this is work in progress or homilies or miscellaneous items

that don't warrant a page by themselves

or seem to fit better here

pending poems  index

chronological order is from the bottom to the top of the page

audio files are best listened to  with the eyes closed !

first there was biome,  now there's  virome  : o)

first there was biome, now there's  virome  : o)

get the  sun  on your balls to avoid  parkinsons  disease?!

there, am i getting the hang of writing health headlines for the masses ?

: o ) ( ?

staffordshire bull terriers,  bolshy,  affectionate,  timid and obstreperous,  good watchdogs,  bad  neighbours

a sorta combination of smart and dumb : o )(

staffordshire bull terriers, bolshy, affectionate, timid and obstreperous, good watchdogs, bad neighbours

a sorta combination of smart and dumb : o )(

suicide  or drug O.D. !

no good being a computer whizz and trying to save the world if you haven't got your health sorted out !

you wouldn't have heard of the  compendium  in a dream would you, and now you are a dream : o ) (

i was in town and i though well infinity is everywhere so it should show

and there it was in the coles supermarket, a middle aged couple, he was 6 foot and she was about 5 foot............. her hair was quite white, while his still had colour ..............

that was within a minute of thinking there should be something really wacky around :o) (

i sort of half followed them for aminute

life's not really explainable : o)

i was in town and i though well infinity is everywhere so it should show

and there it was in the coles supermarket, a middle aged couple, he was 6 foot and she was about 5 foot............. her hair was quite white, while his still had colour ..............

that was within a minute of thinking there should be something really wacky around :o) (

random    pending poems  page   of the week :o)

quite a good page imo :o)

ok, lars von  trier  is a  genius  ! : o ) (

the problem is  this  ?

check out the  video  linked in the study ! : o)

i like to think i am getting more skilled as i get older : o)

skilled in incompetence

: o )   : o (

i like to think i am getting more skilled as i get older : o)








i like to think i am getting more skilled as i get older : o)








sepher g.  asks  about 

Have you ever read Godel, Escher, Bach? If so, what did you think about it?

They have a chapter devoted to Zen and recursion in Koans. I thought it was cool

my  reply

recursion is the inevitable collapse into a blurr between meaning and meaninglessness !

hofstadter's book keeps on the side of meaning too much and thus actually misses this way more significant blurr ! : o(

you can see this problem everywhere !

why does my life have to be like jeremiah, at odds with everything


why does my life have to be like jeremiah, at odds with everything


why does my life have to be like jeremiah


hup why does my whaar   hickurr  why does my life


both the links below are a bit aggressive  (synergy, super sensitive)  and won't let you back to this page via the back button and you have to go back to this page via another way

otherwise they appear safe and have pertinent info !

the major cat allergy protein  (Fel d 1)  present in cat dander has a  synergy  with an omnipresent bacterial toxin called with lipopolysaccharide  (LPS)  to activate our immune cells and excite an allergic response which i think can vary considerably in degree !

“ Bacterial toxins are present at low levels everywhere in the environment and do not normally activate the receptor protein, but when compounded with the cat allergen, the receptor protein in the human body becomes  super sensitive  to the bacterial toxin and triggers the allergic response ”

i suspect many of those with subtle and not so subtle immune problems  (asthma, arthritis, osteoarthritis etc)  and some of the elderly would be better off without cats : o ()

more than a few years ago now, a friend had a stroke from a blood clot that had developed in stagnant blood pooling in the heart as she had a hole between the pumping chamber walls and despite being barely able to move, had the huge inspiration to take some of the flush type niacin soon afterwards, perhaps 500mg and it may have been instrumental in keeping the damage quite limited

in addition to opening up the capillaries and permitting more blood/oxygen flow, the ability of b3/niacin/nicotinic acid to  step up  mitochondrial function may have also been very significant !

“ the nicotinic acid normalized signaling activity not just in PPAR, but across an integrated signaling network, and also improved overall cellular respiration  -  the cells  ability to use oxygen ”

this  article  is not up to your usual standard, several hours research exposes good reasons to doubt shakespeare's authorship and you don't even mention the most likely real author sir henry Neville who is starting to gain  (semi-secretly!)  some of his rightful currency in the academic circuit !

just lying in bed doing nothing is bliss


just lying in bed doing nothing


just lying in bed doing nothing, bliss !


just lying in bed doing nothing, bliss


male and female,  our forms and brains are this burden of reproductive process : o ()

male and female, our forms and brains are this burden of reproductive process

“  [...]  ageing causes death by a number of processes acting in  parallel   ”

to brad warner and the endless web/you tube/hard core zen blog commenters idiots you are not enlightened because you are caught up in explaining things when enlightenment is to see that it's not a question of explaining or even not explaining, but the natural recursion of explaining not being able to explain itself : o )

this recursion is the collapse of self and you have to see it to believe it, otherwise you are just caught up in the endless belief of the adequacy of rather dull semantics : o)

i hope that is not an explanation : o)(

to brad warner and the endless web/you tube/hard core zen blog commenters idiots you are not enlightened because you are caught up in explaining things when enlightenment is to see that it's not a question of explaining or even not explaining, but the natural recursion of explaining not being able to explain itself : o )

this recursion is the collapse of self and you have to see it to believe it, other wise you are just caught up in the endless belief of the adequacy of rather dull semantics : o)

i hope that is not an explanation : o)(

you  (ed. eileen!)  want everything as all or nothing and the way you cut off any ongoing dialogue about practical things like health etc and try and bundle it into one all or nothing deal stymies any needed changes.... a continuing process of small changes is where it's at............ and where that goes one simply follows

john lomax sings   Rock Island Line

ok, lars von  trier  is a  genius  ! : o ) (

they don't go the extra mile needed to get more competent in life, even tho they have great difficulty with life

old patterns, replaying endlessly, this sort of eternity i can do without ! : o ()

in reply to eileen's  poem

actually the title  “ long gone ”  puts me in mind of  this  : o)(


zaroffhound   replies   to   ( not addressed to him ! )

synchronicity: invariably a Jungian assumption/interpretation of events that play out that may or may not have meaning on a subjective level to those involved in the circumstance. Error to an objective observer, not error to participator. How does that error have value?

my  reply

you are welcome to write rubbish ! pastiching a bunch of words together don't make for coherence !

zaroffhound  replies

ah, well judging from your profusion of comments i assumed it was national twaddle day. Aren't you an angry little animal....

my  reply

you are so immersed in the fake and the presentation of false appearances that even being called on it doesn't faze you let alone any idea of that sort of shit making some-one else angry : o)(

zaroffhound  replies

immersed in the fake....we all are.

presentation of false appearances...its the web, shock!

called on merely made a statement.

any idea making someone angry...idea yes, i also have the idea that you randomly rant about something you dont've even made a video, not very pleasant, about Brad Warner.

Grrrr arrghh. To quote the philosopher Willow Rosenberg 'bored now'.

my  reply

willow rosenburg  (ed. a character in  buffy the vampire slayer : o ( ,  yeah that's your life, unintelligent fantasy :o)

I see you need the  “protective”  environment  (ed. censored/moderated)  of the hard core zen blog to feel safe blathering nonsense looking for approval amongst the retards  :o)  there

you are not a complete idiot, why not be honest with yourself about the quality of what  you are doing : o )( ?

publicity is a tiger, it can eat you !

publicity is a tiger, it can eat you

publicity is a tiger, that can eat you


what I have noticed with viruses is their ability to cause very very rapid changes !

indeed, when you have a very rapid development of a health condition/symptoms its cause can only be viral,  like wise improvement is from the virus being defeated in the body :o)(

i prepare my own food and have almost no processed sources of sodium like potato chips, canned food, whatever, (except say 600mg sodium/1.56 grams of salt in cheese)  so perhaps am in an almost a unique position to know how much salt i take daily, so i measured what i add  (to my food on the plate as i don't cook with it!)  on my jewellers scale and it's about .2 grams, or 200 milligrams on average !

the total amount would have to include what was naturally in the meat, fruit, vegetables, dairy products and cheeses i eat, i don't know what that is but obviously my salt intake @ 1.76 grams is way lower than the average, a fifth or less, and i have exceptionally good resting blood pressure readings of about 93/63  (up to 120 after a run!)  which is low enough that i have to go for a little run first before going into the blood donation center or i may not be able to donate because the reading is below their specification : o)

yeah too healthy to donate :o)

i always seem to live on extremes, i am right on their lower boundaries for weight, blood pressure and now haemoglobin since i seem to do better on  lower iron  in my diet, so deliberately keep the haemoglobin low which is easy enough after 12 donations and restricting the amount of high iron foods i eat :o)

to would be authors,  looking for publishers,  if you are paying,  it's vanity publishing !

i guess the trap with publishing is even if they pay you, it's not enough or you forgo too much future income in return for a larger amount presently : o(

you may even have to return the advance if sales don't match up/materialize ! : o ()

if you can't do the vast amount of your marketing and sales via the web then you will never make money now because the  costs  of talks, presentations etc in real life with all the travelling, accomodation and time costs is too high : o()

to would be authors, looking for publishers, if you are paying, it's vanity publishing !

would be authors, looking for publishers, if you are paying, it's vanity publishing !

to would be authors, looking for publishers, if you are paying  them  it's vanity publishing


why is suicide such a fundamental bone rocking event?

because of its own volition a universe causes all of us to cease ! : o ( )

gregory wonderwheel  writes 

I wonder if  Zizek  could sit still in meditation without the obsessive compulsive ritualized gestures?  Perhaps his rejection of Buddhism is his reaction formation due to his inability to meditate and to deal with his own inner psychological conflicts that are manifested in the compulsive gesturing



he has  tourettes,  your ignorance is typical of buddhists I am afraid, eating the lotus of meditation and being ignorant about life :o( !

wonderwheel  replies

LOL! You didn't get it.

my  reply

nothing to get, you are in a dated paradigm, so is zizek actually, but he is himself the new and of course old eternal paradigm,   developmental disorder

your brain is as aged as your beard: o()

( ed. wonderwheel which is his real surname has abig white, not quite zz top type beard )

wonderwheel  replies

More laughs. You are a great attack dog. Well done.Wonderful insults. Very creative.

my  reply

what's the point of deflecting? you and I are the only audience ! why does Buddhism make for unreality and mental rigidity, I don't know

you are in california, the land of classrooms for medically injured children, your attitudes are part of that and if you think this flakey buddhist shit you espouse cuts any ice, then why not visit one of these hells?

leonard cohen in  1966 ,  handsome, autistic and not quite straight in his thinking : o ) (

actually the hugely increased life expectancy since about 1970 means we see so many of these  “stars”  as old men and women and forget they were young once and that's where their energy was  : o ( )  : o )(

leonard cohen in  1966 ,  handsome, autistic and not quite straight in his thinking : o ) (

actually the hugly increased life expectancy since about 1970 means we see so many of these  “stars”  as old men and women and forget they were young once and that's where their energy was : o ( ) )(

the fall of andrew cohen,  killed  by well publicized feedback on the net about his behavior !

depressing reading  actually,  hubris on all sides  :o()/: o (

don't think the diet helped, what was crashing down didn't really rationally deconstruct and just fell in a destructive heap :o()

i am too much amongst the broken toys : o (

if only i



i am too much amongst the broken toys : o (

if only i






i think anybody really on autistic spectrum is borderline for a number of conditions, it's depressing to see what  happens   e.g. donna williams :o(

with me, i have mitochondrial insufficiencies and some tendency to possibly over production of haemoglobin in the blood, and maybe the platelets are abit sticky?

oh, if not for the homemade uvb lamp, understanding vitamin D, its congeners and the  sun , and copper supplementation, i think i would have joint problems as well :o(

oddly, i think the  compendium  has given me another 30 years and it's taking some reworking of my life  (life reworking!)  to adjust to that ! : o ()

my relatives might avoid my web work, but they can't deny how young i look and physically and mentally able i am : o ()

donna willams so strongly rejected my non-medical approach that for years she has banned me from posting on her blog, i suspect she won't let this reply i have just made through either !

ed. she did reply, must have not recognized or has forgotten me, but the way she looks at things is just an unfortunate example of why an overly medical approach DOES NOT WORK !

i have seen anumber of people die now who rejected my  “intelligent supplementation”, nutritional and dietary  approach ! : o (

“ you are taking 8/2.5 grams of sodium a day and a low sodium diet is recommended for Diabetes Insipidus ”

“ doesn’t sodium itself have a diuretic effect? ”

( ed. she has Diabetes Insipidus )

donna  replies

no, as sodium attracts water to the cells in the body sodium generally causes water retention not water loss

my  reply

when my salt intake is higher I drink more and urinate more as the body tries to flush the sodium out and maintain a suitable potassium/sodium ratio !

conversely if I eat a lot of veges and fruit (high potassium !) without enough salt I start to get cramps in the arch of my foot, which i take to be a sign of inadequate salt/sodium !

I really would question the amount of salt?/sodium you are eating : o ()

i prepare my own food and have almost no processed sources of sodium like potato chips, canned food, whatever, (except say 600mg sodium/1.56 grams of salt in cheese)  so perhaps am in an almost a unique position to know how much salt i take daily, so i measured what i add  (to my food on the plate as i don't cook with it!)  on my jewellers scale and it's about .2 grams, or 200 milligrams on average !

the total amount would have to include what was naturally in the meat, fruit, vegetables, dairy products and cheeses i eat, i don't know what that is but obviously my salt intake @ 1.76 grams is way lower than the average, a fifth or less, and i have exceptionally good resting blood pressure readings of about 93/63  (up to 120 after a run!)  which is low enough that i have to go for a little run first before going into the blood donation center or i may not be able to donate because the reading is below their specification : o)

yeah too healthy to donate :o)

i always seem to live on extremes, i am right on their lower boundaries for weight, blood pressure and now haemoglobin since i seem to do better on  lower iron  in my diet, so deliberately keep the haemoglobin low which is easy enough after 12 donations and restricting the amount of high iron foods i eat :o)

you'd know about  spacey  wouldn't you looking at the  crap  in your viewing list !

all the same error of synchronicity that brad makes btw, you are malformed peas in a pod :o)

never seen it on a dark day :o()

jelly for a spine brad : o ( ) ?

“alwayslookingatself”   replied

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA­HAHAHA...  Space, the final frontier. I'm still dealing with a lot of unresolved rage/sorrow and jealousy. Being a social misfit, outcast, financial failure is sometimes a tough thing to deal with. isn't it?

my  reply

like myself and brad you are on autistic spectrum, autism is the final frontier in reality : o ()

all human life is failure : o(

ditch the clichés and making your own observations will take you further in a useful rather than toxic direction : o)

chilblains are avoided by not re-warming the finger and toe extremities too quick !

the circulation in the hands and feet in response to cold, or concomitant with raynaud's disease,  or fibromyalgia,  is shut off by a shunting valve  arrangement  and if you close the valves off so the shunting reduces too quick, the capillary bed gets damaged, white blood cells leak out and attack your own tissue, and that , i am afraid is a chilblain : o ( )

a good  story  (15:00)  by slavoj zizek

this video is disliked on the buddhist forums because he says that buddhism is just as fake as anything else

and one would ask  “why shouldn't it be ? ”

as god said, my people have vanquished me ! : o)(

i love this quote “  the only true atheists are theologists ”  : o)   (19:40)

the royal baby, a million generations of cows and bulls :o)

the royal baby, a million generations of cows :o)

 child in a picture

child in a picture

some passing beauty

s h a d e s through you

how long will it last

this summers day?







some mold of the world you have yet to fit?

basically the poem is saying she is touched by god and the world does not treat kindly those touched by god : o(

 child in a picture

child in a picture

some passing beauty

s h a d e s through you

how long will it last

this summers day?







some mold of the world you have yet to fit?

picture   from

( ed.  norton detected a virus on the above link when i visited it on the 17/08/13 )

salmonella seems to do quite well on iron and an adaptive strategy in my view would be to cut out red meat and other high iron foods if you have an infection, it's the proverbial chicken soup time i think : o)

“ excess  of luminal iron could select for enteric pathogens at the expense of beneficial commensals in the human gut microflora ”

watch out for iron in supplements and fortified foods like breakfast cereals ! it's not agood thing !

“ a probiotic strain of E. coli reduces salmonella colonization by  competing  with this pathogen for iron, an essential nutrient that salmonella acquires in the gut in order to replicate at high levels ”

my general palava on  iron  :o)

mayan snake kings and  queens  , sorta similar to the bayeux tapestry, but in  stone  : o )(

you can't insult some-one by telling them what they're like because basically they are happy with it

: o ( )

you can't insult some-one by telling them what they are like because basically they are happy with it

: o ( )

huh,  dysphoria  means the opposite of eupohria !

 john demarco - mandala

i think john demarco has some degree of  hallucinogen persistent perception disorder  from taking hallucinogens : o(

i quite like his  artwork 

new age/non-dual/neo-advaita stuff seems flat and dull tho, and is definitely malfunctional, i wonder how much that is due to drug brain damage?

they never tell you about they drug history tho do they ? : o (

all religion, just different forms of craziness : o (

all religion, just different sorts of craziness : o (



































dave st.  germain    writes

Evolutionary biology is such a fad  nowadays.  There are some interesting points in here, though.

Soon there will be a cure for loneliness, in pill form! :-(



   infinity is everywhere, i never feel lonely   :  0 )

  another  interesting article by judith shulevitz

mark  foote  on the hardcore zen blog had a very old father and he's definitely a blend of  schizophrenic  and aspergers syndrome ! : o(

“ this study showed that the brain's white matter, or the wiring of the brain, ages faster in patients with schizophrenia compared with people who do not have a mental illness. In comparison, the white matter in people with major depression ages similarly to people without a mental illness ”

donna williams  (author of nobody  nowhere )  may be  dying , she has embedded an interesting  video  on the subject of  “choosing to die”  by terry pratchett

very poor quality of life  extended through medicine  is a modern horror story

it's something i am keeping a weather eye on for myself,  if one can forsee a certain progression.... blindness, senility, severe immobility, gut problems, cardiovascular and heart .......... then it's better to go before you lose control of your situation .......... imo

one doesn't need some service to do it, below freezing with a frail body should be enough .............

better to go out slowly i think as a deliberate process..............

of course this is all abit neat and tidy for what is avery unstable process : o(

for skin precancers/cancers i had been using copper  probes  with liquid nitrogen, but that may have been the hard way, a good  video  showing using a cotton swab technique on warts which i figure is pretty much the same thing

the advantages of doing this yourself are avoiding the viralness of a doctors waiting room, immediacy, the ability to work over a week or so and avoiding punch biopsies and their potential to push cancerous cells deeper though this is a double edged sword since you will be lacking information about what the actual state of affairs is

in my early days of using it with karen, and i used a glass thermos for storing it, it blew up like a grenade when i dropped a copper probe in and it broke the glass

i was doing some superfical melanomas on her back, quite big and long , but only minimally raised, though i didn't do them very thoroughly and thought i had wasted my time, but several weeks later when i looked again they were completely gone ! she must have had apoor immune competence against them and it didn't take much to raise their profile to the immune system and get them destroyed

karen died several years ago, possibly from a haemorrhagic  stroke  in the brain as she was on warfarin  (one of the problems of warfarin is the way it causes haemorrhages in the brain

she was nurse, had worked in the uk for a while, but was overenamoured of medical solutions and when she came down with a number of serious conditions including chronic fatigue,  (nurses seem to get this sort of thing way disportionately! : o( ,  she sorta became a proffesional invalid well able to work the doctors to get get what she wanted but this was her doom

she had a bad amalgam filling removal,  (all removed)  which took about 9 months to recover from, but after that she suddenly became very much better, putting an ad in the paper looking for work and ending up with a stalker

unfortunately, she managed to talk the doctors into an operation for her back (i think),  went to hospital and got a staph infection which that particular hospital had a reputation for, had a punch biopsy on the staph which pushed the stap into the blood stream and never really got rid of it again and things went downhill irretrievably

she had some extreme things happen, a boyfriend who was aristocracy and very wealthy in the uk and later when she had become an invalid, a family friend gave her some very valuable jewellery  (karen had hardly a cent to her name)  which she had valued and was immediately stolen in the next week, almost certainly by the jeweller

the police told her it was between her and the jellewer which i think implies the woman  (jeweller)  was a fence or something and known to the police and she should talk to the jeweller, but she never did and in hindsight, i should have

what her death taught me was she would never reappear in my life and that's simply what death was, a lack of this reappearance

this  study  is interesting because it shows the way a genetic stress like smoking may be hormetic in its initial stages

“ in the cells lining the airways of the smokers's lungs, human embryonic stem cell genes had been turned on ”

embryonic stem cells in the context of cancer have the potential to divide uncontrollably, but in the hormetic contex provide some degree of renewal of cells !

i have had some exposure to asbestos and think an exercise sequence i do mevery morning on waking is useful!

i just sit on the end of my bed , move my eyes from side to side, corners and up and down to get the pressures equalized in the eye, then move my head up and down and side to side as there is a study showing that stretching the neck veins reduces plaque in them

then i resonate the nasal passages and cavities and also the earcanal by humming very loudly so i can feel a bit of vibration in these areas, i do this to stimulate the immune system in these areas

then i also hum and sing and make noises that resonate in the lung  “ what shall we do with the drunken  sailor ” :o)  lol

i think this is why chanting is so important in monasteries and religious groups, to get the immune system stimulation from resonating the lung and nasal cavities and possibly even the ear canal !

anyway, you can resonate the lungs from the top to bottom with different noises and sounds !

i really feel my lungs and general immune resistance is much better because of this !

the type of immune excitation that shiitake mushrooms give may also help the lungs : o)

no doubt you will all burst blood vessels when you try this : o ( )

if you are fat/overweight, you bones are going to be  weaker  and your  “good”  (HDL) cholesterol is going to be be lower ! : o (

all the research especially since about 2002 is showing that fat/overweight is achronic disease condition that ensures severe metabolic issues like  diabetes , osteoporosis, cardiovascular and heart  disease ....................

the list is endless : o(................

fat people just seem oblivious to what they  need  to do : o)

so, now when you are asked,  “ what is the sound of one hand clapping ”  you can answer   corollary  discharge   :   0 )

well, i gotta say hare  krishna  is one pile of  toxic  shit : o ) (

where does this photo fit?

 Syria - Aleppo - Armenian woman kneeling beside dead child in field within sight of help and safety at Aleppo 1915-1919

the armenian  genocide !

corollary discharge,  an internal voice  image  enables us to hear ourselves speak without speaking : o)

“ this work is important because this theory of internal speech is closely related to theories of the auditory hallucinations associated with schizophrenia ”

great work mark, you may have even discovered an explanation for earworms :o)


well i sent the study author,  mark  scott  an  email

“ you won't know me, but i thought i'd say what a useful and groundbreaking study you have made, hopefully it is even an explanation for  “earworms”

Also i think it will be very useful to mepeople who have ever heard  “voices”  to have an understanding of what is happening at the neural  level :o) ”

surprise  he replied,  must have some vision,  not the usual anal academic :o)

you're repeating stuff to yourself brad, and because you have  repeated  it so many times you mistake what you say for being right rather than the delusions of a half nut : o ()


brad, the problem is you are inferring a synchronicity between the world as it is and buddha/god/infinity in too direct a way !

the indirect inference is alifetime's work, requires exhaustive attention and is quantum statistical !

it is full of paradoxes, inversions and surprises, yet is also an entirely consistent quantum statistical weight :o)

only an un-intentional celibacy/solitude ever gets there imo and this toxic meiji zen spew that you and other pretenders vomit forth, half formed and nauseous, ................. well no ultraman is going to save you :o)

the original face has no birth or death

ever changing




the above is my reply or alternative completion to the first line of a quote of tiāntóng rújìng  ( first line of this poem ! )

( section 10/page 121 in the plum blossoms chapter in  “ moon in a dew drop ”  [ fascicle no.57,  baika  in the shobogenzo ],  another version in the list  here  [ section 7 in no.57 ]  )

early alzheimers and pre-diabetes are  strongly  associated ! : o()

half the web would die of fright if they did a glucose tolerance test i think : o )(

yosemite  webcams

( 17 hours behind the east coast of australia! )

not the  statistics  you would expect for gang members at all! : o (

The findings showed that, of the 108 gang members surveyed :

85.8 per cent  had an antisocial personality disorder  lol : o ()

Two-thirds were alcohol dependent

25.1 per cent screened positive for psychosis

More than half (57.4 per cent) were drug dependent

Around a third (34.2 per cent) had attempted suicide

More than half (58.9 per cent) had an anxiety disorder

The exception was depression, which was significantly less common among gang members and violent men

no wonder they are so dangerous/such bad news ! : o(

a literal looney bin of the criminally insane, mexico is starting to make sense ! : o (

you don't understand and have got no imagination,  so there's not much danger you ever will : o ( )

you don't understand and have got no imagination, so there's not much danger you ever will : o ( )

i have put that up in the index,  it's actually one of your  best   poems/homilies : o ()

eileen's  comment

glad u like my poem Lol funny as it's one of the m ost depressive I've ever written/felt

my  reply

lol, it nibbled at my mind : o (~)

sepher g.  asks          (14/7/13)

Andrew, do you recommend any Zen schools in North America? Are there genuine teachers in NA?

Also, what do you think of Rinzai Zen? They use more koan practice rather than Shikantaza, which damages the knees to inflexible people such as myself.

my  reply

the only teacher I thought understood of what it was about in  sufficient  adequacy was toni packer and it is disturbing to see her present situation, some issues with dementia and needing full time care and not having sufficient financial resources

it's depressing !

I really don't recommend the zen scene now, it's changed from when I stayed in centers and travelled 21 to 17 years ago..........

the new generation of teachers is even more stupid and incompetent and there's too many health issues in these places and the diet absolutely sucks now !

pay attention to income and diet and health and if you really are keen on koans, all my writing is a koan and there's plenty more everywhere in literature and life if you look : o)

you question is actually a koan, just an investigation of reality and you may notice you are going in circles : o)(


sepehr g. your koan is you are going in circles, you have a major issue to work your way out of and there's no instant kensho miracle going to do that, but small productive changes !

sepehr g.  replies

Burn a cross while at the same time planting a garden, that's my motto!



you misunderstand the cross and it nails you anyway, the garden is an illusion : o ()

daffodils are poisonous, not what i expected : o ()(

you can eat the yellow part of the flower,  (it is claimed!)  but the stem and bulbs contain an alkaloid and eating a bulb can put you in hospital : o ( )

michael b. foley/mossy mcsharry  writes 

You're a mystic. Could you do this over and try to communicate your poem and explanation in a more articulate, comprehensive manner?

my  reply

i think that's quite clever, you have picked up that the  video  of the poem and an explanation is only a part of the story, it's many years since i wrote it and had to think back about the double meaning of words and how i just chose one version of the ending  “ dreaming seems ”  when there was also  “ seeming dreams ” , but in those days i was still locked into the  “ there is only one version ”  thinking : o (

from the pupil,  black stream purling,  ink is liquid,  dreaming seems !

from the pupil,  black stream purling,  ink is liquid,  dreaming seems

from the pupil,  black stream purling,  ink is liquid,  seeming dreams

from the pupil,  black stream pearl-ing,  ink is liquid,  dreaming seems

from the pupil,  black stream pearl-ing,  ink is liquid,  seeming dreams

from the pupil,  black stream pearl-ing,  ink is liquid,  dreaming seems

the poem itself is    meta   to meaning, that is,  it  is  itself  about  meaning

michael b. foley/mossy mcsharry  writes 

You're a mystic. Could you do this over and try to communicate your poem and explanation in a more articulate, comprehensive manner?

my  reply

i think that's quite clever, you have picked up that the  video  of the poem and an explanation is only a part of the story, it's many years since i wrote it and had to think back about the double meaning of words and how i just chose one version of the ending  “ dreaming seems ”  when there was also  “ seeming dreams ” , but in those days i was still locked into the  “ there is only one version ”  thinking : o (

from the pupil,  black stream purling,  ink is liquid,  dreaming seems !

from the pupil,  black stream purling,  ink is liquid,  dreaming seems

from the pupil,  black stream purling,  ink is liquid,  seeming dreams

from the pupil,  black stream pearl-ing,  ink is liquid,  dreaming seems

from the pupil,  black stream pearl-ing,  ink is liquid,  seeming dreams

from the pupil,  black stream pearl-ing,  ink is liquid,  dreaming seems

the poem itself is    meta   to meaning, that is,  it  is  itself  about  meaning

so  “ from the pupil ”,  both simultaneously of the eye pupil and student pupil

i wrote the poem after reading some of the translation “moon in a dew drop”,  in the end i feel the poem is a criticism of dogen who ifeel was an archetypal zen master, lacking understanding himself, but good at quoting those who do understand, i feel his teacher  (tiāntóng rújìng)   (the plum blossoms chapter in moon in a dew drop [ fascicle no.57, baika in the shobogenzo])  understood properly and it was only towards the end of his life that dogen gained a fuller understanding : o ()

the poem was an inspired moment that came from nowhere and really was beyond my capabilities or understanding and access to that space that can deliver this is what it all about, creativity is the essence and not the bleary stupidity of mishmashing stock phrases, rote belief and all the other cretinism that passes for zen : o ( )

also the translation is very mixed and frustrating because you can feel a beginning to really being its subject matter, but in the end it just degenerates into bullshit : o(/)

“ one great/bright  pearl ”  so the black stream “ pearl-ing ”  is simultaneous with  “ purling ”

black stream can be stream purling,  a stream of ink, or a stream of water  * 

or black stream as depression

so that's one meaning, the simultaneity of dogen and myself as student pupils and perhaps myself as a student of dogen/tiāntóng rújìng

the three of us and maybe myself individually and eihei dogen and tiāntóng rújìng individually as depressives

the stream of depression being “ purl ”  and “ pearl-ing ” , maybe the notion of the stream as “ pearl ”  and also diving for the “ one great pearl ” ,  retrieving it and being brought to the surface

dreaming may seem

and seeming may dream

i guess why i got  offended  is the poem is pure genius and one of the greatest ever written and i seem to deal with nothing but negativity and stupidity from people who run me down and deny any writing ability or talent and yet , here this poem is  “ one great pearl ”  shining in all its brilliance in a non understanding and unpleasantly obstructionist world that is only interested in inserting its own mediocracy over talent and pure expression of the  “ one great pearl ”

“ ink is liquid ”  can be that the poem is itself a  “ stream ”  purling or pearl-ing?

pearl-ing can be the  “ necreous ”  pearl

so for eleven words it sort of collapses and concatenates expanding and pulsating in/on and out of itself a pulsing fully fledged universe,  sparkling  shining  scintillating

a sparkling shining scintillating surface of a purling/“pearl-ing”  clear , dark black stream of depression , ink limpid angry calm turbulent water eye fluid the black clear and perfectly transparent clarity of infinity and being suspended in infinity _  _ _ _

i loathe the endless dull moronic twits so sure of their own certainty in clichés and stupidity [ stupidity and clichés ] who do nothing but press down and deny and then if they feel it's actually worth something, they feel honor bound to their own ratty/rat nesting grasping and stupidity to do me the honor/depreciation of plagiarizing _ _ _

i must be insane to put up with it, or even as i suspect  seek it out

it's a crazy justin beiber world

urinating in a  bucket  calling it a pearling stream ⎽  ⎽ ⎽  ⎽

all the while heaping abuse on the real beauty of the natural bush bound stream _ _ _

jesus brad warner your disgracefully badly behaved and childishly deflecting comment on what your own  “ pearl-ing ”  glimpse must have been  ⎽ ⎽ ⎽  an unpleasant insight into your character _ _ _

from the pupil

black stream pearl-ing

ink is liquid

dreaming seems

from the pupil

black stream pearl-ing

ink is liquid

seeming dreams

from the pupil

black stream purling

ink is liquid

dreaming seems

from the pupil

black stream pearl-ing

ink is liquid

seeming dreams

it is the precision of that image /those images and i can't really say much more than that

begin *

water stream running between banks somewhere beautiful/beautifully unknown,  undisturbed and perfect lost and never to be seen  in and out and not of and of this world in some small portion as it is seen  ⎽ ⎽ ⎽  : o ( )

end *

in some small portion as it is seen in beauty ⎽ . ⎽

one great pearl seeming dreams

seemingly dreamt

dreamt of seems .  .  .  .  : o )

seeming dreams

dreaming seems _ _ _ _

sheesh !  ⎽ . ⎽⎽  !

  sheesh  !     ⎽ ⎽ ⎽⎽  ! 

brad warner  replies  to my request for evidence of the historical reality of buddha, muhammad and jesus as per his claim !

Stephen Batchelor's Confessions of a Buddhist Atheist is a good place to start if you're interested in the history. It's fairly painless. Hajime Nakamura's two volume Gotama Buddha is much more thorough, but much less user-friendly.

my  reply

batchelor's book is a travelogue and nakamura is an apologist ! recent archeological research says the earliest Buddhism was actually a form of merchant  banking  in which Buddha gives sensible advice like not lending without surety :o)

how could any such person  (the legendary buddha!)  exist in reality and even if he did, how long before he was killed?

act closed and you will remain closed : o(

my god, i must have  pricked  brad warners skin/rhinocerous hide, after several years he has replied to me : o ) (

brad, it's painfully obvious you have never had the basic enlightenment experience !  a glimpse scattered you the wrong way ! : o(

I am an old zen master, just flip the way you think like  “ he's not an old zen master ”  becomes  “ he's an old zen master ”,  maybe there's something to what he says and you start to progress !

you will see you have something to defend like  “ I  (brad)  am the real zen master around here ”

writing on your sengawa enlightenment experience you said that you lost your belief in the sequentiality and non-simultaneity of time so from that point of view you can see I could be an old zen master !

keep an open mind and you will move along that openess : o)

poor  amma , those marathon hugging sessions , she is something out of francis bacon's  screaming  pope, she must hate it ! : o (

you would think those spaced out devotees would see that and desist in their demands and just send the money
















mueller_rangessottripodsotcom andrew pending_poems92sotlmth#mcshxt

my  reply  is too long for you tube and egotistically i wish for the full worth of my writing/s to be displayed so for those interested the addy of the reply is coded so as not to be removed by you tube, replace sot with . and spaces with / and write lmth backwards to get html

which gives

very  significant , the next generation of solid state disks ? : o )

rashida  rogers

dumb    enough