this is work in progress or homilies or miscellaneous items
that don't warrant a page by themselves
or seem to fit better here
pending poems index
chronological order is from the bottom to the top of the page
audio files can be complemented by listening to them with the eyes closed !
why be an acolyte when you can be a master ?
ex-pope benedict was sacked for being a flagrant queen and the vatican had turned into one big gay party !
that is, catholic celibacy has become to a large extent not celibate but homosexual !
I never had joint
pain in my 40's and of course I never sat !
the basic physical problem areas with zazen are the hips, knees, back and circulation !
other problems are sleep disruption and a sort of schizophrenic induction by over engraving the default circuits of the brain which is really what is meant by “ living in a ghost cave ” I think !
the very notion of practice itself is spiritual materialism, can you see that ?
you are just circling back on yourself, I think this is why zen is so problematic or such a disaster area for “ married with kids ” or those in a relationship, you cannot do what is required which is when you hit a snag like you have, to get past it you have to go an extra 1000 gut and brain busting miles, like swimming the cook strait (ed. new zealand !) and hauling yourself defeated, half‑drowned and exhausted up on the southern shore, even tho you have got there.................
you are poisoned, got the worst of zen without any remediation............
now that's a better
post, more you who just sounds like a jerk somewhat up themselves !
that's actually way more real zen than the normal bilge you post !
feel free to downvote this :o)
the biggest downvotes I have received have been where I have been negative on drug using which says a lot about reddit I am afraid and the highest karma's are held by idiots
where married/kids/relationship zen goes wrong
this not just reddit but almost all zen universally and even the celibates seem to have other hidden agendas like Catholicism has with its covert
homosexuality ............... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if you are really interested and pay enough attention to your health so you survive..............
you will bulldoze through
if you are in a relationship/children/married then you have not the slightest hope of bulldozing through and just get buried on the outer edge of the town tip :o)
what you should do is the opposite to what you do do which is blinker what
you think about and read to some crappy zen and buddhist translations of amix of junk and a tiny amount of insight..........
so what you should do is simply read and think far more widely than zen and try and get some solitude and time in natural scenery
things will slowly change that you can even start to see what I am talking about rather than your usual stupid toxic denial............
well !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't believe people waste their lives and time so.............. :o(
yes of course you are right and I am wrong ! ...........:o( ) (
you are just circling back on yourself, I think this is why zen is so problematic or such a disaster area for “ married with kids ” or those in a relationship, you cannot do what is required which is when you hit a snag like you have, to get past it you have to go an extra 1000 gut and brain busting miles, like swimming the cook strait (ed. new zealand !) and hauling yourself defeated, half‑drowned and exhausted up on the southern shore, even tho you have got there.................
you are poisoned, got the worst of zen without any remediation............
“ de nile is not just a river in egypt ”
I must say reddit extends my vocabulary :o)
if he just said “ i was zoned out beneath a tree and slayed by the beauty of all round me ”
that's enlightenment and not this florid
why put boundaries on zen ! :o()
containers are opaque to the infinite :o()
brad is not celibate and has never had that mentality, why I came through zen ok and he didn't is I have basically been celibate most of my life and used that power to bulldoze through all the shit !
you (ed. zakaj) of course have been completely buried by the
shit for reasons you have yet to make clear so brad warner wannbe is where you are at and will remain ! :o()
you have completely
missed what zen is about , cut and pasting this nonsense called the diamond sutra is just cutting and pasting nonsense called the diamond sutra !
when there's nothing to cling to you will stop cutting and pasting rubbish and be able to use you own words which seems so far away for you I condemn you to living this bad joke you call zen buddhism forever :o)
high and low blood sugar like
that could be pre or diabetic !
pre and early diabetes can swing like that, there is a positive feedback loop between increased insulin production and misfolding of the proteins surrounding the insulin islets which then decrement insulin production
you can get quite a few blood sugar level phase changes ...........
high insulin resistance can cause/ is a major factor in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes through this mechanism of protein misfolding !
of interest is this mechanism of misfolding is also causational in alzheimers,
the so-called “ type three ” diabetes !
genetics play a significant role is susceptibility but given the way most people eat these days and a general
chromium deficiency, it is only a co-factor !
i really think it takes children (to) keep a relationship together in older age !
i really think it takes children keep a relationship together in older age !
i really think it takes children keep a relationship together in old age !
i really think it takes children to keep a relationship together in older age
i really think it takes children to keep a relationship together in old age !
i really think it takes children to keep a relationship together in old age
i really think it takes children to keep a relationship together in older age
it can be a
structural brain thing, just the way your brain is wired !
removing yourself from the irritation source sounds like a good strategy !
yeah the brain can
reprogram itself somewhat if you get the dietary and supplement side right !
very good quality krill oil can help !
[..] in a
coma for three days [..] to a scene that I understood was heaven. I knew that I had sat at the right hand of the Father for three days
if you were at the right hand of the father, why did you come back or were you kicked out? :o)(
well Buddha walked out on his wife and newborn child !
so the prospect of his child starving is obviously not important compared to enlightenment !
you can't imagine a more traumatic and dysfunctional time to leave can you !
i feel embarassed to write anything that is not sense sense, it can't be worshipped for 2000 years !
interestingly the diamond sutra is the world's oldest printed book (868 ce!), predating gutenberg by 500 years !
why did they have to print such rubbish i don't know and is no more meaningful a question than why did they build the pyramids !
crazy does crazy and builds crazy of course !
a smoking rubbish tip and we must be the tramps
around it :o(
whoops, the rubbish tip that is not a tip and therefore not smoking with not tramps not around as many as there are not grains of sand in the ganges river :o()) ()
a smoking rubbish tip and we must be the tramps
around it :o(
lol brad warner has a
picture of himself and his latest girlfriend juxtaposed with an impressive picture of two very toothy tyrannosaurus rexes (missing feathers !) with smoking volvanoes in the background :o)
which has the bigger teeth :o)
i don't think he gets the joke as he seems to change women once every six months ! :o)
you are always better working for yourself if you
can ! :o)(
“ I can be that (ed. schizpohrenic) ”
in fact we all are ! good reply !
ewk doesn't make me uncomfortable at all, I know myself too well :o)
what I am pointing out is that to distain the intellect is in fact still the intellect
the fact of nonintellectualism is in fact brain death/dementia !
well neither of us is giving any ground so I think we part our ways, in my view you are tangled and have no interest in untangling and no doubt you have a similar opinion about me !
I think you need to say what existentialism is !
Heidegger was of the view it was a degraded and dumbed down version of his philosophy !
all I really know of it is jean paul Sartre's play
no exit/huis clos which I really liked !
contemplation is not to transcend
thought since the idea itself is thought !
“ When your intellect transcends the mire of delusion, then you will attain to disgust of what has been heard and what is yet to be heard. When, perplexed by what you have heard, you stand immovable in samadhi, with steady intellect, then you will attain yoga ”
Krishna; Chapter 2, verses 52–53;
nothing in the quotes you have given above says to give up the intellect, that's just your idea and need !
really to try take advice that anti-intellectualism is best from books that are (themselves!) endless exercises in intellectuality............... really ! :o(
at night, the wind turns into day
abandoned temple is a claim
rats reconstruct the sutra crap
moonlight rests on me !
at night, the wind turns into day
abandoned temple is a claim
rats reconstruct the sutra crap
the moonlight rests on me !
at night, the wind turns into day
abandoned temple is a claim
rats reconstruct the sutra crap
the moonlight rests me !
I think you need to say what existentialism is !
Heidegger was of the view it was a degraded and dumbed down version of his philosophy !
I think you need to say what existentialism is !
Heidegger was of the view it it was just a dumbed down version of his philosophy !
always the big question with taking a drug and not just recreational, is does it do permanent damage !
lsd does for sure from my observation of those taking it !
I really found the videos on the web of the Chinese zen hermits fascinating, you could see how the old ch'an was, basically hermitages and small monasteries in really remote places with some travelling between them !
man, living in those places is a lot of hard manual labour ! :o()
the growth of neo-advaita/non duality also gutted out the more competent people wanting to be teachers/have had awakening experiences and since being a teacher there (in that sect ! :o) is self appointed why go through the waste of time training and the roshi cult system zen has !
funnily enough I think the web is bringing back zen abit because of its highly textual orientation
unfortunately the zen transmission system is a debacle only permitting sycophantic idiots to become teachers and as I say anybody competent has gone to the open arms of
neo-advaita/non duality !
kodo sawaki had an interesting life, plenty on the web about him !
he fought in the russo japanese war and was left for dead buried beneath apile of corpses at one stage !
“ Why do you type like a 5 year old? ”
if only I was a five year old !
it's a very deliberate permutation of grammar and stylistic writing conventions for effect and something I have been developing for many years in my poetry and prose !
in actual fact a lot of the conventions like capitalization, paragraphs and full stops are designed for readability on hand written or printed pages on paper (especially cursive script !)
computer typography and the endless free resource of computer screens offers huge freedoms I am (learning!) to take full advantage of !
you are reading my writing !
zakaj, you may have had some childhood experience (ed. satori !) that has been forgotten, it's all the layers of bullshit that are on top of that that is the problem !
you may have had some childhood experience (ed. satori !) that has been forgotten, it's all the layers of bullshit that are on top of that that is the problem !
yeah in one sense it is all meaningless recursion, but there is something to sort out which can be seen in the occasional koan that is not too garbled, but unfortunately not in the
so-called buddhist scriptures at all which is why the historical ch'an is so anti them !
moo the stupid cow koan :o)(
moo the stupid cow koan :o)(
when you get dia kensho you will understand, until then ...........:o(
and actually you N E V E R forget it !
kodo sawaki had reddit zen to a T !
“ It goes with being an ordinary person he can only see with the eyes of collective stupidity ”
the modus operandi of reddit zen is to take some of the worst and most voynich Buddhist/zen scriptures/stories and translations and attempt to create some literal fundamentalist zen, this sect of “ transmission beyond scriptures and words ”
biggest pack of losers I have ever seen, half appear to be on pot when posting ! :o()
GO K O D O S A W A K I !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
zakaj writes
what about the
inka of
the wind, tree branches, the moon, and a sandy beach
aren't they qualified
to transmit
that's the best thing you have written so far and good enough that there's no answer !
zakaj writes
what about the
inka of
the wind, tree branches, the moon, and a sandy beach
aren't they qualified
to transmit
yeah but the diamond sutra is erroneous crap !
being abuddhist is crap !
the only saviour is yourself, ......................
reddit zen is just a nightmare of people protecting erroneous intellectual investments..............
yeah but the diamond sutra is erroneous crap ! being abuddhist is crap ! the only saviour is yourself, ......................
reddit zen is just a nightmare of people protecting erroneous intellectual investments..............
zakaj writes
our lord buddha sometimes calls it emptiness, other times he calls it the one bright pearl, depending on the occasion and the audience.
i remember from my youth: “ do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces ”
the flower garland sutra puts it this way: “ the mind is the painter that paints everything in the world ” black stream purling ...
your youth is gone and you still don't understand, what hope is there?
zakaj replies
why hope for anything?
as you said: “ life is not successful ”
what do people think “ understanding ” would bring? personal benefits?
not wasting your time on erroneous stuff !
i think the benefit of improving your understanding
is less wasting of your time on erroneous stuff !
i think the benefit of improving your understanding is less wasting of your time on erroneous stuff !
zakaj asks
What do people think “ understanding ” would bring? Personal benefits?
not wasting your time on erroneous stuff !
our youth is gone and you still don't understand, what hope is there?
your youth is gone and you still don't understand, what hope is there?
more toxic food from the
autistic nigella lawson !
love those speech delays don't you !
is it my imagination or does the tip of her nose look like it's lacking circulation?
unleavened/indigestible bread with a high protein food like crab meat is nota good combination !
what is in the crab meat, what sleep disturbing preservatives are in the wasabi
all that pretentious middle class trying to be upper class stuff, the upper class have servants to do that sort of thing ! :o()
there's ahuge undercurrent with the current fuss about nigella, but you never see that mentioned in the woman's mags and newspapers do you!?
an entire nation misfed and more so because of nigella !
I am always writing just as much about myself as anyone else : o)(
zakaj writes
from the Diamond
a void stream purling
empty and liquid
a bubble in a stream, a dream,
a candle-flame that sputters and gone !
a diamond sparkles and shines
zakaj writes
from the Diamond
a void stream purling
empty and liquid
a bubble in a stream, a dream,
a candle-flame that sputters and gone !
a diamond sparkles and shines
void !
I win, you win, is it that you win and I win or I win and you lose or we both lose or we both win and lose or we both lose and win ................
I win, you win, or is it that you win and I win or I win and you lose or we both lose or we both win and lose or we both lose and win ................
I win, you win, is it that you win and I win or I win and you lose or we both lose or we both win and lose or we both lose and win ................
the book of serenity case
mihu had a monk ask yangshan, “ do people these days need enlightenment or not? ”
yangshan said, “ It's not that there is no enlightenment, but what can be done about falling into the secondary? ”
my reply
you voynich toad, enlightenment is falling into the secondary ! : o )(
ewk there's no problem with the secondary, it's trying to reconcile it with the primary that is the problem !
the diamond
sutra is just messy wanking junk...........
what does that make those who worship this sort of crap ?
the diamond sutra is just messy wanking junk...........
what does that make those who worship this sort of crap ?
the platform sutra is a garbled mess as well tho there are signs of an original mind there !
the buddha
addressed subhūti, saying “ do you understand what I mean by voynich? ”
“ yes bhagavān, it's nonsense crafted to look like sense, something you and I are both expert at and will attract dumbbells in all future and past eons to extol our bullshit and worship it as profound ! ”
the buddha and subhūti embrace each other and collapse laughing to the ground :o)
the buddha addressed subhūti, saying “ do you understand what I mean by voynich? ”
“ yes bhagavān, it's nonsense crafted to look like sense, something you and I are both expert at and will attract dumbbells in all future and past eons to extol our bullshit and worship it as profound ! ”
the buddha and subhūti embrace each other and collapse laughing to the floor :o)
no wonder you are on drugs
nigella, flour and sugar, a toxic stew !
you are caramelizing the blueberries, not good !
caught on my words of many meaning :o)
lol caught on my words of many meanings :o)
“ sperm antibodies
arise in between 34 and 74% of vasectomized men and persist in about 38 to 60% of those after reversal ”
the child moved his little hands, making wild, uncertain gestures
he uttered a series of inarticulate and indescribable cries ‑ something between the chattering of an ape and the gobbling of a turkey ‑ a startling, soulless, unholy sound, the language of a devil
the child was a deaf
then he stood motionless, with quivering lips, looking down upon the wreck
an interesting
article on ambrose bierce
i'll be sure not to read it won't I?
( ed. sepehr g. recommending
blindsight by peter watts )
wasted too much of my life reading and watching junk as it is !
your problem is you are still a consumer !
he's a second tier intellect and you might like to think about what that means !
why is andrei tarkovksy's “ the mirror ” first tier and peter watts second tier ?
because andrei tarkovksky in the mirror brings out a deep strain of autistic truth
i'll be sure not to read it won't I?
( ed. sepehr g. recommending
blindsight by peter watts )
wasted too much of my life reading and watching junk as it is !
your problem is you are still a consumer !
he's a second tier intellect and you might like to think about what that means !
why is andrei tarkovksy's “ the mirror ” first tier and peter watts second tier ?
because andrei tarkovksky in the mirror autistically brings out a deep strain of truth
i'll be sure not to read it won't I?
( ed. sepehr g. recommending
blindsight by peter watts )
wasted too much of my life reading and watching junk as it is !
your problem is you are still a consumer !
he's a second tier intellect and you might like to think about what that means !
why is andrei tarkovksy's “ the mirror ” first tier and peter watts second tier ?
because andrei tarkovksky in the mirror brings out a deep strain of truth
truthier writes
It's good to learn from the best mystics, Jesus and Muhammad
unlike real mystics like Catherine of siena and john of the cross and sa'di and rabia basri neither jesus nor Muhammad were ever real to the extent of being historical persons
of course they appeal to puffed up fools like yourself
you are so insolent, you don't know shit and have never done an ounce of research yourself !
you are not fit to cut rabia basri's toenail !
you just bloody yack and don't do any reading !
ewk, I wondered where you had got such a bad
translation from !
it's by Thomas cleary who is one of the world's most opinionated and idiotic translators of zen
paradoxically the translation of “ the blue cliff record ” he did with his brother (jonathan!) christopher is very good
ewk, I wondered where you had got such a bad
translation from ! it's by Thomas cleary who is one of the world's most opinionated and idiotic translators of zen, paradoxically the translation of “ the blue cliff record ” he did with his brother (jonathan!) christopher is very good
case three of the book of equanimity/serenity
the ruler of a country in eastern india invited the twenty-seventh ancestor, hannyatara, for a midmorning meal
the ruler asked him, “ why don’t you read the sutras? ”
the ancestor replied, “ this poor follower of the way, when breathing in does not dwell in the realm of skandhas, and when breathing out is not caught up in the many externals
always do i thus turn a hundred thousand million billion rolls of sutras ”
my comment
i would have said, “ as the ruler of a country, do you notice how difficult it is to ever get reports about what is happening straight ? ”
ewk posts from thomas cleary's translation of the “ book of serenity ” case 61 “ tiantong not speaking in verse ”
As for patchrobed monks, tiantong once said, “ there are no walls in the ten directions ‑ from the very beginning there is fundamentally no obstruction. there are no doors in the four quarters ‑ just right here is the entry way ”
that is why jianfeng drew a line with his staff and said, “here it is” time and again those who don't know say that jianfeng was pointing out the road to his monk; or else they say that he delineated it for the monk and didn't go anywhere else. It is definitely not these principles.
my reply : garbage !
( ed. thomas cleary made bad mistake when he stopped translating with his brother christopher, his stand alone works are just junk ! )
ewk replies : that's what the emperor said about bodhidharma
my first reply : well isn't that a story ? you have no words of your own and can't tell bullshit from what makes sense !
my second reply : you appear to have a practical background in (fundamentalist?) christianity and as we know, zero practical experience with zen !
so what I figure you are doing is trying to convert zen into a sort of fundamentalist version, taking the zen writings as unquestionably true and then castigating anyone who you perceive to be deviating from the “ orthodoxy ” !
this is despite zen being famously about the “ truth outside the scriptures ” !
you also seem to have no idea about the problems of translation and the quality of the original sources !
I think basically you are just a bible bashing Christian converted into a scripture/zen story bashing whatever ! ?
what's the word ? “ literalist ! ” ah........ :o(
now this is agood koan !
ewk you roll down the blinds thinking you are rolling them up ! what can I say ?
the book of serenity number 27, also the gateless gate number 26 “ two monks roll up the blinds ”
a monk once went to the great fayan of jingliang before the midday meal to ask for instruction
fayan pointed to the bamboo blinds with his hand
at that moment, two monks who were there went over to the blinds, and rolled them up in the same manner
fayan said, “ one has gained, one has lost ”
“ amongst white clouds ” is a great series, really gives a good
insight into what the life of those hermits was like !
mujushinkyo writes
Ha ha. You seem to be “ Enlightened ” Tell us all about it
one writes the koans instead of reading them :o)
songhill replies
So what do you write it with?
god in my left ear and buddha in my right :o)(
to think countless generations have applauded this meaningless
rubbish ! no different from christianity or islam I guess ?
I like some of the sufi and christian mystics but the rest is rubbish !
to think countless generations have applauded this meaningless
rubbish ! no different from christianity or islam I guess ?
chewing gum can induct
migraine by stressing the temporomandibular joint and contiguous nerves !
singing like that is used by children and adults with speech problems using the rhythm to provide enough information to circumvent the brain/ “ theory of mind ” deficit !
some of the stories referring to buddha describe a clearly autistic man ! :o)(
a story I love is two groups of monks in pre medieval ireland fighting a pitched battle with several monks killed over a monk from one group making a written copy of a psalm used by the other group !
as something seems to have happened that could not be ignored he was sent to convert the heathens in Scotland which I think at much danger to life and limb was somewhat successful !
what surprised me was when I read the psalm it was just abunch of rubbish :o)(
it's not a big deal, much more problematic is black stools where the blood comes from within the intestine !
I didn't like taking any
HCL and use the
Houston enzymes ‑
afp-pep, zyme-prime and no fenol and they work fabulously :o)
these are a different sort of enzyme and actually work better with less acid stomachs imo :o)
the following is a
dialogue on reddit and it struck me it was really a zen koan ! :o)
truthier: well, it doesn't really matter does it? you have what you have, it doesn't matter what I have or what some “master” has. I'm not intending to be hubric, I must apologize as I am not very intelligent!
andrew: it's not something one has, but what emerges from some sort of completion or our willingness to address “ what is not us ” !
truthier: yes, that's right, and one shouldn't have that either
andrew: why?
truthier: you can do it without having it. why not?
andrew: you can't really what it gives has more weight than a black sun : o )(
there are a number of bad side effects including brain
damage and urinary tract irritation from recreational ketamine use, anesthetics basically poison the system to work !
mujushinkyo writes
Ha ha. You seem to be “ Enlightened ” Tell us all about it
one writes the koans instead of reading them :o)
it's not something one
has, but what emerges from some sort of completion or our willingness to address “ what is not us ” !
yeah the way dogen uses “heterodox” is disapproving !
so in dogen's terms the “present moment” is not orthodox and as you say “in error” !
the best general resource for neo-advaita is rick archer on
when you look at the interviewed teacher list on the right you are looking at the collapse of zen, ther'e more teachers than pupils now almost !
I think a lot of zen centers are facing financial issues now and an aging sangha !
neo advaita is just as full of sex and nonsense as zen and one really interesting problem I feel is some of the teachers there have had genuine awakening experiences but floundered afterwards because there is nothing reliable around to guide them and I think almost without exception have gone of the rails because of this
amoda maa jeevan is a good example of that happening !
btw I think Eckhart tolle is a mixed bag : o()
well you are being
hubric about your understanding of zen, and i'm looking carefully, I am not, the work has been put in, but you haven't !
so some sort of divide occurs here, you don't accept I am not hubric and I can see you are hubric so the ways pretty much part !
basically we both sit back on our respective judgments, i'm not interested in sorting you out and you think I am wrong anyway so we in each our views have better things to do :o)(
you're not worth my time, son. you're rude, arrogant, hostile, etc
good, don't reply to me again ! : o)
you're not worth my time, son. you're rude, arrogant, hostile, etc
good, don't reply to me again !
ewk writes
you believe you understand something. i don't share your faith in your understanding
understanding is beautiful and flows like a river and purls and gurgles like a clear stream over the rocks . . . . . . . . . . . :o)
none of the Taiwanese teachers I have seen have been enlightened !
people can have some understanding but there is a break with true enlightenment and it's almost entirely absent in current zen/ch'an
the last enlightened zen master was
kusan sunim !
this is the true ch'an of some of the stories, it's the conventional view which says that anybody can get it and most teachers have it
rather it's very very rare
so we have quite difference perspectives !
the trouble is zen/ch'an got destroyed in china by the communists and even Korean zen was very affected by the japanese occupation of korea !
I haven't seen any quality zen come from Taiwan
what is interesting is to look at some of the chinese zen hermit
videos on you tube !
but basically what we know of ch'an is what is in books !
sloppy partitioning of your
quote !
“ It now is me; I now am not it ” is it in full !
( ed. ewk quoted
it as “ I am not it ” )
man that's really off to take just the portion that suits your outlook like that !
cause that's where the work is “ it is now me ! ”
that's what enlightenment is “ it is now me, it is now not me ! ”
the zen in the west is actually very strongly anti-intellectual because it has its origins in the kamakura/meiji zen that came across to the usa after WW2 which is actually a military form of zen and played a huge propaganda role in WW2 for the Japanese government !
ch'an itself is actually very intellectual and literary as you can see from the koan collections and stories !
this is really what caodong/
dongshan liangjie is saying, you really need to process your own experience and not partition off false abstractions that one then spends the rest of one's life dancing around !
“ Just don't seek from others, or you'll be far estranged from self.
I now go on alone; everywhere I meet it.
It now is me; I now am not it.
One must understand in this way to merge with suchness ”
well I sit for a while in a chair in the evening
my objection to zazen is purely that it will cause knee, hip and back damage and also can cause cardiovascular issues !
oddly enough what got me on to noticing this was when I visited zen centers and noticed all the teachers very avoidant of doing any sitting, so I asked myself why
and then the penny started to drop : o)
sepehr g. the problem is with heavy manual work (ed. permaculture and wwoofing) one's joints/back start to go after 30 and even earlier these days !
at that point you have to have either run it as business or walk away without useful real world skills
today's world needs money, the old zen dream of penniless travelling monastics is just that, a dream and perhaps always was :o()
its been years since I have done any sitting but when I first got involved in zen about 20 years ago I did retreats and weekly sitting and then travelled visiting many centers !
the big question I always had was why did sitting make people so narrow minded and rigid !
ewk we really have a fundamental disagreement and it's that the “ real zen ” involves being able to disclose oneself in an intelligent fashion !
you are hiding (repudiated my request for more information in fact !) what your real world involvement in zen is (if there is any at all ! ?) and perhaps other “spiritual areas” as well !
I never though when I started out on reddit that doing zen without any real world involvement was so crippling, but having seem a few people like yourself who seem to have no real world experience (or background !), I would say to get so involved in something on a net only basis and not having any sort of real life background is quite toxic !
there's some sort of personality problem that you could do this in the first place !
anybody with sense should cry to be called a “zen master”
pumped up arsehole hierarchy !
there's human inka and heavenly inka !
the human
inka is what's wrong with zen, giving rise to the chronically poor quality of zen teachers today, the self appointed teacher system of neo-advaita/non duality, even tho they are just as wrong as zen still has given rise to a much better quality of teacher and some at least have had genuine awakening experiences unlike the endless fraud of paper cutouts called zen ! :o)
no-one seems to have noticed, but zen has collapsed and been disre/placed by neo-advaita/non duality with its thousands of “teachers” purveying the heterodoxy of “living in the moment” and the zen teachers, not to be outdone in error, hasten to conform ! :o)(
human inka is just certificated nonsense basically !
there's human inka and heavenly inka !
the human inka is what's wrong with zen, giving rise to the chronically poor quality of zen teachers today, the self appointed teacher system of neo-advaita/non duality, even tho they are just as wrong as zen still has given rise to a much better quality of teacher and some at least have had genuine awakening experiences unlike the endless fraud of paper cutouts called zen ! :o)
no-one seems to have noticed, but zen has collapsed and been disre/placed by neo-advaita/non duality with its thousands of “teachers” purveying the heterodoxy of “living in the moment” and the zen teachers, not to be outdone in error, hasten to conform ! :o)(
human inka is certificated nonsense basically !
there's human inka and heavenly inka !
the human inka is what's wrong with zen, giving rise to the chronically poor quality of zen teachers today, the self appointed teacher system of neo-advaita/non duality, even tho they are just as wrong as zen still has given rise to a much better quality of teacher and some at least have had genuine awakening experiences unlike the endless fraud of paper cutouts called zen ! :o)
no-one seems to have noticed, but zen has collapsed and been disre/placed by neo-advaita/non duality with its thousands of “teachers” purveying the heterodoxy of “living in the moment” and the zen teachers, not to be outdone in error, hasten to conform ! :o)(
the problem with zazen and actually a general problem with solitude is that it over-engraves us with whatever dull monotonies we are prone to when the default circuitry of the brain runs too much !
apart from the joint and circulation/cardiovascular dangers of the unholy postures of zazen, I wouldn't be so against it except that everyone who does it get turns into literally rotten fruit, stews their brains and lives !
it's important to temper solitude with direction which is reading the greats like sa'di, wang wei and Emily Dickinson so when the default circuitry runs it is productive, creates wide new expanses and vistas and not just deepen the same old (proverbial!) rut !
but of course, zen does exactly opposite, discourages conversations with these great minds and so you just get the usual narrow ignorant and blighted zen products in a system that perpetuates it's idiocies forever ! (infinitely lol :o)?
since life seen truly is broken and not successful, if you live a successful life then you are not seeing it truly, some of us are doomed to see life truly therefore we are not successful in the world's terms :o())(
the reality of haiku is the form doesn't suit English at all as evidenced by the millions of wanking English haiku poems around :o()
there's no right zen way of living
it's simply an abstraction of the way we do live !
there's no right zen way of living , it's simply an abstraction of the way we do live !
quality organic/grass fed liver is the best source of
iron because it has all the cofactors as well, but if you are going to take supplements , it's usually done with the wrong forms and in a large single daily dose when it should be lots of very small doses !
probably you don't have a single issue but
several, for instance thyroid tests don't really pick up sub clinical conditions !
putting a drop or two of
iodine tincture on the underside of the wrist and seeing what you feel like energy wise several hours later
can tell you a lot !
B-12 can help, don't take too much or you won't sleep well :o)
medicine is geared to severe clinical conditions, you will need to think more outside the box !
zen teachers come in three flavours and some combination thereof
mad, incompetent and satyromaniac !
actually herb
deer, you seem to fit all three quite well :o)(
zen teachers come in three flavours and some combination thereof
mad, incompetent and satyromaniac !
what if zen as you understand it is completely
wrong ?
you can't step out of the hole you are digging !
yeah there is understanding, but you won't find it with redditors !
reddit is like a toxic trap, full of self willed ignorant know it alls who only want to posture and you have fallen for it, or is it you only want to posture !
you might try the seventh patriarch
blog, who knows?
well you're never going to get out are you?
you don't want to understand, you only want your preconceptions to be agreed with !
that in itself is the hole !
writing to a wall again :o()
you are complaining that it's going wrong yet here you are asserting your erroneous views !
if you understand so much what the hell are you complaining about !?
reddit has it wrong and you have it wrong or is that land of milk and honey you have dug into !?
I've seen people like you, you will be the same in ten or twenty years, just unable to move away from your values and assessments and judgments !
that's why you feel comfortable on reddit of course because that is the norm here and in life actually !
that's where the edge is, the unfamiliar/ strange !
what if zen as you understand it is completely wrong ?
you can't step out of the hole you are digging !
with people like
you the only enjoyment one can get is the prospect of them continuing to trash about in ignorance, hurting themselves and those about them
so I guess the best thing is to just remove myself from the reach of your flailings :o)
you have attempted to evade the recursion inherent in “you” by claiming an exclusive subtextual use of the word which tautologically is not the case or in English, very sloppy thinking :o)
“ I cannot conceive any work of art as having a separate existence from life itself ”
artaud, the theater and its double
sepehr g. asks
I am trying to decide what poet to invest most of my energies into
I read some of Bukowski's poems at the bookstore, and a lot of it felt like hit or miss.
“ The Genius of the Crowd ” was great though
I read a little bit of the other stuff you recommended too. While I am going to read Wang Wei and Saadi deeply, I still want something that was originally written in English. I am trying to decide whether I should read John Keats or Sylvia Plath very deeply
Btw, is the novel Roadside Picnic good?
nah, if you like science fiction stanislaw lem is way the best :o)
charles bukowski takes quite a while to get into, I first wrote him off as a drunk bum !
he is however one of the great all time poetic geniuses, he drank he said to keep from committing suicide, but how much greater he would have been without the drink instead of learning absolutely everything the hard way !
honestly I don't buy books anymore, just find interesting stuff on the web !
really the best poet is Emily Dickinson, she is elliptical and cryptic so needs abit of research to help unwrap the poems so the speak
but really she is the most “ sufi ”
the point of reading these great minds is to have a conversation with them to give a road of insight and sanity out of this cruel mad world :o)
just abit every day to keep that contact so one isn't overwhelmed by the morons shoving their shit in one's face all the time :o)
did I say reddit zen ? :o()
so, my final words to ewk the tar baby :o( )() ()
well why not talk abit about your experience in zen then, or are you the great zen accomplished one too shy !
you claim to be honest but you hide everything about yourself, so really you are just being dishonest
that's where the buck stops and I certainly can't go beyond that !
i've got the picture, you are an A grade tar baby and I learnt before not to get entangled , but forgot and got entangled again !
you and reddit zen are a pair matched in heaven and hopefully I will
remember this time and not bother you or myself with replies to you :o)
at what point did you decide that sorting out what zen was really about was too hard and you gave up and retreated into depending on the advice of others, long dead tho they may be ?
can you (ed. ewk !) be honest about that is what has actually happened ?
this fundamental dishonesty people have about what they really understand and don't and spend all their time in denial ! :o()
for the same energy (expenditure ! ? ) you could be going forward ! ! ?
priests are only dishonest in their stupidity
zen masters are sophisticated con artists !
priests are only dishonest in their stupidity, zen masters are sophisticated con artists !
mujushinkyo on reddit zen writes
Wake up
lame !
jeez you guys are so screwed up and all self done too !
aren't you supposed to be interested in what is true and not the endless mill of ghost caves humanity excels in ?
the silent illumination
blind farting ain't the dharma !
silent lobotomy more like !
the silent illumination
go to sleep you
fraud ! blind farting ain't the dharma ! silent lobotomy more like !
the silent illumination
go to sleep you
fraud ! blind farting ain't the dharma ! silent lobotomy more like !
a uk correspondent writes
[...] I’m learning patience and a go slow approach
For a person who used to have an all or nothing approach to life, I believe I may indeed be evolving?LOL [...]
[...] I managed to find a bottle of pure Magnesium Hydroxide solution recently and currently mix it with Carbonated water to give me a Magnesium Bicarbonate solution. I’m not aware that bicarbonates are biofilm feeders but you may have more info
I now distil all drinking water as you really can’t trust the water delivered through taps here particularly the lead pipes that bring it into the house. I then add a pinch of Himalayan salt, a ¼ tsp of pure potassium bicarbonate plus 45ml of Magnesium bicarbonate solution to approx 4L of distilled water
My theory is that I get a wide spectrum of minerals from the Himalayan salt and add the potassium / magnesium bicarbonates to balance the sodium (in the salt) and obviously for added bicarbonates. This to me seems a better way of adding minerals and salts to drinking water without using the colloidal mineral solutions which I’m certain are biofilm feeders? What do you think? [...]
my reply
i don't see any point to adding himalayan salt to the water, you don't want the sodium because of your blood pressure and the extra minerals are insignificant in that context !
the only minerals i have added successfully to water are
lithium carbonate (for mood swings) and magnesium chloride
the potassium bicarbonate and magnesium hydroxide are biofilm feeders/laxatives
epsom salts added to bathwater can create fungal conditions on the skin !
zinc as per the compendium really helps with allergies !
it also helps displace lead in the body !
you can't do anything for tinnitus except avoid loud sounds/have hearing protection and give up coffee !
if your town supply water is hard, you may not be getting much lead in the water from those lead pipes !
if the water is soft or acidic you may be getting a lot !
the compendium
germanium may also be helpful for displacing lead in the body
you write
“ I’m learning patience and a go slow approach
For a person who used to have an all or nothing approach to life, I believe I may indeed be evolving?LOL ”
lol, hopefully i am evolving too :o) ( ( )
zakaj writes
version 3 attempt of a Pure Land response to the Master of Chán
depends on written words
the real “ transmission ”
is not between minds of men
it's the Other-being entering
the self of man
obliterating it
infinite light
written words are softer
and more far reaching
than doctrinal teaching
otherbeing enters
con deconconstructs
a full moon lights a distant line of clouds
silver-golden rim :
zakaj writes
version 3 attempt of a Pure Land response to the Master of Chán
depends on written words
the real “ transmission ”
is not between minds of men
it's the Other-being entering
the self of man
obliterating it
infinite light
Na !
written words are softer
and more far reaching
than doctrinal teaching
otherbeing enters
con deconconstructs
a full moon lights a distant line of clouds
silver-golden rim :
the conference of the
birds i found not really worthwhile reading tho there was something there :o)(
real zennists visualize being war
criminals !
real zennists visualize being war criminals !
the sixth patriarch was literally hunted for a fair portion of his life by co-religionists
and nearly was killed several times !
I think reddit zen runs true to form and is certainly less lethal :o)
that's like a huge huge thing, you can dispute without running the risk of being assassinated !
the sixth patriarch was literally hunted for a fair portion of his life by co-religionists
and nearly was killed several times !
I think reddit zen runs true to form and is certainly less lethal :o)
that's like a huge huge thing, you can dispute without running the risk of assassination !
hmm, well as we know katagiri roshi had one or two affairs which is downright restrained compared to what usually goes on !
in actual fact I think that's his and those he had affairs with business, or was, as he is dead
however neither him nor the
teachers at Ryumonji are enlightened
what calls into question “ the school of zen ” is the fact that the vast majority of the teachers are unenlightened and very poor quality to boot !
the real zen is celibate and it just doesn't translate into relationships and married with kids
ok, clickstation (ed. reddit nick) I see where you are coming from with shaktipat, but that's a hindu notion and obviously not buddhist since the stories about buddha are a sort of reverse shaktipat, he is endlessly explaining to disciples who don't want to understand where their errors are............ if there was such a thing as shaktipat I am sure he would have taken the easier way
confess, you have hugged amma :o)(
reddit zen seems disconnected from the real world reality, youth and lack of practical experience I guess , but zen and the indian spiritual traditions are just thick with con and sleezy gurus/masters fucking everything, legal or not in sight
in recent years the ongoing sex scandals in zen have just cut away its credibility to nothing .......... : o )(
Buddhism, zen, non duality, christianity, the only reason you would believe in that nonsense is for sex and money and that's what happens :o)(
the real mugs are those who don't do it for sex and money...............:o)
“ i met a lay-buddhist one time a while back, became friends with him, and had an
intense transmission from his consciousness which awoke mine ”
that's just adi da crap !
if you start out in bullshit, is it any wonder you have ended up in bullshit ?
I have been around for years in this game and seen all the shades of con and bullshit, this one is quite common !
where's the money going, who is the guru fucking and so on !
the guy who wrote the original post must be a dumber mimic, no reason to be so screwed up mentally, da free john at least had a good time ! :o)
Buddha like jesus and muhammad are just fairy tale characters, you can say anything you like about them but it's still a fairy tale :o)
“ i met a lay-buddhist one time a while back, became friends with him, and had an
intense transmission from his consciousness which awoke mine ”
that's just adi da crap !
if you start out in bullshit, is it any wonder you have ended up in bullshit ?
“ i met a lay-buddhist one time a while back, became friends with him, and had an
intense transmission from his consciousness which awoke mine ”
that's just adi da crap ! if you start out in bullshit, is it any wonder you have ended up in bullshit ?
best thing I ever read on being a
the circadian rhythm is set to awake by white and blue light and sleep by dark and a trick is red light also looks like dark to the brain !
yeah screens are like white and blue light !
it can take up to 2 weeks to reset the circadian rhythm !
to take supplements successfully you have to really fine tune each
vitamin and
mineral you take, or it all goes wrong, the multivits are an abortive mess of poor design !
some people are way more
sensitive than others, weed can certainly make you very depressed
you would be well advised to steer clear of weed and any recreational drug, you sound fragile !
if you don't enjoy it i'd skip the blue cliff record !
in truth zen makes a lot more sense after you come to understand what it is all about rather than before because what we read is so distorted, mistranslated and misrecorded !
when you understand it truly you are treated to the amazing spectacle of a whole religion operating like reddit zen and the hardcore zen blog, complete nutcases repeating voynich like it had (a?) real meaning !
if you don't enjoy it i'd skip the blue cliff record !
in truth zen makes a lot more sense after you come to understand what it is all about rather than before because what we read is so distorted, mistranslated and misrecorded !
when you understand it truly you are treated to the amazing spectacle of a whole religion operating like reddit zen, complete nutcases repeating voynich like it had (a?) real meaning !