zensters seem to do is a disaster !

entertainment like music, non informational videos, tv and films need to excised or they just end up perverting the default circuitry !

lol chopin is more than entertainment :o)

true contemplation is contrary to and mutually abrasive to normative social attitudes and living and because of its engagement with the brain's default circuitry is dangerous unless done in a considered and reasonable manner with a certain amount of asceticism as per my description previously !

like a tennis ball we will bat this back and forth forever ?

yes I am a monster, a mirror to other monsters unfortunately :o(

yeah so that's your own creative work and you have to be so careful to keep a creative space for yourself on the net, or it will make you crazy, in the messageboard/blog/reddit scene  the level of moronic/misguided/willfully perverse is so high !

bankei yōtaku was a sculptor, hakuin ekaku was an artist and poet, ryōkan taigu  was a lifelong poet, eihei dogen was a writer

that's not an accident, it's how they kept sane in the insane hurricane of religion !

lockesteerpike  you were always obnoxious but three years of meditation has made you a monster :o()

( ed.  i made a guess of him having done three years of meditation based on the sort of mental damage he was showing, and it was correct lol, I am not joking ! )

lol, just keep doing zazen ! :o)

I am just the corner of a bad dream that is passing away, don't let me disturb your sleep :o)

lockesteerpike  you were always obnoxious but meditation has made you a monster :o()

you were always obnoxious but meditation has made you a monster :o()

sarcasm is the/a defence of last resort of a wounded soul :o(

sarcasm is the last defence of a wounded soul :o(

why is it i feel that meditation takes the idiots out of circulation ?

an interesting  hermit  !

dao de jing,  verse  38

when the way is lost

that’s when we resort to virtue

when virtue is lost

that’s when we resort to humaneness

when humaneness is lost

that’s when we resort to morality and righteous justice

and when righteous justice is lost

that’s when we resort to ceremonies of propriety



when the way is found

we look for virtues !

when virtue is found

we are forgiving !

within forgiveness

morality and justice emerge !

from within morality and justice





(social ?)

ceremonies !

the wrong appearance has negative consequences in certain contexts !?

your problem is you got frightened at some point and retreated into a shell !

so on reddit you could take the opportunity to unfold a bit safely !

lol, you'll learn ;o)

it's morning here :o)

i'll make breakfast, raspberries picked from the garden the day before yesterday :o)

with heaps of cream :o)

in lieu of zazen :o)(

narrow minded is the human condition, you ought to see it in yourself as well as me !

I have a very extensive real life background in zen and zazen btw !

it's just being older it was quite a while ago !

“ what does it matter how you appear on reddit ! be yourself, "  sticks and stones may break my bones............."  ”

well I don't need zazen because I am already a moron : o)

my opinion is you should  “ grow out of ”  zazen with three years and if you don't then give zen up as not suiting !

that's my real practical experience, not some anti bullshit, those who use their ears to see..............

basically there's a another level that makes zazen look a mistake !

zazen helps you to see what the  “ communion ”  with god or Buddha is, but actually there is a lot of other work as well.............

but once you are into that communion, or perhaps more realistically know what it is at least zazen just falls away............

if it's not there in three years, you are on the wrong road for sure...............!

poem  by yosa  buson   (translated by robert hass)

plum blossoms, here and there  ‑

it's good to go north,

good to go south



good to go east ! :o)

when you don't understand you are blended with infinity

when you do understand infinity blends with you !

mingan of dayang  said

seated meditation is for fools !

when you are detached from existence, you naturally fall into non-existence !

mingan of dayang  said

zazen is for fools !

when you are detached from existence, you naturally fall into non-existence !

reddit zen  anti-intellectual,  ignorant  shits  ! :o(

reddit zen anti-intellectual, ignorant shits ! :o(

I write a lot of poetry and prose so my style very dense and somewhat exploratory of grammar and syntax !

the art of course is to speak not plainly and plainly at once :o)(


you can't write poetry effectively in a second language !


the poor russian poets who were persecuted and killed during the stalin years because they loved their language so much they didn't do the sensible thing and leave.............

the poor russian poets who were persecuted and killed during the stalin years because they loved their language so much they didn't do the sensible thing and leave.............

I write a lot of poetry and prose so my style very dense and somewhat exploratory of grammar and syntax !

the art of course is to speak not plainly and plainly at once :o)(


you can't write poetry effectively in a second language !

I write a lot of poetry and prose so my style very dense and somewhat exploratory of grammar and syntax !

the art of course is to speak not plainly and plainly at once :o)(

you can't understand what I am saying can you !?

part of   no self,   that is the practical application   is not worrying about who we regard as  “ entitled ”  or not and treating everyone equally as I do you !

that's the slang use of  entitled  :  “an attitude, demeanor, or air of rudeness, ingraciousness, or combativeness, especially when making excessive demands for service”

you can't understand what I am saying can you !?

part of    no self ,   that is the practical application is not worrying about who we regard as  “ entitled ”  or not and treating everyone equally as I do you !

that's the slang use of  entitled  :  “an attitude, demeanor, or air of rudeness, ingraciousness, or combativeness, especially when making excessive demands for service”

you can't understand what I am saying can you !?

part of  no self,  that is the practical application is not worrying about who we regard as  “ entitled ”  or not and treating everyone equally as I do you !

that's the slang use of  entitled  :  “an attitude, demeanor, or air of rudeness, ingraciousness, or combativeness, especially when making excessive demands for service”

one of the really basic zen skills is going the extra mile and learning to disclose oneself in an intelligent way !

you can't do it and you don't come across well at all, of course you are  full of the illusion of yourself :o()

it's not zen you are doing but some sick animal masquerading ............

“ the  author  considered contemporary zen masters  (those of the end of the meiji and the beginning of the taishô era)  and most of their followers to be fakes ”

this is because zen went from celibate to  “married with kids”  !

same problem today................!


it's not ancient but a political construct with the meiji edit of 1872 requiring zen priests to marry !

the last two great zen masters, kusan sumin and kodo sawaki were celibate !

there's been nothing since !

the problem is that what zen is really about is just way to hard to do with the distractions or different attention requirements of supporting a household !

so we get the typical ignorant zen product today, arrogant and stupid because they are trying to ride two horses at once and not noticing they are ripped up the middle  !


with kids it's probably ten horses !

another way to look at it is you are self medicating on marijuana for sleep and anxiety and that is less toxic and more effective than medications though marijuana is toxic to the brain and really I think you should be looking forward to solving these problems without the necessity of weed ! :o)

so this is what I have done for  sleep  and the non-psychiatric use of very low dose  lithium

try and use the  stoush  with your sister productively, look ahead further to what can be done !

yeah it's always some-one else that has the problem isn't it !

you are a typical case of  “ married with kids ”  getting into a celibate tradition  (ed.  ch'an/zen)  and coming a cropper !

 " Best part of Christmas, kids knocked out on the ride home from the food and excitement "  ed. 2013 reddit usa

lol, replacing yourself plus one :o)(

well it's interesting to see the fault line between us isn't it !

I say read  widely  and you say don't

you are talking to me because you are dissonated by what I say and are uncertain !

when you were drunk, you wrote something  worthwhile,  the trouble is when your brain works in the manner of the  “ normal you ”  it's just a screwed up negative (and stupid!) mess !

you have never embarked on the real road to enlightenment, which is actually a sort of enquiry and solitude that changes this  “ normal you ”  into something similar but more productive and livable to the  “ drunk you ”

all your posts and replies to me are just this never ending conflict that the normal unenlightened you when brought up against the real enlightened you  (me in this case !)  arouses !

every post except the drunk one says that you haven't done the work and you don't want to do it !!!

my honest advice is to just ditch this Buddhist/enlightened interest you have and focus on income since that seems to be a more real concern than the wallowing in bullshit you do without wanting to actually get on the road where the changes needed occur 

another day touzi casually asked,  “ what is the principle of buddhahood? ”

cuiwei said,  “ buddhahood is not a principle ”

touzi said,  “ doesn't that fall into emptiness? ”

cuiwei said,  “ real emptiness is not empty ”



“ real emptiness is not empty ”







empty !

“ particularly when my own experiences contradict what you're saying ”

well that's what I am saying, you are self assured in error !

part of your mistaken approach is your negative reaction to me, whereas if you were enlightened you would be able to handle it like I do, just flip it around and see what gives !?

comprende ?



unfortunately :o(

the blind claiming to lead, usual story................

zakaj  writes

andrew the shurangama sutra lists 10 false enlightenments. making us think we're enlightened is one of mara's tricks ...

my  reply

I presume you are implying I am not enlightened ?

for you to say that you must be enlightened !?

so which of us is false enlightened ?

I can talk to both mara and Buddha but they are both illusions :o()( (

the game the acolytes play is like texts like the shurangama sutra means something

but hey it's just unenlightened garbage !

but you have to be enlightened to see that, but the idiots all just want to be outside enlightenment purveying their rotten fruit and getting freaked out when anyone actually enlightened comes along because it shows their idiocy/moronacy for what it is !

help yourself, don't let others proxy for you because they won't :o( )  (

you are only hurting yourself and those around you by your blinkered self-importance !

why are you so sensitive and reacting, that's because you know underneath you are just immersed in bullshit ! ?

you are only hurting yourself and those around you by your blinkered self-importance !

why are you so sensitive and reacting, that's because you know underneath you are just immersed in bullshit ?!

“ i am taking medication for anxiety, depression, and chronic migraines. zoloft, welbutrin, lamictal, and verapamil ”

you are in a heap of trouble medication side effect wise, do some net research !

it's not simply brain chemistry believe me and to trust anyone in the mental health profession is suicidal

hot spices like tabasco can exacerbate haemorrhoids

drinking the juice neat from a freshly squeezed lemon is good for gastric flu !

new research is showing lots of health problems from tattoos, nanoparticles, carcinogens and allergens in the inks !

well Buddha walked out on his wife and newborn child !

so the prospect of his child starving is obviously not important compared to enlightenment !

you can't imagine a more traumatic and dysfunctional time to leave can you !


you can't replace a father ! he was a bastard !

“ i just read  the zen teachings of bodhidharma  not an ounce of it made sense to me at all... am i missing something?  just not cut out for zen?  what am i doing wrong? ”

its rubbish in the first place and bodhidarma wasn't enlightened or he wouldn't have wasted his time staring at a wall ! :o)(

some of the koans are ok but it's important to distinguish between the commentator and the source case, the commentators are flakes but sometimes there's a source case that is authentic !

han shan and the poet ryokan are worthwhile

since you haven't fallen into the usual trap of assuming that what you read must make sense and can't be crap you probably have some ability to progress and develop your understanding unlike all the reddit clones who wallow in the inaccurate assessments of their own understanding and abilities !

I stayed at the kwan um centers in providence and boston, much less anal than the japanese zen !  so odd to see Jacob perl died recently !

i think most teachers make some sort of mistake in being a teacher, that is they would have been better doing something else

there's real issues with poor income and a constant dealing with difficult and bizarre people !

actually the idea of a teacher is crazy and in reality what it is about is self taught !

sepehr g.  writes

the sufi conception of love can only be understood through celibacy

hallaj understood this when his ashes were blown by the wind to the stars of infinity



very well put !

sepehr g.  writes

the sufi conception of love can only be understood through celibacy

hallaj understood this when his ashes were blown by the wind to the stars of infinity